What Responsibility Does a Spouse Have to Look Attractive For the Other?

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women shouldn’t expect men to do inhuman amounts of working out in order to become as wide as they are tall. 😉
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

you make me laugh with your comments dude…

how r u single uptil now with ur sense of humor!!! there has to be something that u r not letting us know… 😉 (just kidding)
No. It doesn’t mean we’re to turn into dress-up dolls for the moulding.
That’s right. A former coworker of mine had that very problem with her now-ex-husband. She was an attractive gal with a nice figure (nicer yet after DH talked her into getting a boob-job which she didn’t really want), and hubby pressured her to wear immodest clothes so everyone could see what a “hot” wife he had. He was very controlling and manipulative, so she paraded around like his living Barbie-doll in miniskirts, low-cut tops, and tight outfits even though as a conservative Protestant herself, this made her uncomfortable. That, IMHO, is a form of abuse. This jerk also abused her in other ways psychologically and eventually physically. It wasn’t until he beat her and barricaded her in the bathroom that she finally had enough and left. :mad:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

you make me laugh with your comments dude…

how r u single uptil now with ur sense of humor!!! there has to be something that u r not letting us know… 😉 (just kidding)
Hehe, thanks. Well, I seem to be suffering from the Eternal Friend Syndrome. They will like my company, grow close (very, sometimes), be enchated, impressed, whatever, but not want a relationship. Perhaps I don’t provide challenge or thrill, which is about right because I don’t want to. 😉 I am more than prepared to manipulate people (I’m a law student, I’ve devoured tons of psychological literature, especially on communication or personality types, I’ve attended mediation/negotiation courses), but I don’t want to and I hate to put people in any position of uncertainty - even the “will he phone or not?” kind of thing. But that’s fine. I wouldn’t make a bad priest if I were called and I don’t think I’d be a grumpy bachelor. 😉
That’s right. A former coworker of mine had that very problem with her now-ex-husband. She was an attractive gal with a nice figure (nicer yet after DH talked her into getting a boob-job which she didn’t really want), and hubby pressured her to wear immodest clothes so everyone could see what a “hot” wife he had. He was very controlling and manipulative, so she paraded around like his living Barbie-doll in miniskirts, low-cut tops, and tight outfits even though as a conservative Protestant herself, this made her uncomfortable. That, IMHO, is a form of abuse. This jerk also abused her in other ways psychologically and eventually physically. It wasn’t until he beat her and barricaded her in the bathroom that she finally had enough and left. :mad:
Oh dear, what did she see in him? I don’t want to be cruel, but it does look like she ignored a couple of alarm signs. Many good girls fall for the wrong guy because of a certain allure. Don’t get me wrong, good guys have a certain charm (which occasionally “converts” a bad girl even), but bad guys have the kind of allure that’s really hard to defeat. Maybe the organism thinks they’re strong genetic material, don’t know.

Nothing wrong with miniskirts or feminine tops, but didn’t he want her to be sexy rather than attractive to him and well… didn’t he want her to be attractive in general rather than to him only, so that other guys would envy him or so that his position in the imaginary pack would improve because of his having landed a “better” female? I certainly like to look at a nice leg when I have a girlfriend or even when I’m talking to a friend, but the idea of having a girl wear short skirts to make other guys uneasy or jealous… that feels sick to me, even if I’m not completely devoid of the showing off reflex (I liked it when family or friends said the ex was pretty and my ego was not unaffected by the fact she would tell other guys to get lost when they hit on her even though I was around). It’s just wrong and objectifying. I’m not a saint myself, as I’ve just pointed out, but that stuff crosses the line with me. Has she found a normal guy in the end?

And yes, that’s a form of abuse. One doesn’t marry to turn the wife into a private courtesan. Besides, dresses and normal length skirts or normal cut blouses are prettier than the skimpier stuff as a rule. It’s hard to beat a young and fit girl in a tennis outfit, sure, but the whorish stuff is just repellant. It’s so awful even a pretty girl looks bad in it. Some of them girls have no idea how ugly their make-up and clothes make them when they are trying to be attractive. I may have a weakness for tennis outfits, but buttock-showing shorts, thong lines, saggy belly lines or cleavages… eeek! They put other challenges before me than lust (have to respect the person, shouldn’t disdain etc).
Let us begin with the concept that we are become temples of the Holy Spirit. As a Christian I should present myself at all times in the best form manageable for my spouse who is a temple of God. There is also the consideration that I should cloth myself in such fashion that acknowledges my awareness of the Spirit within me. This shows honor and respect for God. It is simple and basic.
Also consider what it means if I allow my body to take on the appearance of a garbage dump. What does that say about my attitude toward housing the Spirit in an appropriate temple?
Next consider the theology of Matrimony which asserts that the spouse becomes alter Christo to the other. If my spouse is seen as the very presence of God to me, then, again I owe respect and honor that should be manifest in physical appearance.
The principal danger that I see is that of allowing concern for appearance to become simply vanity. This may lead to hair dying, elaborate hair styles, make-up, stylish clothing, cosmetic surgery, etc. at great and unnecessary expense. (That last line is half fun and full earnest.)
I hope this is in some way helpful.

Thanks again to all that posted. Your resonses have added to my understanding of some things I have been contemplating.

Drafdog, I agree that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and this should have the primary influence on how we physically prepare and present ourselves to anyone, spouses included.

I’ve wondered in the past if anyone had any right to change their appearance from what is our ‘natural’ ‘God-given’ appearance. At one extreme, we’ve been given hair and fingernails that want to grow, (are we right in investing in scissors and fingernails to combat their natural growth?), and we were given our own body odor by God; what expectation is there that we should get rid of it? Perhaps on the other extreme is plastic surgery to change natural appearance, at possibly great expense.

Does your eschewing of hair coloring, makeup and stylish clothes only consider the expense? Is that the moral test? If such things could be had at reasonable expense and time investment, are they then OK? What about plastic surgery? Contemporarily, we consider plastic surgery to ‘correct’ cleft lips, crooked noses, etc. as OK, perhaps even good, even if the only benefit is to appear more attactive (or less repusive?) to others. What about plastic surgery to remove fat that stays on particular parts of the body when the rest of the body is of healthy weight? What about breast augmentation for those that God has not so well endowed. I have my own opinions, but am interested in yours. (And your’s too chevalier!)

Next consider the theology of Matrimony which asserts that the spouse becomes alter Christo to the other.
Is that term really used? I associate alter Christus with the priest saying, “this is My body,” or in Confession maybe.
I’ve wondered in the past if anyone had any right to change their appearance from what is our ‘natural’ ‘God-given’ appearance. At one extreme, we’ve been given hair and fingernails that want to grow, (are we right in investing in scissors and fingernails to combat their natural growth?), and we were given our own body odor by God; what expectation is there that we should get rid of it? Perhaps on the other extreme is plastic surgery to change natural appearance, at possibly great expense.
“Naturality” and natural apperance are two different things. 😉 It’s one thing if we mask unpleasant smells or trim fingernails (we can’t be completely passive or else we’d be expected not to wash or something like that ;)), another if we go to the surgeon. I’m not going to throw rocks at cosmetic surgeries (after-accident restoration excepted of course), but there’s probably always a better way to deal with one’s self-image or to spend the money. Note also the big risks - that’s something I believe we aren’t entitled to take for the sake of looks alone.
Does your eschewing of hair coloring, makeup and stylish clothes only consider the expense? Is that the moral test? If such things could be had at reasonable expense and time investment, are they then OK?
I would say yes, but there’s the general problem of modesty and humility anyway. The sin of pride can be committed because of cheaper clothes in one person than those that inspire humility in another. 😉
What about plastic surgery? Contemporarily, we consider plastic surgery to ‘correct’ cleft lips, crooked noses, etc. as OK, perhaps even good, even if the only benefit is to appear more attactive (or less repusive?) to others.
Less repulsive rings more legitimate than more attractive, but one needs to consider the risks anyway, as well as the expense.
What about plastic surgery to remove fat that stays on particular parts of the body when the rest of the body is of healthy weight?
Don’t know. If there’s a big risk, unforeseen complications or unreasonable expense involved, it’s probably wrong. I would think about the attitude more than the act itself. Obsession with appearance, rejection of self, that kind of thing.
What about breast augmentation for those that God has not so well endowed.
Personally, I like moderate sizes and even smaller ones better, so we could argue about well-endowed. It’s ultimately a matter of either how she sees herself or how she wants to be seen by others, as there is no objective law that bigger is better. 😉

Besides, complications can be so severe… and the burden for the spine to carry.
I have my own opinions, but am interested in yours. (And your’s too chevalier!)
Well, this is my take on the subject (from a mans viewpoint)…

I really don’t care what I look (or smell) like when I’m banging around the house, cutting the grass, or fixing “whatever”… or when I’m out with my Scouts, I might not shave for the weekend, and do the minimum hygene needed to stay healthy (field latrines & lack of running/hot water).

BUT, when I get done with my jobs, or home from a trip I hit the showers. Even if we’re going down to the corner pub for a pizza & pitcher, I clean up & look presentable.

What I expect from my wife:
Pretty much the same. Just don’t come to bed stinky, and don’t look like a slob in public (makeup not needed, just a minor effort to look presentable).

Big Night’s Out…
I do my best to look my best, but I still pale in comparison to my wife when she’s done up to the nines. She can “do” jeans & a T-shirt with the best of 'em, but give her an excuse to “put it on”…

We made a (jokingly) pact when we were engaged. We agreed that (with the exception of pregnancy) if she ever weighed more than I do, I could look elsewhere without recourse… I go 210 - 218 lbs. no matter what I do - pregnant she topped at 145… I’m stuck with her:p

We just both try & make an effort to stay healthy, look good, & be happy.

I don’t want a trophy wife, barbie doll, etc… I don’t make enough $$$ to support one!.. I’ll take my farm girl that “shines up purdy d*mn nice” any day of the week.
Just you watch, I am going to rope in tons of converts just using my pretty face!!! hahahaha
That’s fine, as long as those future Catholics understand that God made all of us in His image – the homely ones, as well as the pretty ones. 🙂

Crazy Internet Junkies Society (Mudgie/Junkie Hybrid)
Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
Hehe, thanks. Well, I seem to be suffering from the Eternal Friend Syndrome. They will like my company, grow close (very, sometimes), be enchated, impressed, whatever, but not want a relationship.
Well, if you were about 30 years older, I might give you a chance myself! 😉 You impress me as an articulate young man of deep thought; perhaps this is an acquired taste and the young ladies in your life aren’t “there” yet. Hang in there.
Oh dear, what did she see in him? I don’t want to be cruel, but it does look like she ignored a couple of alarm signs.
I didn’t know this gal back then, but from what she has told me, her younger years were pretty rough. She has self-esteem issues and considered herself “damaged goods” because of a past abortion and another unwed pregnancy (back in our day, that was a BIG deal). Hubby-dearest was a classic case of an abuser who preyed upon her insecurities and low self-esteem, and I won’t waste bandwidth telling the rest of the story; we’ve all heard the same story with different names far too many times.
didn’t he want her to be attractive in general rather than to him only, so that other guys would envy him or so that his position in the imaginary pack would improve because of his having landed a “better” female?
Bingo, you’ve got it. That’s what really ticked me off. Yet I know another woman who was involved with an abuser who did the opposite, wanting her to dress very conservatively so that other men would NOT look at her. If burkas were sold at Wal-Mart, he’d have bought her an entire wardrobe. Go figure.
Has she found a normal guy in the end?
The last time I talked with her, she had decided that she wasn’t ready for dating again. It has only been a couple of years since she divorced the abuser for the second time (yes, she dumped him once and then took him back after he had “counseling” and swore he had changed; yeah, right). So she is just hanging out and focusing her attention on her kids for now.
I may have a weakness for tennis outfits, but buttock-showing shorts, thong lines, saggy belly lines or cleavages… eeek! They put other challenges before me than lust (have to respect the person, shouldn’t disdain etc).
I wish the girls who dress this way would read this and take it to heart! I almost dread the coming of summer, knowing that I will have to look at the nearly-naked masses baring themselves because “it’s too hot” to cover up. One time I told the priest in confession that I was having uncharitable thoughts toward the disgustingly-(un)dressed I saw in the grocery store during a heat wave, and I could swear I heard the priest stifle a laugh – betcha he was thinking the same thoughts!
I wish the girls who dress this way would read this and take it to heart! I almost dread the coming of summer, knowing that I will have to look at the nearly-naked masses baring themselves because “it’s too hot” to cover up. One time I told the priest in confession that I was having uncharitable thoughts toward the disgustingly-(un)dressed I saw in the grocery store during a heat wave, and I could swear I heard the priest stifle a laugh – betcha he was thinking the same thoughts!
I understand what you mean. My husband will purposely sit in the front of the cathedral or the chapel connected to it because we have a lot of very attractive young people that attend mass there. He says that some of them dress really inappropriately and he is trying really hard to concentrate on the mass. I personally don’t care how the women dress outside of church, but I feel it is inappropriate to be hanging all out when you are at mass. What gets me is when parents will let their daughters wear skirts that barely cover their bottom or tops that show too much cleavage when they attend mass.
A thought too I would like to share…someone told me of a quote that said “The best thing Catholic women can do is to put on some lipstick.”

Of course my initial reaction was laughter but there was some reasoning and sense behind this quote which was meant to get our attention…please hear me out…

This has more to do with society in general then with our spouses but here goes. In the real world (like it or not) we are competing. We are competing for souls. We are competing in a world of super models and porn and free sex and contraception. Prayer is our greatest weapon but we also should be using our “looks” within modesty guidelines and reason.

How on earth are we going to encourage our young boys to grow up and be good, loving Catholic husbands and fathers when they see many Catholic mothers/housewives looking the way they do? (I am one of the guilty ones) How on earth is a young impressionable high school girl going to feel when she meets me? Is she going to look at me and think “Wow, she really has it together…yes, I could live that life!” or is she thinking “What a disaster…remind me never to get married and have kids!”

Remember people are WATCHING us, they really, really are. I am not saying to dress like a hollywood star or spend all your money on clothes…but realistically most women and men I know could do better, and not just for your spouse either.

I try my best to remember this. I am really trying to go out and look nice, to have a smile on my face and not look like a frazzled-hag-housewife-yelling-mother. I want people to look at me, be impressed and then notice my Crucifix or my Catholic-Radio-Bumper sticker. Just you watch, I am going to rope in tons of converts just using my pretty face!!! hahahaha

Hope this makes sense.
I’m with you on this one. I try to dress nicely all the time, not just for my husband but for my witness. I am pregnant with our 7th child and I have worked really hard over the years to maintain a size 8, the nicest wardrobe (only on clearance, mind you), make-up and handbags. I think we do much good for the Catholic Church (by the grace of God, of course) when people come to our table in a restaurant, or approach us any-old-place and comment on the beautiful family. I do not think they are looking at objective physical attributes. They are seeing kids that are dressed appropriately for Mass, or restaurant or whatever, mom who doesn’t look like life is on her last nerve, and hubby and I co-operating to manage the kids. They then see us load into our 12 passenger vehicle with pro-life bumper stickers all over.
I want people to want the life the Jesus Christ wants for them, but there have to be examples of how wonderful and fulfilling it is.
Well, if you were about 30 years older, I might give you a chance myself! 😉 You impress me as an articulate young man of deep thought; perhaps this is an acquired taste and the young ladies in your life aren’t “there” yet. Hang in there.
Hehe, I thank you for your kind words. 😉 I suppose that might be it… being articulate is neither common nor particularly considered to be of value these days. It’s evident even from comparing how people speak or write. If you took something a teacher of Polish wrote today and an engineer before WW2, I suppose the latter would be more elegant and even more correct. Sometimes it feels to me that in this modern world thoughts are hastily formed and they never really find an ordered expression. I’ve been accused of excessive dissecting and way too much thinking, so I guess that’s something to put off those who know me. Other than that, I suppose I might be the male equivalent of the girl you’d look at for hours but wouldn’t actually be attracted to. Don’t know… I turn heads by entering a room on my good days and I get a good share of strangers to look and even smile, but I’d be the last one to be considered “sexy”, at least normally, which is not contrary to my desires, anyway. 😉 So I guess I just don’t provide the challenge or the thrill or whatever.

In most cases, the girls recover from some past issues, learn something new, gain some confidence and some new vision of how they would like to be treated by a man, but in the end, they move on and decide I’m not the one for them. Makes me wonder sometimes, but it’s headache-inducing. 😉
I didn’t know this gal back then, but from what she has told me, her younger years were pretty rough. She has self-esteem issues and considered herself “damaged goods” because of a past abortion and another unwed pregnancy (back in our day, that was a BIG deal). Hubby-dearest was a classic case of an abuser who preyed upon her insecurities and low self-esteem, and I won’t waste bandwidth telling the rest of the story; we’ve all heard the same story with different names far too many times.
Yeah… The damaged goods blackmail is so difficult to escape from. People can do that without realising. It’s not so easy to let go as it is merely to give up revenge for something. It might even have started with his subconsciously wanting something in exchange for his forgiveness.

I tend to think people who are caught consciously using the other person’s insecurities should be dumped on the spot. This may go against our Christian belief in forgiveness, so don’t take me too literally, please. On the other hand, I just can’t abide all those jealousy plays, humiliations and the like which are even often considered socially acceptable.
Bingo, you’ve got it. That’s what really ticked me off. Yet I know another woman who was involved with an abuser who did the opposite, wanting her to dress very conservatively so that other men would NOT look at her. If burkas were sold at Wal-Mart, he’d have bought her an entire wardrobe. Go figure.
I wouldn’t like to play victim blame but is it absolutely sure that the women did nothing to warrant such extremes even partially? I’ve noticed some such patterns in myself which I’ve had to shake off on occasion and I think the “show-off” reflex is probably a natural male one going too far (the man’s own insecurities about his desirability and his ability to find a pretty girl, I suppose), whereas the burkha reflex is probably tied to some dislike of how the girl acts or dresses. I don’t think normal men freak out without any reason about such things, but then, abusers are not normal men. Even if the girl likes to flirt just a little or to “strut the stuff” just a little and the man feels neglected just a little by her, it may still add up to a very big problem.
The last time I talked with her, she had decided that she wasn’t ready for dating again. It has only been a couple of years since she divorced the abuser for the second time (yes, she dumped him once and then took him back after he had “counseling” and swore he had changed; yeah, right). So she is just hanging out and focusing her attention on her kids for now.
I think she did right. The kids need the attention and she doesn’t seem to be ready for anything. In fact, she might be better off without a man at all unless she were to find a really exceptional one.
I wish the girls who dress this way would read this and take it to heart! I almost dread the coming of summer, knowing that I will have to look at the nearly-naked masses baring themselves because “it’s too hot” to cover up. One time I told the priest in confession that I was having uncharitable thoughts toward the disgustingly-(un)dressed I saw in the grocery store during a heat wave, and I could swear I heard the priest stifle a laugh – betcha he was thinking the same thoughts!
And his problem is bigger because he has to find another priest! 😃

Sometimes I think the ill-clothed young women sap way too much energy out of us. Really, they all don’t probably have a clue. It looks like theirs is the first and foremost problem. They have some disordered things going on in their sexuality. I really doubt they want to be objectified. Guess they just want some appreciation and they don’t know how to get around to it.

The reality is that a young woman can be a strumpet and she can be a lady. We don’t have hereditary nobility anymore, we don’t have as sharp income divisions as in the 19th century, people don’t seem to care that much either. It’s often as much as the mere self-image, the manner, the act. If it doesn’t take a pedigree lottery or a million dollar background lottery winning ticket, why not be a lady then?

Could it be silly cartoons replacing fairy tales? 😃
I understand what you mean. My husband will purposely sit in the front of the cathedral or the chapel connected to it because we have a lot of very attractive young people that attend mass there. He says that some of them dress really inappropriately and he is trying really hard to concentrate on the mass. I personally don’t care how the women dress outside of church, but I feel it is inappropriate to be hanging all out when you are at mass. What gets me is when parents will let their daughters wear skirts that barely cover their bottom or tops that show too much cleavage when they attend mass.
Yeah, I wonder. It’s not like those girls buy their clothes alone (well, the younger teens) or at least earn the money on their own. Parents have some control.

If I were to fish at mass (and yes, I’m guilty of looking around, seeing if there are some girls my age… I’m not proud of it, but sometimes, some days are quite depressing), I would definitely not go for a girl who although comes to church, dresses up like for a disco party. If she were more conservatively dressed I might even smile or actually say a hello after two or more times. But a disco outfit? No. And definitely not a sexy one, or even what I call frowsy (saggy or otherwise of doubtful decency without a sexual intent). Here’s the catch: it can’t be “sexy” but it can’t be frowsy, either.
Ha ha ha. Did you have anyone specific in mind???😃

As far as the question of the OP, reasonable efforts should be made, and reciprocated by both spouses. Things like how one wears one’s hair, when to shave, how much make up, etc, the most important person to please is one’s dearly beloved husband or wife. Simple requests should be honored.

It gets more difficult, for example, when one spouse has trouble losing weight. That is tricky grounds to tread on.
if one spouse criticizes the other spouse for the way they look, and then complains about money the spouse spends on hair, make-up, manicures, clothes etc. in order to look good, I think spouse #1 should look in the mirror and worry about his own beer belly, smelly clothes and sloppy habits and get off her case.
I think shared friends could be asked to slip a suggestion. 😉
i honestly dont think shared friends should be brought into this at all becos then you are just airing your dirty laundry for the whole world to see…

all u need to do and make sure is that your spouse is at a healthy weight…
If I were to fish at mass (and yes, I’m guilty of looking around, seeing if there are some girls my age… I’m not proud of it, but sometimes, some days are quite depressing), I would definitely not go for a girl who although comes to church, dresses up like for a disco party. If she were more conservatively dressed I might even smile or actually say a hello after two or more times. But a disco outfit? No. And definitely not a sexy one, or even what I call frowsy (saggy or otherwise of doubtful decency without a sexual intent). Here’s the catch: it can’t be “sexy” but it can’t be frowsy, either.
I personally don’t think there is anything wrong to “fish” after mass - obviously not during. My husband and I met during mass at our college campus. We were also involved with the campus ministry and got to know each other better that way. But if you’re not in college anymore or aren’t involved in campus ministry, it’s very difficult to find a nice Catholic gentleman or gentlewoman outside of Church. Once you’re out in the workforce it makes it harder. Some of my friends are having that problem right now. That is one nice thing about have “coffee and donuts” after mass, especially for young and single people of all ages.

Getting back to the subject and to dressing appropriately. I usually dress modestly, feminine and what my husband calls, “classy”. But even when I think I dress modestly, I’ll ask him on Sunday mornings to look at my outfit. I cantor, so I’m in front of everyone during mass and feel I have a responsibility to set an example on appropriate attire especially as a young Catholic woman. (I personally prefer singing from the choir loft, so that no one can see me, but I guess you can’t cantor if you do that. 🙂 ) I’m slender and curvy at the same time, so I always refer to my husband to make sure that what I’m wearing won’t be too distracting to people in the congregation. I will change my top, for instance, if he gives me too positive of a reaction, if you know what I mean. He knows that it is not my fault, because he says that any other person would look fine in that top and it wouldn’t make him turn his head at all, but it’s the way I’m endowed. Believe me, I sometimes wish I didn’t have these curves and could be straight up and down, which I used to be before I turned 24. I can’t help the way God made me, but I can dress to downplay as much as I can to look modest. The cantors used to wear robes, but it was decided that only the deacons and the altar servers could wear them, so that was out for me.

BTW - What is “frowsy”? I never heard of the term.
i honestly dont think shared friends should be brought into this at all becos then you are just airing your dirty laundry for the whole world to see…

all u need to do and make sure is that your spouse is at a healthy weight…
Obviously not one acquaintance or another. I meant a good friend, in-law, something like that. This may be a poor analogy, but when I need to turn a girl’s attention to wardrobe malfunctionl, I discreetly ask another female friend to do that rather than doing it myself. Guess one could do that with weight issues or a sudden lack of care about style.
But if you’re not in college anymore or aren’t involved in campus ministry, it’s very difficult to find a nice Catholic gentleman or gentlewoman outside of Church.
Not only outside. In fact, in some parishes, it’s like senior citizens at a weekday mass plus a young couple or two and a rare student who doesn’t have classes or anything at the time, but a whole crowded church at a Sunday mass, so you have stampede mechanics at play. 😃

BTW, oh my, someone still says “gentlewoman” these days. Other than yours truly, that is. 😃
Getting back to the subject and to dressing appropriately. I usually dress modestly, feminine and what my husband calls, “classy”.
The best style. 👍
BTW - What is “frowsy”? I never heard of the term.
A reactionary word I use to refer to slovenly clothing when I’m being particularly sanctimonious. It rhymes with “lousy”, which is an additional bonus. 😃 (You may want to spell it “frowzy” since you live in the States and it’s subject to the “ise/ize” rule.) Click
Well, isn’t the question kind of like saying what responsibility
does a spouse have for giving flowers, or going out to a
restaurant? Isn’t it like saying what is the responsibility for
writing nice notes? What is the responsibility for smiling?
What is the responsibility for compliments?

I think the responsibility goes as far as your desire to please
your spouse, and do what they may like. I would really feel
bad if I thought my spouse was trying to do things to be
attractive to me out of love, and then found out they only did
it because it was their responsibility.
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