I think ignorance of what actually constitutes so-called “latinizations” is what confuses many ECs who seem to level the claim at any opportunity.You are simply wrong on this point. Please read this: ewtn.com/library/curia/eastinst.htm The issue of Latinization is about the entire scope of praxis not just the DL.
Your presupposition about things being “attacked” because they originated in the West has no foundation.
While I would agree that overzealous can be a problem in these matters, I have not encountered ignorance or anger. Such a harsh judgment requires a compelling evidence.
Does this strike you are overzealous?
What possesses you to suggest that there wasn’t “considerable discernment as to what is best for a given parish” ?
In my EC parish any discussion of a parish difficulty is quickly fortified by charges of at least one “latinization” not only to derail the conversation, but to provide some level of expiation of the difficulty. I think that’s very much a conditioned relax by some ECs and some EC parishes in general.
Just look at the contents of this thread…