Just a few thoughts about NFP vs. Condoms.
God Bless.
- Someone already mentioned the effectiveness. I believe that properly used NFP is AS effective as ANY form of contraception, and clearly much better than condoms.
- It sounded to me like you are using the Rhythm method because HE didn’t want to use NFP, so if you had been pregnant, I would have thought it was on HIS terms not yours. Remember how much more effective NFP is than rhythm - believe it or not, you won’t be living in constant fear of pregnancy. You’ll get pretty confident. But it does seem strange that he’s not willing to use NFP exclusively, but he is willing to use Rhythm exclusively. I guess effectiveness really isn’t the issue with him.
- I think you mentioned that he didn’t want to spend the money on learning NFP. How much do condoms cost? Once you buy the thermometer and take the course, NFP is completely FREE! In the long run, this way is much cheaper, even if you take a course.
God Bless.