When a vaccine arrives

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Your worry shouldn’t mean Americans can’t work and provide for there families.

Or receive the sacraments.

We need to open things back up in May.
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In my view, May is too soon. We’ll have to see how the spread of the disease progresses. Perhaps the apex in New York will begin subsiding by the end of April (I certainly hope even sooner), but what about other regions of the country, such as the South, which have been slower in the virus progression? We must work together as a nation using every precaution (except mandatory vaccinations!) to stem the tide of the virus. Social distancing is the best tool we have, as well as shelter-in-place orders for EVERY state. If we return to our normal activity too soon, this might be costly in terms of lives as well as the economy.
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I disagree with shelter in place for every state.

Alaska is much different than NYC.
Fair enough. My view, however, is that we sink or swim together. The virus will spread to every nook and cranny of the country over time without these precautions.
According to the data I’m running we will start to see the ACTIVE cases in the US start to decrease mid- late April.

By the mid to end of May we will see a big decline in active cases, then we can open things up slowly.
If a vaccine is developed and you don’t get vaccinated, and get the virus, then you could pass it on to other people who maybe can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons, o for whom the vaccine did not work, and kill them. That hardly seems moral.
Your worry shouldn’t mean Americans can’t work and provide for there families.

Or receive the sacraments.

We need to open things back up in May.
It isn’t just my worry. I’m wholly uncomfortable sacrificing the older generations to allow businesses to reopen. Business subsidies need to be made by the feds, allowing them to pay at least 75% of their workers’ salaries and avoid closure or bankruptcy. In my region, May sadly is too soon.

In terms of the sacraments, of which are you specifically speaking?
According to the data I’m running we will start to see the ACTIVE cases in the US start to decrease mid- late April.

By the mid to end of May we will see a big decline in active cases, then we can open things up slowly.
What happens when cases surge again in the fall?
Personally I have no doubt they have the vaccine already and that it works and I’m guessing it will be hailed as compulsory too. My concern is what else is in that injection?
I’m not taking it🙏
I’ll let this video here, with moral ends. But please don’t get depressed and trust the Lord after!

Your are vorrect. It us becoming more and more apparent that the disease is dangerous to people with pre-existing health problems. Since mire older people have more health problems, statistically they were mist at risk. But the main issue us prior illness, not age.
And the reason the rest of us are staying home is because, even if the disease probably won’t kill us, we can still get it and spread it to the vulnerable people.

There are a lot of people in those categories you listed, and you can’t tell them all on sight. Yes, I hope they’re staying isolated even more fervently than less vulnerable people, but I certainly don’t want to be the one who made their chances any worse.

As for those rare cases of younger, healthier people dying … remember that that’s now, with most people doing their best to inhibit the spread of the virus… If we go back to “business as usual” too soon, even something with a tiny chance of happening will happen a lot more often due to the larger numbers of infected.
I wouldn’t worry to much. Many have had the virus and shown zero effects. So why take a vaccine ?
I’ll do what I always do with “new” anything: let it be around for a while, like a few months to a year, then if people aren’t dying from it I’ll probably get it.
I doubt I would be in the first round group to get the vaccine anyway as I am not over 60, do not have underlying health conditions to my knowledge (I’m fat but my BMI is only 35), and am not a health care worker, first responder, teacher etc who gets exposed to everything.

I’m just chuckling at the irony of my getting about 5 to 7 vaccinations over the past months because I was going to be traveling to areas with diseases. I even got the first ever flu shot I had in my life, just in case. And then I get through my trip with no problems but have to sit in my house in first world USA because something’s showed up that has no vaccine.
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If by receiving the vaccine I will be less likely to spread this and infect others, then yes. I will get the vaccine. It’s not about me.
I also suspect that in order to travel internationally, one might need to show proof of having received the vaccine to be allowed admittance to some countries.
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I can see it being mandatory for healthcare workers, college students, prisoners and, perhaps, certain factories that mandate it for employment but I don’t think it will be immediately upon availability…except healthcare workers on the frontlines.

What if your employer mandates it to return to work…find a new job?
Wasn’t that under Eisenhower? I remember going to our school with my family to get it!
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