Reminds me of a conversation with an anti-vaxxer:Annnd, here it is folks.
Example # 780708025870 of “Why Theists Read Atheist Posts and Respond Like This”
CuriousCat: * “I don’t care one bit if someone believes something that’s not true, as long as it makes her happy”.*
CuriousCat, not even 24 hours later: *“I tried to convince someone that what she believed isn’t true”.
Bye, CuriousCat.
I don’t dialogue with people who can’t get their ideologies straight.
Pick one, and then go with it.
Anti-vaxxer: “I believe we should let our children choose, when they’re old enough, if they want to be vaccinated”.
And then, not even 24 hours later: “I don’t think children can decide whether they should take their Amoxicillin for their ear infection”.
What the whut???
Clearly I am in conversation with someone who can say “A” and “Not-A” in the same breath without blinking an eye. That’s when I say Buh-bye to discourse.