Where are you from?

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Seems a really good mix…


Age? 53

Where are you from? Born in Chicago, live in the western suburbs

Nationality/Ethnicity? USA, 5/8 Irish, the rest German and Czech

Religion? Cradle Catholic

Okay, I’ll join in on the fun.

I am 42

I was born and raised in Philadelphia.

My father’s family is Scottish Catholic and emigrated through Ireland.

My mother’s family is of Irish origin, but I have no idea when they became American.

I’m a cradle Catholic and my faith is stronger today than it has ever been.
Age, 37

Born in Chattanooga, TN; lived in Louisville, KY and Wilmington, DE; now live in Southwest FL

English, Irish, Polish, Italian


4 kids

Wife is 100% Polish (so kids are 5/8 Polish!)

Age? 27

Where are you from? Richmond, Virginia

Nationality/Ethnicity? American=mutt … I look to be Native American but I’m really mostly Scotch/Irish/British – I married a Irish/Polish Catholic – so we’re just Americans …

Religion? Protestant by birth, Catholic by the grace of God

mother to Emma (8/22/99) Mara and Rachel (3/13/02)
and wife to Patrick :love:
38 (so far, I hope for a few years more thankyaver’much)
Holed up in Eugene, Or.
I’m about two generations off the boat from Scotland on my dad’s side, also lotsa Irish on that side of the family. I’m an Oregon Applegate descendent.

Was Church of Christ until '98, now Latin Rite Catholic

Oh, and marrying the prettiest woman in Montreal, Quebec on September 4th of this year.

Gonna have to have a Steelhead Pub rendezvous for the Eugene/Springtucky crew!

I’m a 42 year old stay at home father of 4.

I was born and raised in Southgate, KY and now live in Ft Thomas, KY.

Born Roman Catholic and I will die Roman Catholic!

I am 34 yo mother of 4, live in NE Ohio.

I am Black, Native American, Hungarian, Polish, French & Irish.

Both my hippie-era parents raised as Methodists & never attended church together or w/me. I attended AME (African Methodist Episcopal) church w/grandmother; besides the excellent gospel singing & lack of Eucharist, surprisingly similar. Around age 11 i began to attend a Baptist church near my home on my own & was baptised there. My parents did not attend 😦 . After marrying a non-practising Cradle Catholic 100% Italian, I began attendind non-denom church. His stubborn refusal to ever step foot in a non-Catholic church made me attempt to show him the faults of Catholicism,but I was myself converted(1999). 😛
Age? 20

From? Born in Newmarket Ontario, Raised in Minden ON, Currently in Oshawa (near Toronto ON).

Ethnicity? I was adopted so i don’t know but I go by my adopted parents…Father - 100% Italian (catholic) from Sicily
Mother - Irish and welsh (protestant)
I was never baptised (due to the crownwardship i had for 8 years), I will be attending RCIA very soon and hope to be completely catholic by next year!!
For those who want to take part. I am just curious about the “make up” of this message board. So I would like to ask the following:

Where are you from?

I’ll start:

Born in the Philippines, now in Texas
Catholic (revert) [born Catholic, Calvary Chapel, then back to
Puerto Rico, Live in Jacksonville, fl since 1984…
Age? 38

Where are you from? Born in New York, now in Virginia

Nationality/Ethnicity? German / Irish

Religion? Cradle Catholic, fell away, returned in 96.
For those who want to take part. I am just curious about the “make up” of this message board. So I would like to ask the following:

Where are you from?
Age: 25
From: Salem, NH (originally from Allegany, NY… 2001 graduate of Penn State!)
Nationality/Ethinicity: USA
Religion: (Roman) Catholic
Age: 37

Born, Raised & Lives in: Southern Louisiana

Nationality/Ethinicity: mostly French & German (and other)

Religion: cradle Roman Cathlolic

Me: 43
Mentor on the Lake, Ohio (5 walking minutes from Lake Erie)

I am half Bohemian and half Hungarian

1961: Baptized/Confirmed Byzantine.
1967: Went Roman (due to my mother wanting me and my brothers to go to Catholic School).
1985: Then dropped out of all Church
1997: Entered back to Roman
2002: ‘Returned home’ to Byzantine

The 43 years have been a wild rollercoaster ride spiritually and anticipating more twists and turns ahead within my faith!

Go with God!
I’m 47 from Seneca Co., Ohio

Cradle Catholic.

My dad’s side of the family (the Catholic side) are of German (Baden), Luxembourg, and English descent.

My mom’s side of the family was almost all Swiss, German, Dutch and French. Except for the French guy, they were almost all Mennonites and Amish.

I live in Manteca, Ca, but I was born in San Bernadino, Ca (but rised in Fontana) for 19 years

Ethnicity: German(Dutch) and Irish Descent 😉
46 years of age 🙂

Baptist(Still) but learning the Catholic Faith:whistle:
I’m originally from Virginia and am 56 years old. I am of Swedish descent with a drop of Irish and English blood.

I went to the Episcopal church as a child, but at age 13 I started going to Catholic school and attending the Catholic church. I fell in love with the Mass and the Church and this love has never let me go.

My husband and I were married in the Church. (He was Catholic at the time.) During my twenties I started attending other churches but the Catholic church kept calling me. In my thirties I came back to the Catholic church and converted. Unfortunately I was lukewarm for a number of years and the parish I attended offered a very watered down version of Catholicism. The past seven years I have done a great deal of reading about Catholicism and turned my life over to Christ.

My husband is an atheist and none of my three daughters has remained faithful to the Church. It’s probably my fault because I was lukewarm for so long, but it is a huge disappointment. I keep praying for my whole family.
age 38, living in the Chicago area

100% English, not yet an American, but I love this country, married to an American, been blessed with 6 kids (so far…) 🙂

became a RC at 6, and God willing, will die one in good standing!!
I’m 41 and live in the San Francisco Bay Area, though I was born in Sacramento, California.

My father was of English and Scotch extraction, and my mother had been adopted, though we deduced after some study that she was part Mexican and part American Indian.

After being raised with practically no religion at all, I converted to the RCC at the ripe old age of thirty-three.
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