When a vaccine arrives

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Same here. Choose to receive the repeated vaccines. Do they have the ability to do antibody titer levels now? I thought it was just a PCR type test.

As usual, the “it’s no big deal”-crowd starts walking it back…

So now it’s not an “old and fat disease;” once you got called on your statement it’s become “well, they had other things wrong with them…uh, MOST of the time!”

Want me to ask the parents of the NEWBORN who died at 3pm today “what was the matter with your baby?”

I doubt the 33 year old firefighter had issues.

Stop spreading disinformation.
You will have RARE cases when someone dies from Covid, but the vast majority are people with health issues and the elderly.

From the CDC:

Serious heart conditions
  • Conditions that can cause a person to be immunocompromised , including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications.
  • Severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 40 or higher)
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic kidney disease and who are undergoing dialysis
  • Liver disease
Again that would be RARE, the overwhelming majority will not be cases like that.
I’m sure that’s comforting to the parents who lost their newborn baby.

Posts like yours just encourage people to think this disease is not a significant problem unless they’re deathly ill in the first place - which is very incorrect. It is very significant.
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Tragedies happen, keeping the country shutdown for much longer will lead to a larger tragedy IMO.

More people will get struck by lightening and die this year than under 10 years old die from Covid.
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Yes. The PCR test tests for current infection. As someone heals from the infection and lasting for an undetermined amount of time at this point, they produce the antibodies that can be tittered. Once we know the titer levels that confer immunity and how long they last, we can then determine that they are immune from further infection.

Figuring out the amount and duration of the antibodies is ongoing now as we need to measure those recovered and repeat until it’s apparent that they either last (please!) or if they gradually disappear. If they decrease quickly, we will only be immune for that period of time. If we’re really lucky, the titers remain high enough to last the rest of our lives. Common flu antibodies last about a year. MMR antibodies last for life.(Rare cases excluded).
My aunt works on a hospital in Long Island, she said the common denominator for people getting critically ill that are under 70 is they are overweight-obese.
Do you mean critically ill from this coronavirus, or critically ill in general, under normal circumstances?
May I request that we stay on topic about whether you will get the vaccine? Or have to prove immunity with an antibody test? Thanks!
I would like to ask you: exactly what does your aunt do in this New York hospital (aka the epicenter).

I ask because no one who works in patient care; epidemiology; or high-level administration in a lower NY hospital would ever make such an irresponsible statement as you’re attributing to her (that, or it’s being related third hand incorrectly).

They’ve brought in a navy hospital ship in NY harbor. Field hospitals are going up in Central Park and at the Javits Center (where the NY boat show and the NY bar exam are both held). Hospitals are converting every bit of floor space into covid wards and they are bringing refrigerated trucks in to serve as makeshift morgues. Funeral homes won’t accept bodies anymore in certain areas of the NY/NJ area.

Do you REALLY think those would be happening if this was, as you claimed, an “old and fat peoples’ disease?”
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Just search coronavirus and obesity and you will see plenty of articles.
Fair point, Patti. I’ll stop. Sorry.
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Anyway, it is not my intent to detail Patti’s thread, in part because I appreciate her insight on things.
When a vaccine arrives it wont be in sufficient numbers for all, it will be prioritized for a year or so 👍
Fauci actually said they would make the doses before they knew it worked.

Typically, a company would find out it works then ramp up production.

With money from the federal government they will ramp up production before they know it works to shorten the vaccine timeline.
We must think globally, the entire globe requires vaccine to mitigate this pandemic
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Knowing just enough to be dangerous, I don’t think herd immunity will be helpful.

As I understand it, herd immunity arises from so many people being immune to x that there’s no chance you get x. I don’t think we’re ever going to get to that point with covid, in part because,
Like the flu, covid may mutate. In fact I think it may have already, hence why some who get it suffer horribly and others have no symptoms.

Last year (heck, 4 months ago) I wouldn’t have ever thought the government would mandate things like flu vaccines. Now I think it’s possible.
I believe my state has a requirement for MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine. I could see covid being right there when a vaccine is found.

(And it will be! The best minds humanity has are looking for one, right now!)
covid may mutate
It’s drift, and it already has. Vaccines usually produce antibodies to multiple points. If a virus (as seen in some years with flu) changes enough a decrease in efficacy is seen.
The longer I live, by the grace of G-d, the more I believe that EVERYTHING is political, even matters of life and death. I have never gotten the flu vaccine, despite my primary care physician urging me to do so, especially since I am a senior citizen. I just feel this should remain an individual choice. I think I would feel the same regarding the coronavirus vaccine. It’s enough it is now mandatory to wear a face mask in my New York City supermarket. Must I also be vaccinated against my better judgment? I do think the stay-at-home mandate and social distancing are preventive, but I’m not so sure about face masks, and I believe some physicians have stated the same. And I prefer not to be a guinea pig with a new vaccine for the novel coronavirus. No thank you.
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