When is it to much

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Hello everyone, yes my thread is gone. I tried looking for it to and then I read why the CF was out for so long.

An update on my niece and nephew. There has been no good outcome yet, and in fact things got worse. After the summer incident where my sister did not give her ex the kids for fear of child abuse, he filed a motion against her that she was in contempt for not giving him his visitation over the summer. The kids did have to go until the last two weeks of the summer in July.

I don’t remember if I told you what happen then or not so here it is again. My niece called my sister almost daily in hysteria while at her dads and could not be comforted. My sister called my niece’s therapist to tell her of the situation. My niece had an appointment already set up by my sister before she knew that the dad would get the kids at the end of July. At this appointment with the therapist, the therapist as well as my niece, wanted her mom there. The kids dad agreed but said the child would go home with him, even though his visitation would end in two more days. When the therapist saw my niece when she came out of the car, she was very disturbed. My niece looked terrible and lost some weight that was noted by her and her mom, my sister. The therapist asked to speak to both parents, but my niece clinged to her mother so much and did not want to separate. They got her to go alone with another therapist while the therapist of my niece talked to both parents. SHe told them that their antagonistic relationship was hurting their daughter. My sister agreed to counseling for the two of them, but not her ex. He lied and said he would call her in two days, but never did to set up an appointment. My niece’s therapist wanted written consent from both parents to talk to the attorneys involved. My sister gave her consent and her attorney spoke with the therapist. They are worried for the dad was asking for one week at a time visits and the therapist was against this for it was not in the best interest of the child’s mental health. The dad did not care.

We went to court for the contempt issue last month and the therapist was there to testify. The only one who got to go on the stand was the ex. The judge said there was no more time after 40 minutes and that it would have to continue another day. It is set for November.

Now, here is the latest of what he is doing. Since he saw the therapist there in court and ready to testify, he had his attorney file a motion to sue the therapist if she continued to see the children. Legally, the therapist did not want a lawsuit, so she called my sister and said she could no longer see the children for fear of losing her practice. This is because my sister and her ex have joint custody even though she is the primary parent. He has the right to disagree with any treatment for the kids. He has forbidden my sister, by a legal form his attorney had drawn up, to take the kids to any psychologist, psychiatrist or mental health counselor of any kind. She can’t even take them to a regular doctors visit without his okay or suffer incarceration. My sister’s attorney said that as primary parent she did not need his permission for regular medical appointments and not fear going to jail. We have called several counselors and no one will see the kids without their dad’s consent. In the meantime, my niece has missed two days of school due to severe anxiety attacks before her father’s weekend. My nephew’s anger is worse and my sister doesn’t know what else to do. She was told to go to counseling herself to help her deal with her kids problems, but they need counseling. My sister’s attorney wanted a letter from the school counselor saying what she has said all along and that is that the kids need counseling. She won’t and can’t do it.

My sister made an appointment with the school principal to see if he would put in writing that he did not want to accept her son back this year if he were not in counseling. He could not do this either for it is a diocese rule. They go to a Catholic school. He did say that he would check into it and make some calls to the diocese. If my sister doesn’t get this in writing, her lawyer can’t do what she wanted and that is go to court again and show the judge that these kids need counseling and their dad won’t do it even after the school recommends it and their pediatricians. WE do have the pediatricians referrel, but the dad was given this and still says no way. He is doing this to prevent the counselors from seeing what is going on at the house.
My nephew also missed a day of school right after the weekend with his dad for excessive anger. I took him home and did some “play therapy” with him and recorded it on videotape. He has so much anger towards his dad and his step mother. In the playing, I had him be one of the characters and the others were people in his life like his mother and dad. Several times he would take his character and beat up his dad’s and his stepmother’s character and would tell his mother to run. He was protecting her and he did this for his sister also. He said he has to protect them from his dad and his wife for they hate his mother. Apparently, the new wife talks horribly about their mother to them. She of course, denies it and says the kids are lying. The kids are afraid to say anything more for they always have to go to their dads.

My family and some friends all fasted and prayed about all this recently. I hope this will help. I know my niece went crying this morning to school for she knew she had to go to her dad’s after school. She told me that her dad will no longer allow her to call her mom for he says she can’t go one day without calling her when she is with him, but goes weeks without calling him when she is with her mom. My niece has lots of anger and even talks about dying. I am worried for her. I did suggest to my sister that there is nothing preventing us from allowing her to talk to a priest. That is our next move, but the kids have to be comfortable with the priest.

Please continue to pray. If the diocese doesn’t come through, my sister is going to court this month to allow the judge to make the decision if these kids can go to a therapist. Her attorney wanted the letter from the school so that the judge would allow my sister to be the sole person in making decisions of medical concerns in reference to the children.

The kids do not have their guardian ad litem yet either so no one is there to speak for them. This is become worse and the dad is so very cold. He has even gone into his attorneys office demanding that he do something to put my sister in jail. His attorney told my sister’s attorney this news.
😦 Oh nana3 I am so sorry to hear of this unbearable situation. I am praying right now for your nephew, niece and sister.

:gopray: Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for those who have recourse to thee.

:gopray: Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for those who have recourse to thee.

:gopray: Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us oh holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Thanks again for praying. My sister went for her first counseling session for herself today. The counselor told her that her husband does sound, narcissistic, and if so she could be in the court system for years. The counselor said they thrive on the court systerm. Someone here in the CF did suggest a book, which we have and are reading and she was the one to point us into his narcissitic behavior. WE can’t go for years in court though, for the money is gone and now my parents are paying for my sister’s attorney, who just asked for $9000.00. My sister has already paid for $15000.00 of her own money. It will be more of course. The counselor told my sister that he is very concerned for my niece. We all are. Please keep her little heart in your prayers most of all. She has given up on life and is very angry at God for not doing something so far. She has her step sister who has tried to commit suicide three times telling her how and what she did. My niece is only 9 1/2 years old.

I wrote her a letter on Thursday after she went to school kicking and screaming because her dad was going to pick her up the next day. She has TMJ disorder now due to the stress. She grinds her teeth so much she has earaches and headaches and gets dizzy. Her dad doesn’t think of it much and said she will get over it. In the letter, I told her to try to accept the situation she is in as God’s will for we have tried everything, and still she has to go to her dad’s. What do you all think? Did I do the correct thing? I don’t want to minimize her sufferings for she is, but I feel that she will do more harm to herself if she doesn’t start to accept her dad for who he is and is new wife. I told her in the letter that she needs to pray for them and maybe God has her there to witness Jesus’ love to them all. She tried real hard on Friday not to try, but did and hugged me and said she will miss me. I told her she can call from her dad’s but she said she can’t for they told her that she can’t call her mom or any of us anymore. Doesn’t the dad realize that he is hurting her and making things worse? He is so selfish!! I pray for his conversion for his own sake and especially the kids. Please include him and his wife in your prayers. I think she is more evil then he is and is the one telling him what to do.

I did not say earlier, but the day we went to court for my sister’s contempt, we saw the ex and his wife downstairs. As they were leaving the building we had to cross one another. I looked back as the wife did too and she jumped up and clamped her hand as she made a joyful noise as if they won. It was not until two days later, the ex realize that he won nothing in court that day for it was continued. Shows how slow they are huh?

To think they are running a daycare and have 8 children now. Scary. I think they are getting witnesses that they are good parents too. My niece told me that when a parent comes to pick up their kid, the wife makes a comment like this to that parent, “we are the happiest family in the block.” My niece said her and this woman’s own kids look at each other and say, “not!”

Don’t forget to pray for my sister’s ex and his wife as well. Let me know what you all think about the letter I gave my niece. Her mother did read it to my niece and my sister said my niece cried. I don’t know what to make of the crying. I know she doesn’t understand sacrifice or suffering for others yet, being so young.
Considering what she’s been through in her few years, I would be surprised if she didn’t understand sacrifice and suffering for others. Sometimes small children can surprise us with their understanding. I am so sorry for your family’s situation and I will definately be praying for you all.
Nana I really hoped that things were going to work out. But please do not give up I know that it is easier said than done. There is still hope and never give up. God will not put obsticles in our path if he thought that we could not handle it. Norma must just me strong and not give up hope. I know that she feels that God has forsaken her but he has not she must not give up. Those kids need her to be strong. This is not God’s fault that this is happening it is evil people. And she must just continue to praise him and worship him.

I of all people know how she feels to keep getting knocked down but no matter how many times we get knocked down God is there to pick us up. She must have faith in him and believe that she will over come all this. But her been angry with God is not going to help her. She must continue to pray continue to read the word. That is what is going to help her get through this tough time.

Her ex does not realise that he is making things worse for himself because those kids are going to end up hating him for the trauma that he has put those kids through. His mind is so clouded that he cannot see beyond that and you know something the wheel is very round what goes around comes around. He can make himself look good in front of people but not to God. He sees him for who he is.

I will keep Norma and the kids in my prayers. But most all I will be praying for her to not loose faith. Because faith can move mountains.
Nana, I feel so sad for you, your sister and especially her children. I do not understand that when children are so distressed at seeing their dad, why someone won’t do something to stop it?
This is terrible.
I think if it were me, I would be saving every cent I had and I would leave the country with the children. I know this is not an option really, as it’s kidnapping but what else can she do?
Those poor children will be mentally scarred. They are noticably distressed and a mothers heart would break to have to watch her children in so much pain.
What kind of an animal could do such things to his own children?
I will pray for your sister and her children.
God bless
Something to think about and also for Norma.

Our Thoughts Become Our Words
by Joyce Meyer

The longer I live, the more I realize the powerful connection that exists between our thoughts and our words. I honestly believe that this connection is one of the most important things we can learn in our lives.

Our words are a direct result of our thoughts. A negative mind produces a negative mouth and, consequently, a negative life. So many people’s problems are rooted in their way of thinking, which actually produces the problems they experience. We are all tempted to think negatively, but we don’t have to give in to the temptation. We need to be able to identify what types of thinking and speaking are acceptable and what types are not.

Because of the many years of negative thinking and speaking in my life, I became an extremely negative, sour person. My philosophy became, “If you don’t expect anything good to happen, then you won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t.” Have you ever felt that way? Because I had encountered so many disappointments in my life, I was afraid to believe that anything good could happen to me. I had developed a terribly negative outlook on everything.

If I had continued to believe those lies about never getting over my past—guess what? I never would have gotten over my past! With God’s help, I was reminded that my past did not have to control my future. I didn’t need God’s help in my life to give up—I needed His help to keep going!

I finally found out how important it was for me to come to grips with the fact that my life would not get straightened out until my mouth did…and my mouth wasn’t going to get straightened out until my mind did. The two were linked!

We have to choose to think and speak positively. It doesn’t come naturally—it takes lots of practice. There will be days when you have setbacks, but just get back up, dust yourself off, and start again. When a baby is learning to walk, he falls many, many times before he enjoys confidence in walking. Failing from time to time—which you will do—doesn’t mean you are a failure. It simply means that you don’t do everything right all the time—and neither does anyone else.

If you have been consumed with negative thinking and speaking, the pathway to your freedom begins when you face the problem without making excuses for it. Be patient with yourself. As you change your thinking, your words will change and so will your life!
The ex wrote an email to my sister saying that the kids are #1 in his life and everything else is 2nd. That is so false and sad that he really believes that. My sister’s therapist is worried about the behavior my niece and nephew are showing at home when they are with their mother. They are scared to go anywhere in the house without my sister. My niece lives in fear. She was never this bad. My sister is going to try to talk to her ex and it is recommended that she record this conversation and let him know it is being recorded. She is going to ask him for the sake of the kids to allow them to see a therapist. We all know what he will say, but her lawyer tells her she as to ask to see if he will put the kids first as he says. If he still says no than she is to send an email about their conversation and ask him if he changed his mind about counseling. If he responses with a no again, she brings all this to the judge when they have to go to court so the kids can see a counselor and maybe the judge will restrict the dad’s visit or even put it with supervision only and give sole custody of medical decisions to my sister.

Robaynne, I will send the words that you said to Norma. She needs to hear them. She goes up and down on giving up. I do to and all of us do, but deep within me I know God will bring all this to a positive outcome for the kids sake. The kids are being verbally and emotionally abused, but this is so hard to prove. How can we prove it? The only way was through a third party, a therapist, and now there is no therapist. May the Lord open a door for us very soon. I can’t bear to think that my niece and nephew suffer emotionally at the hands of their dad and step mother.

My niece has told me that she was helping her dad fix the bed in his bedroom and her stepmom came in and said, “What is she doing in our bedroom?” and raised her arm and pointed to the door to get my niece out of the room. I asked if her dad said anything in her defense and she said no. Another time, her brother had his hands dirty and was about to eat and my niece asked him to go wash his hands. She was ridiculed by her stepmom for she said, “Now look who is the mother here now. Are you his mother? I don’t think so. Don’t be a mom to him!” This is what my niece told me. She just finished a weekend with her dad. I did not see her this morning for my daughter is sick. But she did not call her mom this whole weekend and the last time she came back from her dad’s weekend visit, she cried and told me her dad told her no more calling her mom on his weekend. She did not call, or she was not allowed to call. This adds to her stress. He is an animal for not thinking of his children and what they need.

The last weekend, not this one, that they were with their dad, my niece’s stepsister, made a crank call to someone. Her dad and stepmom found out and didn’t know which kid did it. For some reason they chose my niece and started to scare her saying that if she did not tell the truth, they were going to call the cops and they would come and take her and handcuff her to the jail. How terrible! My niece kept telling them that she did not do it, but they said she was a liar. Then the older stepsister, who is 17year old, told her mom that it was her little sister who made the call not my niece. They did not apologize to her and then scared the other little girl the same way. They threaten to call the police and they were going to take her away. My niece said she felt so bad for her stepsister who was crying. She was also worried for her stepsister, also 9, had a burn mark on her hand. When she asked how she got it, she said her mom did that to her. She said she which her dad would fight to keep her. When she said this outloud and her mom heard, she was punished by having to sit on a couch or an hour. My niece is now feeling sorry for her stepmom’s kids. The 17 year old said she is leaving as soon as she turns 18 years old. She has been working a lot for about two years and is saving the money to move out. The 13 year old has tried to commit suicide three times, as I mentioned before. This is a very dysfunctional family.

My niece tells me that her dad fights so much with his wife that many nights her sleeps on the couch. Some of the weekends they are there he has to sleep on the couch. Not a good marriage and they are newlyweds. But this woman is on her third husband and who notes how many boyfriends she has had. She is not sure her is the father for her second child. That is bad.

Keep praying everyone and thanks for your prayers. Please also pray for the ex’s conversion. Thanks.
Considering what she’s been through in her few years, I would be surprised if she didn’t understand sacrifice and suffering for others. Sometimes small children can surprise us with their understanding. I am so sorry for your family’s situation and I will definately be praying for you all.
The reason I said she doesn’t understand is that my sister found on her computer a letter by my niece titled, “Dear Diary” and in it she blames herself for their divorce. She also wrote that she did not understand why she had to sacrifice so much and hated it. Her letter was totally confusing also. She wrote things that we did not understand. I did encourage my niece to put her feelings down in a journal but to address it to Jesus. To tell him how she feels and what she wants or needs. I hope she does this.

I do know her little brother has said that he is “use to going to dads” whereas his sister is not. He says that his dad and his stepmom are very mean in words to his sister and it makes him angry. When he is bad, they just hit him. The stepmom legally is not to lay a hand on the children, but she has hit my nephew many times. Of course, they deny it. They say we can’t trust a little boy who has an active imagination. They say things like he believes there is a shark in his dad’s tub and then say wrote to my sister in an email, “do you really think there is a shark in our tub, why don’t you report this to DCF?” DCF is the child protective services.

We are dealing with two cops that are both very good liars. For instance, They are running a daycare in their homes. They have a sign in front of their house that two cops care for your children. They have 8 children currently. On Wednesday, the ex picks up the kids from school at 3pm for his weekly nightly visit. The stepmom is working as a sheriff until 3pm and the ex has to go pick up his kids. Who watches the babies and toddlers between 2pm until 3pm? The 13 year old teenager, the stepsister of my niece. This is so illegal. Wednesdays are the days the kids in our county get out early. My daughter and niece and nephew go to a private school, so they get out at 3 pm. I researched the rules of running a daycare and this is not legal, but they get away with it.

I can’t report it now, for my nephew has a very medically necessary Occupational therapy appointment on Wednesdays now, so the dad doesn’t have that day anymore. He was given the other days on the week, but he says Wednesdays are the only day he get pick them up. He complained to his attorney that my sister was keeping the kids from him. His attorney called my sister’s attorney and she told him that the dad has the whole week, but Wednesdays. She explained why and nothing was done of the ex’s complaint.
Oh nana3 this is so sad :(.

Maybe if your niece does write in a journal, that could be submitted to the judge. Also, maybe someone could see if the oldest step-sister could testify if she is really close to moving out.
Nana there is this passage that I read in my Bible. I was blessed with this bible from a very good friend it is the T.D. Jakes Bible called Women Thou Art Loosed and it has these passages inside especially for Women. When I read it, it reached out to me and the situation that I am in right now and also I hope and pray that it reaches out to you and your family during this tough time. I know that things have not been easy. No matter what you cannot allow this situation to bring you down I know that it is easier said than done. But you have the power of God on your side and there are so many people out there praying for a solution to your problem. So how can you guys give up on God not yet he has an appointment with you guys.

Anyway it talks about “Your appointed see” it says “You have an appointment with God that has been set from the foundations of the earth, and that appointment isnt over until God says its over.You may think that all your good days are gone, but the very fact that you are alive says God wants you to be alive. He is not through with you yet. You have an appointment”

“When you make an appointment, you set a date and a time in the present for something that is going to happen in the future. And that’s exactly what God has done in setting His appointment with you. Gods destiny for you is preset. He has known all along that you would go through what you’ve been through to get to the place where you are right now. Even so, He still has an appointment with you. He has no canceled out. There’s still something on His calendar that has your name on it.”

“The Devil knows God has a plan for you. That’s why he has worked so hard to wipe you out. He didnt want you to live long enough to receive all that God had in store for you. He knew there was more ahead. He knew it was good. He knew it had to do with life. That’s why he tried so hard to deal you a deathblow early on. He sent trials, troubles and tribulations to destroy you - and if you refused to be destroyed on the outside, he tried even harder to destroy you on the inside.”

“Start looking ahead. There’s something coming up on God’s calendar and its got your name on it. There’s something good just over the horizon of tomorrow - something good for you life, you family, your work. For everything you have loved and lost, God has another seed. For everything that has died or been stolen from you, God has another seed. For everything you can no longer hold, God has another seed.”

"Everytime the devil tells you that you are going down, that you are going to die, that you are going to cave in, thats there’s nothing else for you, tell him, “You are a liar. There’s got to be something else. I have an appointment with God. He has another seed for me to birth. He has another miracle for me to hold.”

“Where you are right now is not where are going. If you are not on your deathbed, God still has an appointed task for you to finish. He has called you with an eternal purpose.”
Oh nana3 this is so sad :(.

Maybe if your niece does write in a journal, that could be submitted to the judge. Also, maybe someone could see if the oldest step-sister could testify if she is really close to moving out.
The oldest stepsister, in my opinion, even though she hates her mother and wants to move out, is very much like her mother. My niece has confided in her and she goes and tells her mother. For instance, the two weeks my niece was with her father in the summer, she had a therapy appointment already set on a date. My niece asked her mother to be there and she went to her oldest stepsister and told her that she is going home with her mother and not coming back. This teenager went and told her mother and my niece’s father. They made it a big issue and told my sister that she is not taking her after the appointment and she didn’t even though the counselor recommended highly for her mental health to go home with mom. He said no.

Also the oldest is willing to lie for her mother out of fear. She was the one who did tell my niece that what her mom and my niece’s dad were doing to her mother, my sister, was very wrong. She hates her mother, but is loyal to her. She is lying and saying she was at home with my niece was left alone at home. My niece said she went out with her boyfriend just before her punishment of staying home alone. The dad is saying that the 17 year old was out front with her friends. My niece said that is a lie. Like I said these two cops lie a lot. I can’t go into each one of them, but many can be proven as lied with facts and paperwork. They just continue to lie and lie. Truly, my ex BIL has found a liar like him, even though he is still not happy. We all know he never will be until he turns to God.

So I don’t think this teenager will be a witness against her mom. She was told to get close to my niece to get information out of her. That is not nice. My niece really looked up to her until she found out she was the one who told her dad that she was going home with mom after her appointment.

Like I said, we have tried everything humanly possible to do what we can to help our niece and nephew and everywhere we turn, we come across a wall. We have to leave this now in God’s wonderful hands and trust that whatever happens, he knows best and we can’t possibly understand it all. This is hard for us all to understand, but believe me my family is beginning to accept the situation, still praying and never giving up, and leaving it to God. That is all we can do or we will all go crazy.

Yes, this is all so sad.😦
I have been sick and so is my daughter so I did not pick up my niece and nephew after school on Monday. I just heard right now from my sister, Norma, who called me that my niece had a heart to heart talk with her dad. She told him it was unfair that she had to go from house to house. She begged her dad to come and visit her at her mother’s house and he said that her mother will never go for that. Then he told her that he did not understand why she hates to come over to his house when they are such a happy home. My niece gave up talking after that.

Something very scary happened over the weekend also while at their dad’s. They went to a movie and my niece, 9, had to go to the restroom. They let her go alone. After she got out of the restroom a flock of people came out of a theatre room and she thought it was hers. She could not remember which theatre she came out of. She went with the people movements and ended up outside. She started to panic and cry. She asked a woman she saw with a cellphone if she could call her dad’s cellphone to see where he was at. He did not pick up. She stayed outside alone and afraid. After sometime, I don’t know how long, her dad must of came out of the theatre looking for her. She saw him from afar and ran to him crying. He asked her where has she been and took her back into the movie theatre to finish the movie. Can you believe this? He also allows his 6 year old to go to the restroom alone. Two cops allowing small children to go to the restroom alone, but he has done this since my niece was 8 and her brother 5 for this was a big issue with my sister and him. My niece is smart and she must have panic for when we were all one the cruise together in the summer, she would never go to the restroom alone, even if we were outside the door, we had to go in with her. She was unable to walk from cabin to cabin alone and it was only yards away. For her to go to out of the theatre and down the hall into the restroom must of clouded her memory by panic and she could not remember which theatre she came out of.
Oh, I would love to report this to child protective services, but it won’t do any good.
Our hands are tied and he knows it. The stepmom is wicked in her own way also. My niece tells me she speaks badly of Norma and she hates it. Well, she wanted her stepsister to come to visit at her mother’s house and so the stepsister asked her mother, my niece’s stepmom. She did not give her a response until this weekend. My niece said her stepsister said that her mother took her into a room and explained that Norma is a very evil person and that is why they have had to hire three lawyers to beat her lawyer and protect the kids. My niece told her stepsister that that was a lie. The girl responded that whatever her mom says goes in one ear and out the other. Sad huh?

On ex’s next weekend, according to my niece, they are going to get into their boat and go out to the ocean and spend two nights out there. My sister is concerned for this boat is alway breaking down and needs to be fixed. Please pray about this you all. I know she can’t prevent it for that is what the ex wants is for her to write in an email that she is against it.

My sister’s therapist told her that he doesn’t understand why the stepmom or new wife is so gun hole about getting the kids that are not hers. He thinks that she is mentally ill also with a personally disorder. He doesn’t see this new marriage lasting long. By the way the therapist is a minister, not a priest, but a minister and my sister loves him and says that he prays about it all and with her. I am happy for she needs this now in her life. All he can do is help her by teaching her how to help her kids when they are with her. Unfortunately, he did say that the kids will learn their dysfunctional ways at the dads and could have personally disorders in the future or other mental health problems.

I wish I could talk to the ex, for we always had a good relationship when he was married to my sister. I don’t know if I could be nice though for all that he is doing and then blaming my sister for it all, but that is what a narcissist does. They blame, blame and blame everyone but themself.

I am scared for my niece and nephew’s safety now. I am also very angry at my ex BIL.:mad:
HORRIBLE! And I wish I knew what to say/do… Sometimes the system is just terrible! I cannot believe a FATHER would be this way.

I really hope this will turn out well in the end. I will say a prayer for this situation.
The ex wrote an email to my sister saying that the kids are #1 in his life and everything else is 2nd. That is so false and sad that he really believes that. My sister’s therapist is worried about the behavior my niece and nephew are showing at home when they are with their mother. They are scared to go anywhere in the house without my sister. My niece lives in fear. She was never this bad. My sister is going to try to talk to her ex and it is recommended that she record this conversation and let him know it is being recorded. She is going to ask him for the sake of the kids to allow them to see a therapist. We all know what he will say, but her lawyer tells her she as to ask to see if he will put the kids first as he says. If he still says no than she is to send an email about their conversation and ask him if he changed his mind about counseling. If he responses with a no again, she brings all this to the judge when they have to go to court so the kids can see a counselor and maybe the judge will restrict the dad’s visit or even put it with supervision only and give sole custody of medical decisions to my sister.

Robaynne, I will send the words that you said to Norma. She needs to hear them. She goes up and down on giving up. I do to and all of us do, but deep within me I know God will bring all this to a positive outcome for the kids sake. The kids are being verbally and emotionally abused, but this is so hard to prove. How can we prove it? The only way was through a third party, a therapist, and now there is no therapist. May the Lord open a door for us very soon. I can’t bear to think that my niece and nephew suffer emotionally at the hands of their dad and step mother.

My niece has told me that she was helping her dad fix the bed in his bedroom and her stepmom came in and said, “What is she doing in our bedroom?” and raised her arm and pointed to the door to get my niece out of the room. I asked if her dad said anything in her defense and she said no. Another time, her brother had his hands dirty and was about to eat and my niece asked him to go wash his hands. She was ridiculed by her stepmom for she said, “Now look who is the mother here now. Are you his mother? I don’t think so. Don’t be a mom to him!” This is what my niece told me. She just finished a weekend with her dad. I did not see her this morning for my daughter is sick. But she did not call her mom this whole weekend and the last time she came back from her dad’s weekend visit, she cried and told me her dad told her no more calling her mom on his weekend. She did not call, or she was not allowed to call. This adds to her stress. He is an animal for not thinking of his children and what they need.

The last weekend, not this one, that they were with their dad, my niece’s stepsister, made a crank call to someone. Her dad and stepmom found out and didn’t know which kid did it. For some reason they chose my niece and started to scare her saying that if she did not tell the truth, they were going to call the cops and they would come and take her and handcuff her to the jail. How terrible! My niece kept telling them that she did not do it, but they said she was a liar. Then the older stepsister, who is 17year old, told her mom that it was her little sister who made the call not my niece. They did not apologize to her and then scared the other little girl the same way. They threaten to call the police and they were going to take her away. My niece said she felt so bad for her stepsister who was crying. She was also worried for her stepsister, also 9, had a burn mark on her hand. When she asked how she got it, she said her mom did that to her. She said she which her dad would fight to keep her. When she said this outloud and her mom heard, she was punished by having to sit on a couch or an hour. My niece is now feeling sorry for her stepmom’s kids. The 17 year old said she is leaving as soon as she turns 18 years old. She has been working a lot for about two years and is saving the money to move out. The 13 year old has tried to commit suicide three times, as I mentioned before. This is a very dysfunctional family.

My niece tells me that her dad fights so much with his wife that many nights her sleeps on the couch. Some of the weekends they are there he has to sleep on the couch. Not a good marriage and they are newlyweds. But this woman is on her third husband and who notes how many boyfriends she has had. She is not sure her is the father for her second child. That is bad.

Keep praying everyone and thanks for your prayers. Please also pray for the ex’s conversion. Thanks.
Can’t someone anonymously call child protective services on them?
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