Where do you sit in church, and why?

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Usually, at the chapel, third pew, left side, right on the center aisle.
Ooooh, we sit in the same place! What does that mean?

We always sit in the first couple rows. If I sit too far back I feel like I’m watching other people go to mass rather than being there myself. Being up front makes me feel more involved. Plus, having people singing behind me helps me to feel less self conscious regarding my own singing (if that’s what you want to call it). :yup:
1st or 2nd row behind the 10th station of the cross in order to a) receive as early as possible and maximize post-communion prayer time and b) from the priest.
Hehe. I’m usually sitting on an organ bench. Occaisionally I’ll be asked to play at a parish with a choir loft, and I get to feel all high and mighty up there, but modern parishes seem to like to put their choirs right up front, as close to the altar as possible. Usually, the organ consoles are up there, too. sigh Oh, well. Someday I want to play at a parish church with four choir lofts and get some really cool antiphonal singing going on like they did in Venice back in the day… I dunno where I’d sit then daydreams
Thanks for all your interesting responses, I really enjoyed reading them! :love:
I sit in the very back behind the last row of pews where there are three chairs. I sit there because I have a bad back and the pews are not as easy on my back as the chairs. Also, the kneeler is movable and I can move it to a more comfortable distance from the pew. I hate American pews. :mad:
Please don’t laugh. I haven’t been a very good Catholic so I actually sit in the last few pews. I actually don’t feel worthy to sit any closer to the altar. (Tabernacle)

I also sit at the end of the pew if I haven’t been to Confession so that people don’t have to crawl over me to get to Communion.

When I was growing up we always sat somewhere in the middle on the right side…then I got older and in Jr. High I joined the adult choir and played flute, sometimes at all 3 Masses…so I sat in the chairs on the front left of the altar. But those days are gone for now.

So I sit in back.
Growing up, we sat second pew on the right - always.

Now, we sit on the left side, 4th to 8th row, depending on what time we get there. We regularily attend 10 am and invariably sit behind the same family. A while ago we went to 5 pm on Sat night and ended up behind the same family - I even told them good morning after Mass just because it seemed like it should be.

A priest that was assistant at my Parish 10 years ago came back to say Mass 4 weeks ago, as our priests were away.

He said at the start of his Homily that it had been 10 years since he had spoken from that pulpit, and he could still see the same people sitting in the same places.

For as long as I can remember, my mum made us all sit on the very right of the church, about 3/4 way down.

When I first started taking my son last year, when he was 5, and was becoming more interested in Jesus, I walked in and wanted to encourage him fully to attend Mass, so I asked him where he wanted to sit. This was something my mum never offered me.

Well, my son picked front row. I nearly died.

I felt like everyone could see me, whether I stood up too early, or sat down too quickly.

I felt as if the priest was glaring at me to make sure I was listening and saying ALL the words to the Creed etc.

The only trouble I had really, was kneeling down, as I cant get up and down very well, and like to hold on to the back of the pew in front of me.

Anyway, since my HUGE reversion back to the church this year, I sit 2nd row.

I find I can concentrate more, as no one is in front of me ( no one sits in front ) I can hear better, I can see better, I can actually hear the priests whispering their “mingling” blessing.

My son enjoys it.

And I can kneel down better as I can lean on the back of the pew in front of me.

Who cares whether people are looking at my top that rides up after I have been sitting down, or who cares if people can see my sons hair at the back is all messy, as he has just got out of bed, and won’t let me comb it.

I am happy knowing I am there worshipping my God.

Love Kellie
I usually sit towards the front on the left hand side of the church. Why…well, there is more space between the pews and the wall on the left hand side of the church and I need the space coming from Holy Communion. :o

Catholics come early to church so that they can get a good seat at the back. 😉
When I am sitting with my family we sit second row on the left, directly in front of the choir. This is because when my son was younger (and before my husband returned to The Church) I could keep an eye on my son during Mass from where I sat in choir.

When I am cantoring or in choir (or subbing for the music director) I sit in front on the left.

Well, let’s see, before my husband’s conversion, we had to sit way in the back and off to one side. Now that he’s come into the Church, we sit in the middle section about mid-way up and always at the end (2 babies require us to have a quick get-away). This new seat ensures that we recieve Holy Communion from the priest.
Usually I follow my wife in and she picks about 5-6 rows back on the right.
However, if I lead the way I go 3-4 rows back on the left. This is because Father usually distributes Communion on that side and I prefer to receive from him as the ordinary minister of Communion rather than from an EMHC if possible.
I sit in the middle about 5 rows from the top, because when the children were small I had to let them see what was going on.

And now because people at the back won’t refrain from talking I still sit there:gopray:
Left side on the second pew. I like being as close to the altar as possible. We sit there every sunday. We are creatures of habit. A funny thing was my mother used to sit on the same pew every sunday. She said she sat there because after so many years. that particular pew was molded to her backside. Cracked us up everytime she said that. PAX CHRISTI
I usually sit as close to the middle aisle as possible, about three to four rows back. I like to be up close (but not “right there”) and in a central position so I can see what is going on.
Right side, first pew.
We started sitting in the front pew when our children were small for two reasons. 1) a baby’s voice will project forward, it’s not so bad to have a crying baby in front of you but put one behind you… :eek: The whole church hears a babies at the back. 2) we thought that if the kids could see what’s going on they would be more likely to be quiet in the first place. If the only thing they could see is the heads of adults in front of them they could get bored pretty quickly.
Right side, first pew eventually became a habit.
First row, left side.

Our children like to see what is going on, and I use the opportunity to explain the Mass to them.
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