Thank you for the questions. They are good ones. We are “cloistered”, although Poor Clares generally refer to being enclosed rather than “cloistered”. The Rule of St. Clare is very understanding of differences in times, places, climates and needs. Clare said we could go out for anything that was necessary, useful, approved and reasonable. This is unlike the rules of other monasteries at her time which usually said that they could only leave the monastery in case of flood, fire and famine.Sr. Judith Ann,
Since you travel to parishes for Mass, does this mean that you are not cloistered, even though the community is contemplative?
I have to say, I am surprised that a nun in a contemplative community is allowed to be online! Is that normal?
I am just beginning to discern a possible vocation to the contemplative life, and I’m very curious.![]()
So, yes, we do go out for Mass, the doctor and dentist, go to the bank, to do the grocery shopping–all those necessary things. We occasionally go out for workshops that enhance our contemplative life which is allowed in our Constitutions.
I don’t know how normal it is for other contemplative communities to be online. We use the computer for our work. In fact, one of our sisters–the oldest actually–takes care of websites. She has designed some and updates those and others regularly. It is one of the ways that we support ourselves. Being in a state with less than a million people with only about 4% of those Catholic, the traditional vestment making and making/distributing hosts is not practical nor would it provide us enough money to pay our bills. We depend on our benefactors to make up the difference. That is the way that Francis and Clare wanted their followers to do it.
I hope this helps and doesn’t make it more confusing for you.
Sr. Judith Ann