When a vaccine arrives

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Actually, meltzerboy, I think if a vaccine were announced in 2 months, i think there’d be a split:
Segment 1 of the population would say
“I’ll get it immediately if I can,” and segment 2 would say “I’ll never get it.”

Now, we could have spirited debate on which camp each of us would be in, and what percentage of the population would be in either camp.

I’d be in segment 1, and I think we’d see like an 80/20 split.
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Read an article that it mutates about 10x slower than regular influenza.

Which is why the vaccine will be very effective.
Now that, I hope you are correct about and I am no position to argue.
Its not me, its the scientists that say it.

But, I understand your point!
Candidly I’ve never really understood the whole “no vaccinations for my kids!”-thing. I think the link between, say, vaccines and autism has been debunked. The fact that no one really knows what causes autism doesn’t do much for my view, however.
Speaking of young vs. old, as of 12 noon 4/4 (today) the Los Angeles County Public Health coronavirus “daily stats” website reports a total number of confirmed cases so far in the county as follows:

Laboratory Confirmed Cases 5277
  • Los Angeles County (excl. LB and Pas) 5069
  • Long Beach 171
  • Pasadena 37
With respect to Age Group, the 5069 cases look like this:

0 to 17 48
18 to 40 1,785
41 to 65 2,160
Over 65 1,050
Under Investigation 26

(The 208 cases from Long Beach and Pasadena are not age-specified.)

In L.A. at least - the odds would seemingly be in one’s favor to be youngsters or oldsters?!

And I would get a virus shot in a heartbeat, although I’m sure that’s awhile down the road…
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But the quicker we can get things done here, the better for the world as well.

Trump said today J and J was leading the way and I believe the Feds just provided them with a billion dollars to help!
Interesting stats. I am no physician, but I think the elderly are in a peculiar position. On the one hand, they are more vulnerable because their immune system is less strong due to normal aging. On the other hand, they are less vulnerable, having probably experienced more colds, viruses, and flus than younger people, and thus having more antibodies. Now I know this virus is different from the flu, but still I believe antibody resistance may play a role in susceptibility to all viruses.
Yes, I’ll agree with that too. I hope it’s the vaccine, but if not, we can’t live inside forever, and the sphere of people who have it (even if they don’t know they have it) is growing daily.
I believe that’s one factor but there’s surely many others, including things like getting lots of sleep (which helps) and drinking too much or smoking pot (which both hurt).
I have a friend who owns a small business that hires lots of college guys to move things. This is anecdotal but he swears there is link between taking adderal and getting sick a lot. He swears that anyone he hires who takes adderal will inevitably call out sick constantly - odd for young strapping guys.

I think we’re going to find one day that
All sorts of things we take for granted - water in plastic bottles; the fragrances in soaps; whatever - play heck with our bodies in unbelievable ways.
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What should the US or your state or country do about these that refuse? Should they not be allowed back to work? Should the children be excluded from public school or private school? Should we just hope that enough people vaccinated will provide herd immunity and allow them the freedom to refuse the vaccine? If you favor this option, what happens if they cause a breakout or return of the virus in their community on those that couldn’t be vaccinated?
There are so many it-depends factors that I don’t even know where to begin. We clearly won’t have answers to these questions yet, but in the long-term, they’re worth considering:
  1. How effective is the vaccine? Some have such low efficacy that herd immunity is impossible to attain. Efficacy can depend on factors like viral mutations.
  2. This is a fast-tracked vaccine. Which clinical trials were included and which were bypassed?
  3. This is a fast-tracked vaccine. Will it be indemnified, as the majority of them are?
  4. A number of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic. Will titer testing be a viable and permissible alternative to the vaccine? (I believe you referred to this upthread).
  5. Will the vaccine be produced in an ethically acceptable manner for Catholics?
  6. How contagious is the disease? Current estimates place it at r0 = 2.5.
  7. How deadly is the disease? Coronavirus death rate: What are the chances of dying? - BBC News
I could go on, but these are my initial thoughts.

I don’t support mandates of any form, but I especially don’t support mandates for brand new vaccines requiring heavy “post-marketing surveillance.”

The Catholic Church is rumored to have drafted a document indicating a moral obligation to vaccinate. But the document was allegedly produced in 2017, and I haven’t seen it officially released. (Correct me if I’m wrong . . . . ?) So I’m not sure what Church teaching will tell us on this matter.
How in the world could your friend know if his day laborers take Adderal or not?
He’s an interstate mover. He spends days on end with these guys in the cab of a truck.
The longer I live, by the grace of G-d, the more I believe that EVERYTHING is political, even matters of life and death. I have never gotten the flu vaccine, despite my primary care physician urging me to do so, especially since I am a senior citizen. I just feel this should remain an individual choice. I think I would feel the same regarding the coronavirus vaccine. It’s enough it is now mandatory to wear a face mask in my New York City supermarket. Must I also be vaccinated against my better judgment? I do think the stay-at-home mandate and social distancing are preventive, but I’m not so sure about face masks, and I believe some physicians have stated the same. And I prefer not to be a guinea pig with a new vaccine for the novel coronavirus. No thank you.
Is it the sample size that worries you? Kaiser’s version has already been administered to at least one person who volunteered to receive it, and we now wait while researches watch and test the subject for at least 18 months. The same will be true for 44 other patients who will receive the proposed vaccine for the trial.
Posts like yours cause people to hoard toilet paper and chicken.

The death rate for those who under 70 and healthy is negligible.

Stop scaring people.
I think worrying for those in my community who are 70+ is enough to cause me to be scared.
Lets not forget that 2-3 percent of Americans already or will catch this virus before this first cycle ends.

IE if we tragically lose 40,000 Americans in this cycle, take that number and divide by the estimated death rate of .5% equals 8,000,000 people caught the virus.

While we are not sure how long there immunity lasts, there is protection there.
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