When a vaccine arrives

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Sorry you were chastised. My personal rule is that if I’m going to say something that might be controversial, I have a link included.

Obesity itself places extra stress on the heart…which most people understand…but it also places strain on the lungs, preventing proper respiration. Breathing problems are not unusual amongst the very obese, so I’m not surprised that they would have more complications from the virus. They have greater complications with bronchitis, too.
This actually frightens me quite a bit because I am reluctant to take an experimental vaccine. Side effects of new vaccines can be catastrophic (consider the hpv vaccine which left a few children fully paralyzed).

Also, vaccines sometimes give people the very disease that they are being vaccinated against. (Think of the people who get the flu from the flu vaccine.)

That said, I would consider getting the vaccine after it shows a history of being safe. However, I don’t think you or I or anybody else needs to think much on this question because if/when they find a vaccine I’m sure it will be forced on everyone. The government is utilitarian and if a small percentage of the population is killed, paralyzed, or otherwise harmed, the government will consider it an acceptable number. (In utilitarianism, people are just numbers.)
I have known of a couple persons who had polio as children, made a complete recovery (one was a decorated Marine veteran of World War II) and then developed Post-Polio Syndrome in their 80s. Not sure what caused it, but they eventually lost the use of their legs.
They still don’t know. At first they thought minute lesions left from the initial infection…but never found them. Now, they attribute it to neural fatigue or neural exhaustion from the initial loss of neural pathways. It’s also hard to diagnose and because historical polio cases are becoming more rare…we may never know!
(Think of the people who get the flu from the flu vaccine.)
Live viruses aren’t used in the vaccines, so that doesn’t happen. What can happen is coming down with the flu shortly after the shot, because you were exposed right around or right after the shot, when your immunity hadn’t built up yet.
Interesting topic…in England they are beginning testing the vaccine on humans next week.
Interesting topic…in England they are beginning testing the vaccine on humans next week.
Seems really early.

I read something today that implies that recovered patients aren’t immune and was wondering if a vaccine was even feasible if that is the case.
That would be absolutely cruel if antibodies don’t protect us from contacting the virus again. Im not sure any virus or bacteria has ever not conferred immunity at least for some period of time!

I know the stories are out there about reinfection but they keep talking about testing positive again, not getting sick again. The false negatives are quite high on one test method… so Im very cautious about stating that people are getting sick again.

Edit to correct error. False negatives are high with one method, not false positives.
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I know the stories are out there about reinfection but they keep talking about testing positive again, not getting sick again. The false positives are quite high on one test method… so Im very cautious about stating that people are getting sick again.
If I recall correctly it was about them not having antibodies. Hopefully that may be because confinement means they haven’t been exposed, but given the rate of new cases I’m skeptical of that being the reason.
TherE can be at least a few reasons for this: incorrect nasal swab (bad sample) as this happens with bacterial sputum samples, a false negative result on the test, or indeed the virus reactivated which would be troubling. I don’t think there have been enough of these instances to really make a determination.
The bottom line is eating right, exercising and living a healthy lifestyle is the best preventative we have right now against the virus, until a possible vaccine arrives.
If you are already healthy, that makes sense.

Ask any doctor. Losing weight, to keep it off, requires a slow steady process. A pound a week is the normal recommendation. If someone is truly overweight, not just a little heavy, it is going to take months if not years for them to lose that weight. (50 pounds overweight, 50 weeks; 100 pounds overweight, 100 weeks.) By then, a vaccine should be available.

Now, losing weight would benefit them in other ways. But suddenly eating right, exercising (if you are allowed to be outside) and living a healthy healthy lifestyle is not going to suddenly work as a preventative.
(Think of the people who get the flu from the flu vaccine.)
Live viruses aren’t used in the vaccines, so that doesn’t happen. What can happen is coming down with the flu shortly after the shot, because you were exposed right around or right after the shot, when your immunity hadn’t built up yet.
Another thing that can happen, like in my case since I’m immune suppressed, is the body can have a severe respiratory tract inflammatory response. In my case it kept getting more severe year after year to the point where I was almost hospitalized before I stopped getting flu and pneumococcal vaccines.
Yes, there are and always have been cases where some people can not take a vaccine. Sometimes, we know who those people are but often, we don’t and can’t predict it. These are the people that depend on herd immunity to offer them some protection. It is also why those that can take a vaccine with no ill effect, should…to help those that can not.

My granddaughter completely depended on herd immunity for the first year of her life as she was too premature to be vaccinated until she about a year old. She would have been susceptible to measles, mumps, chicken pox and a slew of others. She’s now protected by the vaccines but others never can be…they depend on those that can take vaccines!
I wish more people were responsive like you. Every year I have to defend myself from at least one person who gets upset at me when they ask if I’m getting the flu vaccine and I say no. “There’s no reason to not get the vaccine.” “Think about the danger you could be to a child you meet in the store.” “You don’t know how medical science works.”

I think I’ve heard it all by now.
😂😂😂 obviously, someone not aware that everyone saying NO to a vaccine is just being an antivaxxer! While I can see why many might respond that way, they really should find out if you are ABLE to take the vaccine first! Many can not and that has nothing to do with the antivax movement. I can’t take tetanus…horrible reactions that got worse with each one to the point my doc was concerned I go into full anaphylaxis if I took another one. I’ve had other doctors question if I’m really allergic to it…it is a painful shot. Ummm, yes…I really am! Of course, I’m also one of those people that look really healthy when I run a fever. School nurses always questioned me as to which test I was trying to get out of…until they took my temperature…and sent me home five seconds later…and never apologized for the incorrect assumption! 😤
To answer your original question, no, I would not take a new vaccine for this. I don’t use my body as a guinea pig for newly released treatments that haven’t been proven safe by time. Lots of time. Or even newer medications until they’ve been on the market for a long time, 20 years or so.

I don’t take the flu vaccine either but that’s more because I don’t see the need. The chances of me dying from the flu are very, very low.

Now, if I was in a vulnerable demographic, then it would be a different story. I would have to weigh the benefits against the risks.
I was thinking the exact same thing. But I don’t know enough about immunology. I read the article and it seemed to me like they were just speculating, because of the different strains and types but then like I said what do I know.
This is an important document for Catholics to review at this time: Vatican Statement on Vaccines Derived From Aborted Human Fetuses

The National Catholic Bioethics Center also has a FAQ: https://www.ncbcenter.org/resources/frequently-asked-questions/use-vaccines/

This is a complex moral argument. Many vaccines are and were derived from aborted fetal tissue. Using these vaccines, even producing these vaccines where the doctor/researcher is not formally or materially cooperating in the abortion itself, is different from embryonic research, which is actually procreating a new person for the intent of destroying them.
As regards the preparation, distribution and marketing of vaccines produced as a result of the use of biological material whose origin is connected with cells coming from foetuses voluntarily aborted, such a process is stated, as a matter of principle, morally illicit, because it could contribute in encouraging the performance of other voluntary abortions, with the purpose of the production of such vaccines. Nevertheless, it should be recognized that, within the chain of production-distribution-marketing, the various cooperating agents can have different moral responsibilities.

However, there is another aspect to be considered, and that is the form of passive material cooperation which would be carried out by the producers of these vaccines, if they do not denounce and reject publicly the original immoral act (the voluntary abortion), and if they do not dedicate themselves together to research and promote alternative ways, exempt from moral evil, for the production of vaccines for the same infections. Such passive material cooperation , if it should occur, is equally illicit.
As for those of us who are users of vaccines, there is no grave obligation to avoid these vaccines and there may be a moral obligation to use them if no other vaccine is available.
Therefore, doctors and fathers of families have a duty to take recourse to alternative vaccines (if they exist), putting pressure on the political authorities and health systems so that other vaccines without moral problems become available.
It is a really a terrible position to put Catholic doctors and researchers in right now to pressure them to use — or approve of using — aborted fetuses for a covid vaccine.
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They already exclude kids from school who are not vaccinated.
Ultimately, we don’t live in a free open space agrarian paradise.
Most of us live near people because of economic necessity. We are our brothers keeper
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