If the point of existence is to connect to God and for this reason God created the world, then what makes this really a meaningful reason or point, it would still be a pointless thing to connect to a creator, an absurd thing, don’t you think? That if you were never born you wouldn’t need such a concern to begin with, is there really a point in the purpose of conneting to a creator that he made the world with all the awful things going on just for that purpose, that still wouldn’t make life meaningful, it would be a selfish creation, like a father creating a child not for the sake of the child who didn’t ask to be born but for the sake of filling his own ego and selfishness of parenthood.
The fact is, that life has no meaning, with or without gods, it would still be the same, humans make different meanings to their lives, to still go on, many distractions till we die, most often these distractions are convictions that are sincere and honest, sometimes true and real but the meaning of life itself is a personal and relative thing.
So when someone asks what is the meaning of life, it is an irrelevant question, it is like asking what color is the sea, it may look blue because that’s the personal human perception of it when in fact it has no color.
And if the point of life was a connection to a creator, then how is that even meaningful and not absurd?
Using a faith and reason argument
Here’s an example. (thinking in different terms)
I’ve heard people use as a rebuttal, if only Jesus was here in the flesh, He could convince ANYONE.
He could do that BUT we know He won’t force ANYONE to believe against their own free will.
Jn 6.
Why did His own disciples leave Jesus saying who could listen to this and they left Him, not to follow Him anymore [Jn 6:66]
What did Jesus say?
He said He knew in advance those disciples didn’t believe from the beginning… But He gave them the teaching anyway knowing they were going to leave Him and not follow Him again… ( they couldn’t say in the end, they weren’t given a chance ) And one of the scariest passages in scripture IMV, Jesus didn’t go after them. He let them go. Meaning everything He taught them as a consequence if they didn’t follow what He prescribed, came down on them when they died.
Aquinas put it into the following words
“For one who has faith no explanation is necessary, to one without faith no explanation is sufficient.”
People will continue to argue ad nauseum. They won’t believe in Jesus, nor the apostles, nor Church Tradition, it’s just all made up nonsense. That’s why there is separation at the end of life between sheep and goats. The fight then is finally over forever.
Paraphrasing Paschal wager
At death, which all of us go through,
If the skeptic is right about this and I’m wrong about Jesus and Catholicism , then no big deal. No fault no foul. We’re dead. No consequences good or bad for anything we’ve done good or bad. We could be the worst person humanity has ever known or will know, or the best, we’re dead forever. Lights out.
If otoh, I’m right and the skeptic is wrong, the skeptic is screwed…forever. Since there is no clock in the after life, there is no notion of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, eons, it’s just the eternal now. A trillion years from now is still now in eternity.
Since by virtue of our soul, given to us by God at our conception, we are immortal. We die in the body but our soul lives forever. Memory, intellect in tact forever in the transition to the next life. The question then is, … WHERE is forever going to be in the next life? Heaven or Hell.
Again, the skeptic will disagree with this wager as well. So we’ll see who’s right and who’s wrong now won’t we?
Thus the wager, the bet, the gamble, the roll of the dice?
Gotta tell the skeptic though, once dead they can’t pull back their wager if they find out they made a mistake.
If I made a mistake otoh, and there is no next life, No God, no heaven no hell, then who cares? It doesn’t matter. We’re dead forever.
Not so, however if the skeptic is wrong. Hence the wager