The argument COULD be that Peter was meant to spread the teachings of Jesus after He was gone. So the verse “you are Peter and upon this Rock, I will build My Church”, is argued to mean that Peter is where the preaching and teaching by man started from (the rock, the foundation) and the “church” means the congregation (the Christians that follow Christ’s teachings), not religion and beliefs.
That’s just something I’ve heard mentioned several times when the Catholic faith is being disputed as the “one, true religion”.
First, I am glad to hear that you dusted off some Catholic prayer books. If you have it, I always like St. Francis de Sales Introduction to a Devout Life. Not exactly a prayer book, but great advice on how to pray.
As for the above argument that some make (yes I understand it is not neccessarily yours
… we have to take the Bible as a whole.
It tells us to be one. And in fact there was only ONE Church, or religion and beliefs for over 1000 years.
It also tells us that the Church is the pillar and foundation of Truth.
Christ only has ONE truth. Yet with the followers of Christ now, there are many truths. It is whitewashed as “non-essentials” yet either one must be baptized to be born again, or not. One truth.
The Holy Spirit will lead the Church in all Truth. Baptism is not a non-essential. It is a basic. So what exactly is the truth of Baptism?
Those who argue the above argument try to sweep ONE truth under the rug. Along with ONE church.
It is not logical, nor is it Biblical. It tries to redefine who a follower of Christ is. It tries to minimize the fact that Denomination DOES matter. Otherwise why would the Bible tell us repeatedly to be ONE Body? Why was there only One Christian body for so long, what, people didn’t argue as much for the first 1000 years of Christianity? It used to be if one was Christian, that meant Catholic.
The argument that basically “religion” is an invention of man, that one just needs Jesus not a particular church, denies the reality of the first 1000 years of Christianity.
God bless,