What to Do...

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I really like The Art of Natural Family Planning. It has a lot of info in it, and it has a lot of religion in it. I didn’t take a class but I know that I learn better from reading than attending a class. I personally hate condoms, but I know that most people place a lot more trust in something that they can see.

Although NFP doesn’t work to well if you say you want to avoid but really want children. HEE HEE There is a chance I am right now, but my hubby thinks it is fine.

Good Luck, Everything will work out okay. I would do NFP, and work on making myself happy, and if hubby doesn’t get nothing he will live! Sorry but I think both people should be happy, and it isn’t that hard to put off sex during fertile times, cuddle time is a great replacement, so are backrubs and talking.
Our beautiful daughter isn’t even 6 months old yet, and I think we both worry about having two very little ones at once.
Sister, my first 2 were 10.5 months apart. The second and third are 13 months apart. My wife works, and I’m in USAF pilot training. If we can deal with 3 in 23.5 months, you and your husband can handle 2 in 15. You may not keep your sanity, but most parents lose that eventually anyway! Take it one day at a time and expect to do a lot of this: :banghead:

With regards to NFP, just remind him that the unnatural methods don’t exactly have a stellar track record themselves.

chad i dont think she was using any real nfp…she mentioned she was going to get a book on it real soon
He did say I could buy a book on NFP though, if I wanted, but I haven’t yet because I knew he really thought it was a waste, and I don’t know I just don’t like starting arguments.

But I think I will buy one anyway. Can any of you reccomend any other resources for NFP?
The Couple to Couple League has good resources and a website. I think its www.ccli.org.

Also, read up on ecological breastfeeding. It will help with natural spacing of children. I think it is highly unlikely that you would have children less than 1.5 yrs. apart. because of what naturally happens to your cycles when breastfeeding (ecological breastfeeding).

I have the Home Study Course on Natural Family Planning and I ordered it through the couple to couple league and it is extremely informative and it says that members can send their charts to them for 3 months and they will help with interpretting the info.
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