Where Did You Meet Your Spouse?

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Good Morning Church

I met my wonderful husband 51 years ago at a dance hall in Los Angeles. That is back when we had real dance halls. In fact we danced to Les Browns band that night. I went with girl friends and he went with a guy friend. We were married a year and a half later. We will celebrate our 50th Anniversary in February, God willing.

Misericordi. my youngest son is 37 and still single. God just hasn’t sent him the right lady yet.

I send him emails from www.catholicsingles.com

Have you ever checked it out? I like that website. It seems to give a lot of information to be really safe. It would be easy to check folks out ahead of time.
We met online when we were 12. I was from CA and he was from the midwest. My school friends and I posted messages on a pre-teen bulletin board and he and his friends would reply with teasing messages. We started e-mailing and it turned into a sort of secret crush. We went on with our lives and dated other people, etc., but we would occasionally e-mail and keep each other up on what was going on. When we were in college, we started talking more and we finally got to see pictures of each other. It turned out that one of his friends went to my school (which was half way across the country), and this friend happened to live in the dorm next to mine. He came to visit, we met, and we’ve been together ever since. We didn’t share our story with anyone until after the wedding. 🙂

He’s actually the one who brought me into the Church. I was so intrigued by him and his faith that I spent a lot of time in college studying Catholicism.
My wife had just joined a medieval re-enactment group to which I belonged.

Her chapter was putting on a public tournament at a local Anglo\Canadian club and requested knights from the other chapters to participate.

So I packed up my suit of armor and went.

While preparing to combat, I noticed a lovely lady and was quite taken aback at her beauty and charm. I introduced myself and we made some conversation.

Now in a tournament, a knight fights for a lady. Not having a Lady of my own, I had asked a friend if I could fight for her. I won the tourney and presented my friend with the prize, a garland of flowers.

The lady I met earlier saw this and assumed that my affections were thus occupied, which was heartily untrue.

Later on that evening was a dance and I asked that lovely lady I had met earlier if I could have the honor of a dance, she graciously acquiesced. We dance and talked more and were married 3 years later.
I met my wonderful wife in Lourdes while on Pilgramage. She only lived 30 mins drive from me but we had to travel to Lourdes to meet!

The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways!
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