But why add it? Why change everything last century?
This passage also makes it clear that the addition is not mandatory - “left to the freedom of individuals and communities”.I believe, however, that to bring out fully the Christological depth of the Rosary it would be suitable to make an addition to the traditional pattern which, while left to the freedom of individuals and communities, could broaden it to include the mysteries of Christ’s public ministry between his Baptism and his Passion.
That’s not your decision to make. YOU may not call it the rosary, but you can’t tell the Church what to call it.Yes, but the rosary is a very precise prayer. Adding even 10 additional mysteries can be an excellent prayer, but it is no longer the rosary, we must give it another name, but do not call it rosary anymore
I either meditate over Jesus’ entire ministry or some parables.although the 3rd luminous mystery has always been difficult for me to understand
Again, illogical. There is a whole - lengthy - section of the Creed discoursing on the Father. Surely by your logic we then need a mystery - or a set of mysteries - about Him as well.nor is there any flagellation in the creed. The mystery of Christ in the creed has three parts:
His incarnation (these are the joyful mysteries)
His passion (these are the painful mysteries)
His ascension, the reign of the Holy Spirit and the life of the world to come (these are the glorious mysteries)
Apples and oranges. The mysteries of the Rosary - or the Hail Mary itself for that matter - are not literal words of our Lord quoted verbatim in scripture, unlike the Our Father!in fact I see this as a problem of logic and not as a religious problem. If one day we add a lot of other words on “our father” I will say that it is no longer our father as taught by Jesus. It is a problem of logic
Did she instruct him to use the longer form of the Hail Mary that we have now?See it’s just things I see the church does with no explanation. What is the purpose of the Luminous Mysteries? Did Mary instruct anyone to use these?
This isn’t how I was taught by ICKSP priests…Joyful
Monday, Thursday, Saturday Joyful
Tuesday and Friday Sorrowful
Wednesday and Sunday Glorious