Wow thank you all again for your advice, it really helps a lot especially since it has been so stressful around here today.
Well I still don’t know…I’m a week late now, my temp is still up and this is the first time since I had my daughter that it’s been up 2 days in a row. My husband wants us to wait another week before we take a pregnancy test. I think that is just going to make things more stressful around here, but he says the longer you wait the more accurate it will be.
We had a huge fight this morning it and he ended up saying that the real reason he is mad is because he feels like I don’t respect him enough to submit to his way of birth control and that I’m forcing him to do things my way even though I know he doesn’t like it. He told me he didn’t like it because he didn’t feel it was effective enough since we should just be focusing on our baby right now and buying a house, so having a baby is not a good idea right now. He wanted us to use condoms, and basically what I told him was I think it is wrong and I’m not going to go out and buy them. Well he said he thinks I should because he is the husband and I have to submit to him. I kept trying to tell him that I would rather use NFP as it is much more effective than the rm and he kept saying there was no big difference.
Sorry if all that paints him in a bad light, he is really a sweet guy. He did say he would be happy still if I am pregnant, even though it’s not the timing he would have liked, because he considers these sort of things “God’s will”. Kind of confusing at that…
I don’t want to make him upset. If I’m not pregnant, we may end up using condoms. As bad as I feel about that, I don’t like the alternative either. If I try to learn NFP I would have to do it on my own, he won’t help, and if somehow I did get pregnant anyway he would blame me and my method. For once I would like to get pregnant on HIS terms and show him how it feels to be the one at “fault.” I think it is really really wrong that he even talks about it this way, I really do think a part of him is scared of having more kids, and mostly for financial reasons. Our daughter was born because I prayed for a daughter, and he resented that all through the pregnancy, because he truly believes I was wrong to do that without asking him first. Of course now that she’s here he adores her.
Well I still don’t know…I’m a week late now, my temp is still up and this is the first time since I had my daughter that it’s been up 2 days in a row. My husband wants us to wait another week before we take a pregnancy test. I think that is just going to make things more stressful around here, but he says the longer you wait the more accurate it will be.
We had a huge fight this morning it and he ended up saying that the real reason he is mad is because he feels like I don’t respect him enough to submit to his way of birth control and that I’m forcing him to do things my way even though I know he doesn’t like it. He told me he didn’t like it because he didn’t feel it was effective enough since we should just be focusing on our baby right now and buying a house, so having a baby is not a good idea right now. He wanted us to use condoms, and basically what I told him was I think it is wrong and I’m not going to go out and buy them. Well he said he thinks I should because he is the husband and I have to submit to him. I kept trying to tell him that I would rather use NFP as it is much more effective than the rm and he kept saying there was no big difference.
Sorry if all that paints him in a bad light, he is really a sweet guy. He did say he would be happy still if I am pregnant, even though it’s not the timing he would have liked, because he considers these sort of things “God’s will”. Kind of confusing at that…
I don’t want to make him upset. If I’m not pregnant, we may end up using condoms. As bad as I feel about that, I don’t like the alternative either. If I try to learn NFP I would have to do it on my own, he won’t help, and if somehow I did get pregnant anyway he would blame me and my method. For once I would like to get pregnant on HIS terms and show him how it feels to be the one at “fault.” I think it is really really wrong that he even talks about it this way, I really do think a part of him is scared of having more kids, and mostly for financial reasons. Our daughter was born because I prayed for a daughter, and he resented that all through the pregnancy, because he truly believes I was wrong to do that without asking him first. Of course now that she’s here he adores her.