No it’s not irrational, as you say. Either there is no realm outside the physical laws that govern all matter and energy and you do not have reason/free will; or, you assume that there is free will and God is a necessity. So either you are a deterministic or statistical robot (or a mix of the two) and your reason actually does not exist, in which case this discussion is predetermined or randomly determined, and therefore pointless; or you are a being with reason and free will (both go together) and God is a necessity. This is essentially the reason why I think atheism is self-denying. In light of this, Pascal’s argument of the wager seems much nicer than it initially appeared to be.Well, that’s awfully convenient! In fact, that theory could almost have been invented purely to reconcile a belief in God with the reality of the universe!
You made yourself clear, and the only flaw in your reasoning is an irrational belief in God. Illogical because there’s no evidence for his existence.
And, incidentally, you seem to have classed events that God always knew would happen - would be pre-ordained, in effect - as ‘free will’. If God created you, and knew what you would think, and altered the Universe to accommodate you, then how can this be called ‘free will’? Haven’t you just argued against your own hypothesis?