Where are you getting this information? It is not consistent with this:Roe vs Wade ruling is about protecting women, so they won’t be criminalized.
Discussion. The Court finds that an abortion statute that forbids all abortions except in the case of a life saving procedure on behalf of the mother is unconstitutional based upon the right to privacy. However, it does allow for regulation and proscription of abortion when the statute is narrowly tailored to uphold a compelling state interest, such as the health of the mother or the viable fetus. The court declined to address the question of when life begins.
None of these things justify the murder of innocents.You can’t criminalize any clinics by go against Roe v Wade ruling. If ever the SCOTUS change this ruling, then whatever pro-life victory you get is this: all abortion clinics will close down period.
You can only criminalize clinics by go agaist illegal practices.
Meanwhile unwanted pregnancy will continue, so long we still allow permissive culture and porn campaigning agressively promoting adultery to the public.
In a situation where everywhere you look nothing but immorality, then what you do is: to pick your battle to save whatever can still be saved. To improve what can still be improved.
May one day be that we realize porn and permissive culture has to stop. Until that day come, abortion is a reality in which legality/ illegality won’t stop it…