Hate to write so much, but I must address the logical, theological and factual errors in “opposing” posts here.
Everyone wants a decrease in violence - except radicals who
use the violence and bloodshed to further their political goals. That is so obvious that it is beyond denial. Was under Clinton, was under Obama, is under Biden. Only one side of the political spectrum is so heartless as to desire bloodshed for their personal benefit.
- Remove qualified immunity from firearm manufacturers and they will no longer exist. “Fine”, you say with delight. OK, but they make the US military’s and police weapons and systems. What then? We beg the Taliban to sell our own weapons back to us? We beg the Chinese Communist Party or Vladimir Putin to arm our military and police? AYKM?
Simplistic answers are not answers. They are dangerous fantasy.
- So-called gun laws are contributing to crime. Crime has continuously increased since the horribly misguided and simplistic idea of “gun control” appeared. Yet, cultural and societal responsibility has decreased. A recipe for destruction of both life and freedom.
- Guns are certainly used for evil, as are your car, knives, blunt objects, fertilizer and keyboards. Does anyone ask why suicide and homicide are the choices of so many? NO! It is not because they are easy. They have always been “easy” but no one chose them. Look a little deeper. Give it some thought.
- Is prevention better than cure? Not to the radical, as prevention stands in the way of social makeover. If violent crime drops, laws oppressing the population will not be needed. A civil society blocks the radical reformer.
- Hatred is self-consuming. Hatred of inanimate objects is irrational and may indicate a need for psychological help. Fear indicates a lack of faith. Choose one.
- The designed-in responsible possession and use of arms in America have created and sustained the greatest nation in human history. Radicals are trying to destroy that.
- 100 years ago, kids took their rifles to school, as they hunted on the way home for food. No one was shot. What has changed? Is that not the area we should focus on? Should we not pause even one minute to consider what has changed?
Again, simplistic buzz phrases are not solutions. Good requires hard work. Evil is easy. Passing unjust and harmful laws is easy.
- There were no Todd Beamers in Highland park. No heroes. Why? Unjust gun laws disarmed any heroes. Unjust gun laws made sure that the deranged killer had free reign. “Gun control” helped Robert Crimo to kill.
“Oh, but we don’t need guns! We can call 911!”
Nonsense! The police were already there and neither prevented, stopped nor captured the killer at the scene. Only 8 hours later (after he could have killed scores more) did they locate him. The police failed by timidity, by de-funding, by media character assassination, by fear of punishment for doing their job.
Point: Federal court decisions made it clear decades ago that
the police bear no responsibility for your life or safety. What now?
Disarming those who could have stopped this is the answer? Once again, AYKM?
Simplistic ideas and buzz-phrases kill. They did in Highland Park.
Suggested sources: On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. More Guns Less Crime by Prof. Gary Kleck. The research of John Lott. The Proper Role of Government in a Free Society by Prof. Walter Williams. Section 2265 and following in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
It is so much easier to scream “ban all guns!”
Impossible. Unrealistic. Dangerous. Simplistic.
In return, I am not looking for arrogance, condescension or snippy replies. I much prefer careful thought.