When a vaccine arrives

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Yeah…becoming more past by the minute!

I’d have to go back into the earliest H1N1 tests for their sensitivities and specificities…I don’t recall them being as low as some of the current Covid ones are. We also didn’t do very many of them compared to number of Covid testing that’s going on now…our area is a bit of a hot spot in Colorado. These new Covid tests are being thrown out so quickly, it’s hard to find S/S numbers…nor are we sure of their published numbers because they are made available with low numbers of controls…are they validating it with 100 people or 1000 people?

Now, everyone is shouting for antibody testing but there’s a big problem! Besides the low specificity, we have no idea if antibody development offers much immunity and if it does, to all strains or only the contacted one. Nor do we know how long the antibody count stays high enough for any immunity! We just don’t know yet! We’re only what? Five months into a novel virus! If it behaved exactly like other Corona viruses, we’d be in better shape but this virus seems to have a mind of its own! I’m not even confident at this point that we may ever hit herd immunity…scary thought…until we get a few more months down the road. While time is our enemy in contacting the virus, time is our friend for getting real answers.

I’ll get back to you tomorrow after looking into the S/S of H1N1…
No extra work. Was just curious. We had quite a challenge with that ( not as great as this in some areas); pharmacy, lab, and med. staff had to communicate well.
As to the last, I’m uncertain. But I believe “if you recover, you’re immune in the future”
My understanding of immunity is you can get re-infected with any virus, but your body understands how to fight it and it is not a severe.
Another perspective by this doctor and the big vaccine agenda. We should be wary.
What we should be very wary of is fancy-looking video interviews on Youtube with a cherry-picked “expert” we have never heard before from a source we have never heard of before, and especially when that report claims to contradict all the established principles. Vet your information sources, people!
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What we should be very wary of is fancy-looking video interviews on Youtube with a cherry-picked “expert” we have never heard before from a source we have never heard of before, and especially when that report claims to contradict all the established principles. Vet your information sources, people!
You believe we have all the data?
What we should be very wary of is fancy-looking video interviews on Youtube with a cherry-picked “expert” we have never heard before from a source we have never heard of before, and especially when that report claims to contradict all the established principles. Vet your information sources, people!
You believe we have all the data?
No, but slumming around on Youtube is not the way to get more reliable data. It is a way to get misinformation, or worse, disinformation.

FYI, read more about the speaker here.
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No, but slumming around on Youtube is not the way to get more reliable data. It is a way to get misinformation, or worse, disinformation.

FYI, read more about the speaker here.
Sure, always attack the speaker. He either has a point of he does not.

Do you believe the death rate %?
FWIW, he is not a physician, and not an infectious diseases expert.
Exactly. No one can know something unless they are the “expert”. Don’t you see the problem with this?

Is the death rate correct?
Study the curve even as they show it. Does it show flattening, despite all the social distancing and lockdown measures? Where do they put t=0 and how do they know?

The data is coming in from antibody tests that show infection is way deeper than they thought. 97% of infected don’t know they had it or had mild symptoms. Extrapolating the current antibody testing would mean 120Million Americans already had it and another 30 points or so we would be at herd immunity. Report came in suggesting 80% of NYC schoolchildren had it already.

What date do you believe is t=0 in USA?
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FWIW, he is not a physician, and not an infectious diseases expert.
Exactly. No one can know something unless they are the “expert”. Don’t you see the problem with this?
No, I see a big problem when people do not know how to vet information, like any competent journalist would do. In a way, we are all playing at being journalists when we make posts here on CAF. We bring information to the forum much like a reporter. A good reporter would never publish a report based on something he saw on Youtube with no qualification of the source or the speaker.
No, I see a big problem when people do not know how to vet information, like any competent journalist would do.
Are you kidding? The reality is - sources say, sources say, sources say. You call that trustworthy journalism?

This article seems reasonable. It seems like we don’t know. Deaths could either be an over or under count, due to lack of testing. Also some lack of adequate data at this time.

Regarding the expert issue: the news story you cite made a point of listing his multiple degrees, and where he trained. Clearly they are trying to appeal to the notion of expertise.
But, according to his website, he did invent email when he was 14 years old.
will you answer? When was t=0?
If you don’t trust professionals then this conversation is moot. As great an independent source is the fact remains if they were good enough to know and understand the data why do they always run counter to the big boys?
Answer: it’s how they gain an audience.
If you don’t trust professionals then this conversation is moot. As great an independent source is the fact remains if they were good enough to know and understand the data why do they always run counter to the big boys?
Answer: it’s how they gain an audience.
You do not see the problem with testing and reporting covid confirmed cases skewed the entire process? What is the correct denominator? When was t=0 in the US?

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