Where do you get your news?

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When it comes to news, especially breaking news, who do you rely on?
Internet, usually ‘Google News’. Local News from local web pages.

In car, to and from work, NPR on radio.

I find it interesting that print media was not listed as a choice.

Surely, folks aren’t so dull as to rely wholly on TV for their information!

There’s no depth whatever in radio or television - and I can only hope that in addition to the shallow presentations there, thinking persons read daily newspapers and some weeklies as well to get a comprehensive view of a subject.

Not saying at all that there’s anything wrong with listening to radio or TV news at breakfast, but when one wants to learn something…
I agree that Televsion is normally not great. I do think that “The World Over” is a good news program. Maybe it isn’t late breaking so much, but it does cover current events in a good way.

I do think the radio can be informative and much less bias than TV. It is touch and go, but on the whole, better than TV.

Print Media only works if you subscribe to an alternative source. Most city papers are terribly liberal/democrat. I am not democrat or republican so please don’t jump on me for that, papers are just easier to read if you are a democrat. I’ve lived in big cities and small cities (many) and it is almost always the same stuff in TV/radio/and print media.
I find it interesting that print media was not listed as a choice.

Mainly, because I was interested in breaking news. Newspapers and periodicals are too slow.

I did neglect to add radio, but since I listen to radio on the internet when I’m at home or at work I didn’t think of it. People who have long commutes probably rely on radio quite a lot.
Bruised Reed:
People who have long commutes probably rely on radio quite a lot.
I agree. NPR is my station of choice for radio news.
FOX News mostly.
But I also have XM satellite radio on most of the day listening to Glen Beck, Laura Ingrahm, and Sean Hannity. 🙂
EWTN, and Here!
I notice we have a lot of people knowledgable enough to connect me to websites that are news related. I have recently gotten tired of the ‘talk shows’, all badgering and cramming down your throat the issues without being able to ‘do your homework.’ (the right beats up the left, and the left counterattacks, and so on, and so on…) Enough with the political bickering!
I agree. NPR is my station of choice for radio news.
Well based on what you’ve said on this board that does not surprise me.😉 I USED to listen to some NPR, particularly Talk of the Nation and Science Friday. I don’t like their daily news programs as I think they are not only incredibly slanted but incredibly slanted to the left. I listen to the radio most of the day flipping between our local Christian channel, our Catholic channel and a couple of local stations for traffic/weather.

Lisa N
Anything worth knowing about is covered and discussed on conservative talk radio.

Having been connected to satellite TV for several years and watching all the pay-for news networks, but not the traditional liberal biased ABC, NBC, and CBS, I got bored with their talking-over-each-other news talk programs. And reading the Los Angeles Times was a waste of time looking for facts and objectivity. The Washington Times was the only newspaper worth reading but I could only get the weekly version in CA. Eventually, I cancel that.

I felt able to get rid of all those sources of news when I finally realized what I found worth knowing was covered on the talk radio programs I listen to all day long anyway, starting with Bill Bennett at 3AM if I happen to wake up and not get back to sleep, then Laura Ingram at 6AM -starts my day with laughs, then Dennis Prager at 9AM with his wisdom and at the same time (depending on the topic), Rush Limbaugh with his humor and political suave, then at noon Michael Medved with his calm dismantling of mostly negative callers and guest, and sometimes Dr. Laura if I want a break from politics, then at 3PM Hugh Hewitt to take me to dinner time and/or Larry Elder or John & Ken, but mostly Hugh.

They all have either great guest, or sound clips, or interesting callers from the public. So I let those guys and their staffs do the reading, watching and listening, and I disconnected myself from the TV, newspapers, and periodicals saving myself a lot of time, money and aggravation and getting a lot of flexibility in where I can go every day.

With the money and time I now have I have taken up something I have wanted to do for a long time - dancing.

The next thing I’m canceling is US News; just started reading their main feature today of their latest issue and could see the slant they were going to take within two paragraphs and knew it was a waste of time going any further.
NPR and PBS as far as MSM goes. Other than that the Internet (buzzflash.com, GuardianUK, ConsortiumNews are all very good for news that the spineless American lapdog media is afraid to touch). ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and especially FOX are all nothing more than mouthpieces and shills for the current administration.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and especially FOX are all nothing more than mouthpieces and shills for the current administration.
Arre you serious?:rotfl:
Lisa N:
… I USED to listen to some NPR, particularly Talk of the Nation and Science Friday. I don’t like their daily news programs as I think they are not only incredibly slanted but incredibly slanted to the left. …
did you catch Weekend Edition this morning?

Scott Simon is undoubtedly a little “pink” most times BUT he did about 15 minutes on the Pope alone followed with another 5 minutes on a discussion of the nature of suffering

very well thought out & respectful

really good radio

Big network comercial TV news could never do anything like that

they would just run some stock footage, give a 90 second blurb and then cut to a soap comercial

someone having a bias isn’t neceesarily a bad thing
it is kinda unavoidable
I think that as long as you are aware of it you can deal with it.
Local abc for local news




online …drudge…Yahoo
I get some on my local Catholic Radio station. I picked MSN since I have a hotmail account and see it when I check my email. My local talk radio station has CNN for their top of the hour and half hour updates and I go ahead and listen. As slanted as CNN can be, they do have updated info.

I still listen to NPR on the radio since I do enjoy getting news with fewer commercials (excpet during pledge break time :rolleyes: ). I do not own a TV and do not know if there is a fox news radio station in my area. Someday I hope to afford satellite radio, but until then I turn to FM (meaning NPR) sometimes since so many things in my home seem to add static to AM stations. For example, I can not even have my touch lamp plugged in without it adding static to AM radio stations.
jim orr:
Arre you serious?:rotfl:
Serious as a heart attack, my friend! When one goes to sources outside the American MSM, it’s amazing just how obvious the pro- administration bias is.

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