Well, if you were about 30 years older, I might give you a chance myself!

You impress me as an articulate young man of deep thought; perhaps this is an acquired taste and the young ladies in your life aren’t “there” yet. Hang in there.
Hehe, I thank you for your kind words.

I suppose that might be it… being articulate is neither common nor particularly considered to be of value these days. It’s evident even from comparing how people speak or write. If you took something a teacher of Polish wrote today and an engineer before WW2, I suppose the latter would be more elegant and even more correct. Sometimes it feels to me that in this modern world thoughts are hastily formed and they never really find an ordered expression. I’ve been accused of excessive dissecting and way too much thinking, so I guess that’s something to put off those who know me. Other than that, I suppose I might be the male equivalent of the girl you’d look at for hours but wouldn’t actually be attracted to. Don’t know… I turn heads by entering a room on my good days and I get a good share of strangers to look and even smile, but I’d be the last one to be considered “sexy”, at least normally, which is not contrary to my desires, anyway.

So I guess I just don’t provide the challenge or the thrill or whatever.
In most cases, the girls recover from some past issues, learn something new, gain some confidence and some new vision of how they would like to be treated by a man, but in the end, they move on and decide I’m not the one for them. Makes me wonder sometimes, but it’s headache-inducing.
I didn’t know this gal back then, but from what she has told me, her younger years were pretty rough. She has self-esteem issues and considered herself “damaged goods” because of a past abortion and another unwed pregnancy (back in our day, that was a BIG deal). Hubby-dearest was a classic case of an abuser who preyed upon her insecurities and low self-esteem, and I won’t waste bandwidth telling the rest of the story; we’ve all heard the same story with different names far too many times.
Yeah… The damaged goods blackmail is so difficult to escape from. People can do that without realising. It’s not so easy to let go as it is merely to give up revenge for something. It might even have started with his subconsciously wanting something in exchange for his forgiveness.
I tend to think people who are caught consciously using the other person’s insecurities should be dumped on the spot. This may go against our Christian belief in forgiveness, so don’t take me too literally, please. On the other hand, I just can’t abide all those jealousy plays, humiliations and the like which are even often considered socially acceptable.
Bingo, you’ve got it. That’s what really ticked me off. Yet I know another woman who was involved with an abuser who did the opposite, wanting her to dress very conservatively so that other men would NOT look at her. If burkas were sold at Wal-Mart, he’d have bought her an entire wardrobe. Go figure.
I wouldn’t like to play victim blame but is it absolutely sure that the women did nothing to warrant such extremes even partially? I’ve noticed some such patterns in myself which I’ve had to shake off on occasion and I think the “show-off” reflex is probably a natural male one going too far (the man’s own insecurities about his desirability and his ability to find a pretty girl, I suppose), whereas the burkha reflex is probably tied to some dislike of how the girl acts or dresses. I don’t think normal men freak out without any reason about such things, but then, abusers are not normal men. Even if the girl likes to flirt just a little or to “strut the stuff” just a little and the man feels neglected just a little by her, it may still add up to a very big problem.
The last time I talked with her, she had decided that she wasn’t ready for dating again. It has only been a couple of years since she divorced the abuser for the second time (yes, she dumped him once and then took him back after he had “counseling” and swore he had changed; yeah, right). So she is just hanging out and focusing her attention on her kids for now.
I think she did right. The kids need the attention and she doesn’t seem to be ready for anything. In fact, she might be better off without a man at all unless she were to find a really exceptional one.