Where Did You Meet Your Spouse?

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I voted “Through mutual friends” but it was also while we were in college. I was actually interested in dating this one girl. Well, she was spoken for, so I started chasing a friend of her roommate. She wasn’t interested, but her friend was. We started dating and we got married a couple years later. So, she was the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend (I think I counted that right…)
I met my husband between my sophomore and junior year in High School. We both attended a DNR Youth Conservation Camp for 6 weeks during the summer. I introduced myself to our work crew and told them the town I was from…which was very small and very rare that anyone had heard of it. We were pruning trees and this guy told me that he knew where my homeown was. He had been there before! The district administrator of our school was good friends with his parents…what a small world!
We remained friends for a long time through mail and phone calls. He went to college and then into the army. I graduated, went to college. He went to Korea. He served two years active duty and then came to the college I was attending when he was discharged.
We were married in 1993.
I wonder how many other people meet at summer camps and end up in life long relationships…never thought it would happen to me.

I met my wife at a dance bar in New Jersey. At the bar were two (2) girls. I had decided to ask one of the girls to dance and by the time I made it around the bar to do so the first girl that I was going to ask was already dancing. Rather than returning to my bar stool and waste the time I had already spent walking around the bar, I decided to ask the second girl to dance. That turn out to be a long dance as I have been married to the second girl for 35 years now!

Praise God!
I met my first husband while we were both pulling guard duty at Keesle Air Force Base in Mississippi.
I met my second husband square dancing (state dance of Washington, don’t you know?). He was an “angel” literally and figuratively. “Angels” were what we called experianced dancers who helped all the newbies learn the steps. Folks are always surprised when we tell them that, because my husband has been moderately handicapped with CP since birth. But he swept me off my feet with his promenading! :dancing: :love: :love:
I met my husband of August 1976. I was nineteen. My cousin introduce him to me at a family batizmal reception.
It was love at first sight. We dated for three months he asked me to marry him and I said yes, and well now it has been 28 years this May since we have been married. We feel truly bless.
In college, with a TV and Star Trek.

My wife was with her roommate (sort of co-woker) and was wanting to watch Star Trek one evening. Her roommate suggested calling me since she knew my roommate and I hosted Star Trek episodes (so we liked Star Trek and owned a TV). She called me and asked, I didn’t want to do homework, so I said “yes”.

Over 11 years later, married for 8 years and soon to have 3 kids, who won’t be watching Star Trek for a long time. BTW: Star Trek hasn’t been good since. 😦

I’m amazed at how often “laundry” was mentioned here. I thought that was just a cliche. 🙂
I first set eyes on my husband at the age of 12. He was playing the drums for a musical review that our folk choir presented in our church social hall. We actually met 3 years later during the summer of 1976 when we both participated in a community summer theater group.

We grew up to miles from one another but he went to the Catholic school and I went to the public school one block away. We made our 1st communion together and I remeber I was a helper giving out punch the night he made his confirmation. I made mine a year later. We made our Sacraments (baptism - marriage) at the same parish church. We also both sang in the choir together. We did not attend the same HS because his was all boy and my was all girl Catholic HS.

We will be married 20 years this September. He is still playing the drums and we are still singing in the choir at church. Go figure!!! :love:
I met my husband freshman year of high school on the school bus. He went to the all-boy Catholic High School and I went to the all-girl Catholic High School. (They shared the same bus service). Upon seeing me for the first time, he went home that night and told his mom that he saw the girl that he was going to marry. She asked what her name was and he said that he didn’t know because he didn’t talk to her yet. Well after ten years we were married. We’ve now been married for almost six years and he’s still my best friend. 😃
Apartment laundrymat. How’s that for romantic? (Hey baby, I love the way you fold your towels)
That’s kind of close to mine–we both lived in an 18-unit apartment building (6 apartments to each floor), and he had a front 3rd floor & I had a back 2nd floor. We’d seen each other here & there, but as far as meeting it was at the mailboxes (down on the first floor) when he was coming back w/ a TV that had just been repaired while I was checking my mail (and I helped with some doors).
At a Steubenville Priests and Deacons Conference in the mid- 80’s. No, I didn’t steal a vocation-- he worked for the maintenance department and I worked in the cafeteria. He came in one day looking for free food and there I was at the door taking meal tickets. I still remember what he was wearing! —KCT
Dan worked at the same company as two of my sisters at one
time. They thought that we were a good match and set us
up to meet. 🙂
I met my husband at “Higher Ground” formerly known as “Outward Bound”. It is a young camp run by the Diocese of Grand Island. He was a camp counselor and I was a camper.

5 years later we married and have loved it ever since.
I bought his brother’s house…I’d say I got the best deal ever! 😃
Blind Date

14 years later, I think she’s still blind.
That is very, very sweet!

We met at an evening beach party…March 22nd. I was 16 and he was 20. We married at 19 and 23 and here we are 16 years later very much in love. (And my family didn’t give it a year!)
During the last week of our freshman year of high school I went around and asked every cute girl I could find to sign my year book. She wrote something to the effect of, “Great knowing you for all of three seconds. Maybe we’ll have a class together next year.” We actually had several. We started seeing each other in senior year but then I (gasp) met another girl and that ended that part of our relationship. After high school I moved 60 miles away.

Three years after that I was not dating anyone but wanted to go out so I decided that for the new year I would call up the girls I knew and take them out for their birthdays (that way, I would have dates throughout the year with no pressure of a relationship). When March rolled along I took her out and that was the end of my plan. Two years later we married and have been so for 15 years. 😃
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This is great!! I love these types of stories! Pray God that I can add my own soon.
We met at a saddle club. He was on a tall dark horse. He had the most entrancing smile I had ever seen. I knew as he trotted over to meet me on my paint horse ~ that he was the man I was going to marry. :love:
At a friends house but i was with someone else at the time. We then met again at this same friends house some years later and i had just split with this other guy and we hit it off straight away.
I responded “at school” because that’s technically correct… but it was at a graduate seminar when I was 32! He was an Italian living in Paris doing dissertation research, and I was an American doing the same. Since both of us are compulsively early, we always ended up sitting in the hallway outside the seminar room waiting for class. That progressed to having lunch together when we were both working at the library…

After 2 years of trans-Atlantic mega phone bills, we finally bit the bullet and got married. It’s great being married to someone whose Latin is better than mine! And who thinks medieval jokes are funny.

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