When a vaccine arrives

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There is a lot we don’t know about the antibody tests used in this study. Do we know for sure that the antibodies detected are covid-specific and not a response to the common cold, which is also a coronavirus?
As we can see with all current FLU vaccines they are short lived as they all require boosters annually, this vaccine will be no different.

The research and development of vaccines usually takes 10 plus years, hence the majority of research for a covid19 vaccine is exploring old existing medications.

The development of new advanced research into cures & vaccines would mandate genetic research and I suspect there are many hurdles surrounding the patent office. A large part of the human genome is owned and trademarked by pharmaceutical companies which will stifle development as profits prevail over moral value.

As for Government mandate you only need to look at the damage to the economy to see that the FED has an urgent objective to send everybody back to work, making a mandate highly likely.
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Do we know for sure that the antibodies detected are covid-specific and not a response to the common cold, which is also a coronavirus?
.correct. this is one piece of the emerging data. here is another

Sounds like you may have has=d covid.

btw, annual flu shot is a hit or miss on the prevalent one that year. Consider that natural immunity is much better than vaccinations.
Maek Levin had some experts on today and worth watching. Very informative.

Two doctors interviewed
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Hoover Institution and Fox and Friends is not where we go to get up to date authoritative medical news. These videos are just more right-wing politics.
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With those symptoms I’d have suspected COVID.

You say you didn’t have a fever but a cough and breathing difficulties are two major symptoms.

I got the flu vaccone last year for the first time due to having a terminally ill relative. Based on my experience I will get it again.
Hoover Institution and Fox and Friends is not where we go to get up to date authoritative medical news. These videos are just more right-wing politics.

@buffalo be a lamb and stop posting videos. If not that lest say something in the window you post. It’s extremely hard to reply to meaningful.

On the topic of your posting videos you have a bad habit of posting videos that are politically charged or have (what I like to call) false math.

You see false math in Flat Earth videos. Some guy who has zero understanding of engineering will often (poorly) twist the math either on purpose (or by failure ) to prove a point.

They then plop down their work with a grand tada. Average people who are not familiar with the math get confused because they can’t disprove it. They don’t know the formulas or why they are applied.

So if you could refrain from this, that would be great.

Back on topic:
When the vaccine arrives you should all take it. It’s for herd immunization and you have a moral obligation to you fellow man.
Right wing or left wing politics aside, where do you (or others generally) go for current information on a regular basis?
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We know it can be mild. I know of a person who tested positive who said that all they had had was a persistint cough.

Either way, I’m glad you’re OK.
Back on topic:
When the vaccine arrives you should all take it. It’s for herd immunization and you have a moral obligation to you fellow man.
Nope, herd immunity is better than vaccination.

When was t=0?
What is the denominator?
Nope, herd immunity is better than vaccination.

When was t=0?
What is the denominator?
This is the false math I spoke of. Herd immunity includes vaccination. Ask any vet or doctor.

Stop asking for variables that don’t apply in the context you frame them in.

Or define t in context.
Yes, the antibody test. They should still be present. In addition there is genetic testing that can show evidence even when your antibodies diminish. Be aware, not all viruses have antibody traces. The body fights them in other ways.
When was t=0
What is the denominator
What are you asking here? T=O means what? What denominator are you looking for? What’s yours? Your post is meaningless if you don’t explain what you are looking for…what’s your T?
When was t=0
What is the denominator
What are you asking here? T=O means what? What denominator are you looking for? What’s yours? Your post is meaningless if you don’t explain what you are looking for…what’s your T?
Buffalo is referring to the questionable video that no one wants to watch.
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Buffalo is referring to the questionable video that no one wants to watch.
Oh, ok…I didn’t want to watch it either. I don’t like it when people just post someone else’s ideas as though that explains their own. I’ve better things to do!
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