When a vaccine arrives

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I went to a travel clinic last year and they checked where I was going in Mexico to see if I needed a re-vaccination for polio. I know I got the vaccination as a young child but I have no vaccine records from my childhood, and my pediatrician is long dead, so I have had to get re-vaccinated recently for a lot of things. They determined I was not going to the part of Mexico with the polio risk, but apparently there is an area where they would recommend travelers get the vaccine.
I think the bottom line is that there is considerable distrust, both of western intentions and of those of local governments in many areas, for historical reasons, and this distrust will have ramifications moving forward.

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I think the bottom line is that there is considerable distrust, both of western intentions and of those of local governments in many areas, for historical reasons, and this distrust will have ramifications moving forward.
It is sad indeed that there is such distrust, but I don’t think it will be the “bottom line.”
That’s good to know! Thanks!

My poor great aunt was extremely allergic to smallpox vaccine. They were originally from England and were wealthy and liked to travel. Every time they traveled, she had to be revaccinated (no exceptions back then) if they went anywhere that still had outbreaks of smallpox. It left her in bed, sick as a dog for three or four days but, she loved to travel so put up with it. I saw her once as she was recovering…I don’t know that I love travel THAT much! 😂

I can no longer get a tetanus shot due to my reaction from the last one about six years ago. I suppose if I cut myself on a rusty nail, I’ll just have to take the risk of tetany! I’ve seen the pictures…it ain’t pretty!
They are not just for the benefit of the one person taking them. They are for the common good .
If the new vaccine has bad side effects…
That is why we must have adequate testing. But after that, it is John Q Public that benefits.
I’m giving this thread a little bump because members of Congress are demanding access to fetal tissue research for a vaccine. What a horrible, horrible position to place Catholics in. 😧 Nobody should have to give up their deep, pro-life convictions in order to take a vaccine. Schakowsky, Huffman, DeGette Call on Administration to Remove Barriers to COVID-19 Research | Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Because of your restrictions, NIH is unable to utilize human fetal tissue to develop animal models of COVID-19 that can test potential vaccines and treatments to decelerate or even end this global health crisis. This inaction may ultimately put Americans further at risk of disease or death from COVID-19.
Mind if I ask…
I know many Catholics refuse to vaccinate with the few remaining vaccines that utilize fetal tissue and I understand that view.
This seems to be about using fetal tissue to model a vaccine, not that the resulting vaccine would have fetal tissue in it. Of course, using fetal tissue is an issue but if the resulting vaccine doesn’t have fetal tissue in it, is that an issue as well? Thanks.
Another thought…if the experiments were conducted on miscarried fetuses that were donated for use, does Catholicism have an issue with that?

If you are uncertain of the answer, that’s ok! I’m just curious. I understand the rejection of aborted fetal tissue but does it apply to all fetal tissue or only aborted ones.
Of course, using fetal tissue is an issue but if the resulting vaccine doesn’t have fetal tissue in it, is that an issue as well? Thanks.
Yes. I’m pretty consistent on this. I’m opposed to embryonic stem cell research, as well. I’m also vegetarian and boycott products using animal testing. I try hard to find ethically sourced products, (i.e. fair-trade, etc.) without driving myself crazy.

I’ll need to research the Church position, though. Someone here may beat me to the punch.
Another thought…if the experiments were conducted on miscarried fetuses that were donated for use, does Catholicism have an issue with that?
Gray area. Hopefully another educated Catholic can weigh in. Catholics can donate their bodies to science, so on the surface, it doesn’t seem like there would be a problem. I don’t know if that changes when we give consent for a child, however. For your reference, here’s CCC 2296:
2296 Organ transplants are in conformity with the moral law if the physical and psychological dangers and risks incurred by the donor are proportionate to the good sought for the recipient. Donation of organs after death is a noble and meritorious act and is to be encouraged as a manifestation of generous solidarity. It is not morally acceptable if the donor or those who legitimately speak for him have not given their explicit consent.
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Mind if I ask…
I have no desire to change the course of the topic; the National Catholic Bioethics Center does have some good discussion on vaccines, fetal vs. adult stem cell research, as well as other issues. Here are a few regarding vaccines: NCBC
All it addresses is aborted tissues and research…I guess they haven’t addressed my question yet. Still, it was a good read!
A finished vaccine would not have tissue or tissue components in it, being human cells, duck or insect ( all used for production now).

Regarding a miscarriage; the miscarried baby is no longer viable, and the tissue and cells would not be of use.
I believe the cord blood cells are, though. We used to have to process and store them all the time in my lab days.

Why couldn’t they use miscarried babies, they are essentially no different than aborted ones? (I’m sorry this sounds so blunt, I’m just curious where lines are drawn or even if they are drawn!)
I was chastised on this thread for pointing out this truth about a week ago.

In fact one poster even questioned that my aunt works in a Long Island hospital.

But here is the headline from today.

NYU scientists: Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest ‘chronic’ factor in New York City’s hospitalizations​

Some people the truth is hard for them to handle?

Either way, I posted the truth from a solid source on the ground that weight was the biggest common denominator of those getting critically ill and my post was removed and I was chastised.

Guess the truth is regulated on this forum?’
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Nice article, we cannot use this standard globally though, it would be dangerous.
Actually we can use this globally.

The BMI of countries like South Korea, Tawain etc is much lower than the United States and that is why they have much lower deaths per capita than the United States.

The bottom line is eating right, exercising and living a healthy lifestyle is the best preventative we have right now against the virus, until a possible vaccine arrives.
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Actually we can use this globally.

The BMI of countries like South Korea, Tawain etc is much lower than the United States and that is why they have much lower deaths per capita than the United States.

The bottom line is eating right, exercising and living a healthy lifestyle is the best preventative we have right now against the virus, until a possible vaccine arrives
China? Italy? thats just for now. This virus has only just started
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