.What the Bible Really Says on Homosexuality in 5 Quotes. A short article

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If one reads the Bible it is very hard not to accept the fact that these acts are indeed immoral, that is the proverbial white elephant in the room. No one wants to see or even acknowledge it and tries to find the most convoluted theories to explain that what it is written is not really what they meant.
The condemnation is both in the Old as well as the New Testaments.
Which also proves that sin is as old as mankind. But we did know that…Right?

His law is written on our hearts. There is imbalance, unease if one opposes that law and persists in doing so.

In the OT, marriage was not primarily for each other; it was not for physical attraction or sexual union - except to raise up offspring to honor God (Book of Tobit).
I recently wrote out a sentence that incorporates all these passages and added Lot in Sodom: “do not do this wicked thing.” It’s in a notebook and there is no need to post it all here. Instead I’ll post the following from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

From 2357 “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
I think Corinthians covers about 90% of the population with numerous sins. Why pick out homosexuality?
Why exclude it?
Who said you should exclude it? I think the point being made is that so much else has been excluded. Maybe the OP can list all the sins that Corinthians mentions and make sure homosexuality is included. So the thread title will then read:

What the bible really says on fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, boy prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers and robbers.

Why just pick one of those?
Probably because society including some Christians (and Catholics even) approve of homosexual actions…fornication is also a big problem, and yeah there is a ton of societal greed that politicians bank on to get them votes, but I believe for the most part child prostitution, adultery, being an alcoholic, lying, and robbing is looked down upon…especially in Christian circles.
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Also if someone isolated one of the sins mentioned nobody would care that it’s being signalled out. But since homosexuals are celebrated and protected against criticism in the larger culture people will complain they are being signalled out. It’s the opposite. Their sins are just as depraved as the others mentioned. They don’t get a pass.
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Their sins are just as depraved as the others mentioned. They don’t get a pass.
It’s interesting though because the science behind addiction has grown tremendously, the psychology of it is so complicated that nowadays alcoholism is not so much looked down upon as pitied. As it should be given the science behind it.
Probably because society including some Christians (and Catholics even) approve of homosexual actions…
And society including some Christians (and Catholics even) have no problem with contraception or sex outside marriage which involve very many more people. How many threads do we see about them? I guess there must have been one or two but I actually can’t recall a single one.

And if you notice, most bible passages regarding homosexuality concern male homosexuality. As do most posts. Why do you think that might be?
And if you notice, most bible passages regarding homosexuality concern male homosexuality. As do most posts. Why do you think that might be?
That’s also interesting.
Say something like ‘I saw two homosexuals having sex in this film’ and people will invariably assume it was two men. It’s almost as if there’s a puzzlement about two women having sex. But…how can they…?

Let’s be honest. Imagine two kids talking:
‘What’s a boy use that for?’
‘Going to the toilet’.
‘And what’s a girl use hers for?’
‘Going to the toilet’.
You’ll never guess what grown ups do with them!’

I sense the same feeling of disgust in some posts when the subject of homosexuality comes up.
I guess if one is married and using BC they know they are wrong but it is a private issue(not apparent). If they are going to communion unrepentant then that is problem for them, however no one can see the sin of contraception(it’s not scandalous). I have told a Southern Baptist coworker of mine the reasons I don’t agree with the IUD since she was very open about wanting to get that after she was married. And I think heterosexual relations outside of marriage are wrong too, but with the Sexual Revolution this is what we have now. Most people are not even practicing Christian so how do you meet them where they are at and convince them to not have sex outside marriage? I mean we can see the obvious societal deterioration from single motherhood but other than that many secular people just think sex is what they need to do in ANY relationship. That’s a change that’s going to have to happen internally in them-maybe they’ll learn the hard way. Maybe it will turn out ok and they will marry their boyfriend/girlfriend and have a natural marriage(and this could be part of the reason Christians are less likely to bring fornication up…because there is at least a chance for marriage as the end in the relationship). I do think that some Christians still bring up their disagreement with fornication to their children who are participating in it, but in the end it’s their choice. It’s mainly Christians defending homosexual relations and fornication in general that is inexcusable.

Not sure…because it can lead to anal cancer and disease and has no real purpose outside of “getting off”.
Not sure…because it can lead to anal cancer and disease…
Most anal cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and anal sex with multiple partners is certainly a risk factor. But HPV is also a leading cause of cervical cancer in women. So, both anal sex and vaginal sex can result in cancer from HPV. But who is going to make an argument against straight sex by saying, “because it can lead to cervical cancer and disease…”?
I guess if one is married and using BC they know they are wrong but it is a private issue(not apparent). If they are going to communion unrepentant then that is problem for them, however no one can see the sin of contraception(it’s not scandalous).
Homosexual acts are said to be sinful. They are also a private issue.
Not sure…because it can lead to anal cancer and disease and has no real purpose outside of “getting off”.
Again, it seems singularly impossible for posters to consider any homosexual act other than male to male anal sex. And I would think that STDs in the general population are a problem that is massively larger than any problems that male homosexuals might suffer.
It’s spread by having multiple sex partners. And I’m sure the Bible has mentioned God being against that too.
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