Where is the Ark?

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patrick457;10949721]Concerning that passage, I’ll just say that the context in which this story appears is a private letter (2 Maccabees 1:10-2:18), where it is attributed ambiguously to “the records.”** I don’t personally believe the story is ‘factual’;** for one the story appears a few centuries after Jeremiah lived, and it (kinda suspiciously) addresses a contemporary issue: whether the new Temple is really legit because there is no Ark in it. The author of the letter answers to this, no you shouldn’t worry about it, the Ark still survives - it is only hidden. God will reveal it when He “gathers his people together again and shows his mercy.”
Everyone has an opinion; The facts remain the Ark of the Covenant existed, Moses himself existed.

God buried Moses, yet know one knows where God buried the Law giver. The physical Ark is hidden.

Moses appears again in the fullness of time in the mystical presence of Jesus and Elijah at the transfiguration.

John sees the True and eternal Ark of the Covenant to which the Old Ark of the Covenant pre-figured. In the old Ark the seat of mercy is empty, in the eternal True Ark of the Covenant we find a Woman in the presence of the Mercy Seat.

Many ancient cultures possessed an Ark, yet all of these Gentile nations possessed a Woman seated above their Arks to which they revealed during conquest and battles, (One can speculate here, that those who claim to one may be one of a Gentile nation from antiquity) Just as the Hebrews did, although their Ark seat was empty.

Carnal knowledge looks to the physical properties of the Ark with rejection and speculation of writings surrounding these realities that existed from antiquity. The “fact” remains both to the Hebrews and Christians the Ark of the Covenant does not exist without faith in God,.which the Ark draws all believers.

There can only be one Ark of the Covenant, the carnal physical one remains hidden because it has been raised and revealed eternally hidden mystically in the hearts and minds of believers, yet eternally existing in that eternal temple of God, Jesus Christ, which is made present both in every age in His body the Church and in heaven standing as a Lamb as thou slain in the heavenly temple of God.
Everyone has an opinion; The facts remain the Ark of the Covenant existed, Moses himself existed.

God buried Moses, yet know one knows where God buried the Law giver. The physical Ark is hidden.

Moses appears again in the fullness of time in the mystical presence of Jesus and Elijah at the transfiguration.

John sees the True and eternal Ark of the Covenant to which the Old Ark of the Covenant pre-figured. In the old Ark the seat of mercy is empty, in the eternal True Ark of the Covenant we find a Woman in the presence of the Mercy Seat.

Many ancient cultures possessed an Ark, yet all of these Gentile nations possessed a Woman seated above their Arks to which they revealed during conquest and battles, (One can speculate here, that those who claim to one may be one of a Gentile nation from antiquity) Just as the Hebrews did, although their Ark seat was empty.

Carnal knowledge looks to the physical properties of the Ark with rejection and speculation of writings surrounding these realities that existed from antiquity. The “fact” remains both to the Hebrews and Christians the Ark of the Covenant does not exist without faith in God,.which the Ark draws all believers.

There can only be one Ark of the Covenant, the carnal physical one remains hidden because it has been raised and revealed eternally hidden mystically in the hearts and minds of believers, yet eternally existing in that eternal temple of God, Jesus Christ, which is made present both in every age in His body the Church and in heaven standing as a Lamb as thou slain in the heavenly temple of God.
There was in the early days of Country Music a singer named “Arkie the Arkansas Woodchopper.” He appeared on the WLS radio National Barndance, the forerunner of the Grand Old Opry.
Everyone has an opinion; The facts remain the Ark of the Covenant existed, Moses himself existed.

God buried Moses, yet know one knows where God buried the Law giver. The physical Ark is hidden.

Moses appears again in the fullness of time in the mystical presence of Jesus and Elijah at the transfiguration.

John sees the True and eternal Ark of the Covenant to which the Old Ark of the Covenant pre-figured. In the old Ark the seat of mercy is empty, in the eternal True Ark of the Covenant we find a Woman in the presence of the Mercy Seat.

Many ancient cultures possessed an Ark, yet all of these Gentile nations possessed a Woman seated above their Arks to which they revealed during conquest and battles, (One can speculate here, that those who claim to one may be one of a Gentile nation from antiquity) Just as the Hebrews did, although their Ark seat was empty.

Carnal knowledge looks to the physical properties of the Ark with rejection and speculation of writings surrounding these realities that existed from antiquity. The “fact” remains both to the Hebrews and Christians the Ark of the Covenant does not exist without faith in God,.which the Ark draws all believers.

There can only be one Ark of the Covenant, the carnal physical one remains hidden because it has been raised and revealed eternally hidden mystically in the hearts and minds of believers, yet eternally existing in that eternal temple of God, Jesus Christ, which is made present both in every age in His body the Church and in heaven standing as a Lamb as thou slain in the heavenly temple of God.
Please read my post more carefully. I do believe the Ark exists. I just have some doubts as to whether the story of Jeremiah hiding it is factual, but who knows?

Just a little unrelated trivia. In the Septuagint Deuteronomy “they” (the Israelites?) buried Moses “in Gai, in the land of Moab, near the house of Phogor,” but no one knows the location of the grave (as in the Hebrew version).
So patrick457. With all that information, what do you think happened to the real ark and for what purpose?
Three words: I don’t know. Only God knows. And I don’t really care whatever happened to it.
patrick457;10950952]Please read my post more carefully. I do believe the Ark exists. I just have some doubts as to whether the story of Jeremiah hiding it is factual, but who knows?
Here is the difficulty I have with your doubts of Jeremiah; Apparently your doubts are raised from archeological dating of the letter? Faith does not pretend to hold to secular facts, these are suspended from the eternal reality from Historical events.

For example; Jesus and His apostles taught from the Septuagint from which possess the books of the Maccabbees. If the Septuagint lacked one letter or missed one letter of God’s divine inspiration, I believe Jesus would not have quoted from the Septuagint.

Secondly; the 72 Hebrews who copied the LXX ( Septuagint) (Hebrew to Greek) translation copied them exactly to the surprised miracle witnessed by Ptolemny II Philadelphus (285-246 b.c). Now I ask you these copies are not the original, yet they are exact witnessed duplicates of the originals. My point when the New Testament was canonized, we did not possess all the original letters of the apostles, but duplicates to the originals which have a later carbon dating. Yet we know these are apostolic when the cannon applied them to the apostolic Traditions already existing.

So my question to you? how do you distinguish faith from secular carbon dating and from what God reveales through the prophets? Hebrew Tradition never rejected these books until the second century a.d, after the resurrection to disprove Jesus and His teachings.
Just a little unrelated trivia. In the Septuagint Deuteronomy “they” (the Israelites?) buried Moses “in Gai, in the land of Moab, near the house of Phogor,” but no one knows the location of the grave (as in the Hebrew version).
I just hope to point out your trivia as being that, but it never reaches the Faith of the Hebrews who believed from Jewish recorded hermaneutics of the scriptures, and their legends of this past event that took place. "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen… what is visible came into being through the invisible"

“In the meanwhile, Moses’ time was at an end. A voice from heaven resounded, saying: ‘Why, Moses, dost thou strive in vain? Thy last second is at hand.’ Moses instantly stood up for prayer, and said: ‘Lord of the world! Be mindful of the day on which Thou didst reveal Thyself to me in the bush of thorns, and be mindful also of the day when I ascended into heaven and during forty days partook of neither food nor drink. Thou, Gracious and Merciful, deliver me not into the hand of [Satan].**’ God replied: ‘I have heard thy prayer. I Myself shall attend to thee and bury thee.’ **Moses now sanctified himself as do the Seraphim that surround the Divine Majesty, whereupon God from the highest heavens revealed Himself to receive Moses’ soul. When Moses beheld the Holy One, blessed be His Name, he fell upon his face and said: ‘Lord of the world! In love didst Thou create the world, and in love Thou guidest it. Treat me also with love, and deliver me not into the hands of the Angel of Death.’ A heavenly voice sounded and said: ‘Moses, be not afraid. “Thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rearward.”‘”

“With God descended from heaven three angels, Michael, Gabriel, and Zagzagel. Gabriel arranged Moses’ couch, Michael spread upon it a purple garment, and Zagzagel laid down a woolen pillow.** God stationed Himself over Moses’ head, Michael to his right, Gabriel to his left, and Zagzagel at his feet, whereupon God addressed Moses: ‘Cross thy feet,’ and Moses did so. He then said, ‘Fold thy hands and lay them upon thy breast,’ and Moses did so. Then God said, ‘Close thine eyes,’ and Moses did so.** Then God spake to Moses’ soul: ‘My daughter, one hundred and twenty years had I decreed that thou shouldst dwell in this righteous man’s body, but hesitate not now to leave it, for thy time has run…**.I Myself shall take thee to the highest heavens and let thee dwell under the Throne of My Glory’….When Moses heard these words, he permitted his soul to leave him, saying to her: ‘Return to thy rest, O my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.’ God thereupon took Moses’ soul by kissing him on the mouth.” **(Ginzberg)

** “As a mother takes her child and kisses it, and then lays it down to sleep in its own bed; so did the Lord kiss the soul of Moses away to be with him for ever, and then he hid is body we know not where.”** (Spurgeon)

And He buried him in a valley: Notably, the Lord buried Moses. This was more complicated than it sounds, because the devil contended with God over the body of Moses.

Apparently, God had a purpose to fulfill with the body of Moses before the time of general resurrection, so God made special provision to bury the body of Moses Himself. And, perhaps, God preserved the body of Moses in some way. God wanted to protect the body of Moses, so no one knows his grave to this day. Seemingly, they searched for it (as would be expected) out of a desire to memorialize this great leader of the nation.

His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor abated: This confirmed what was observed at Deuteronomy 31:1 (I can no longer go out and come in).** Moses was not hindered by physical infirmity, but by the command of God.**

In short, what is believed in faith is eternal leaves in the dust what is seen by the carnal mind which returns to dust.

Peace be with you
Sorry 504Karin, I mean has Jewish tradition rejected the understanding that the ark was hidden by Jeremiah? Do they have a different understanding of what happened to the ark?
An apology from my side, too. When I read about Jeremiahs’ works I thought the topic would shift to him and his actions.

There’re several opinions like, one that the Babylonians captured the Ark, another says that the Ark was not found, another that the Ark is still in the underneath the Temple. There’s the teaching that, based on 2 Chronicles 35,
And said to the Levites that taught all Israel, which were holy to the LORD, Put the holy ark in the house which Solomon the son of David king of Israel did build; it shall not be a burden on your shoulders: serve now the LORD your God, and his people Israel, 4And prepare yourselves by the houses of your fathers, after your courses, according to the writing of David king of Israel, and according to the writing of Solomon his son.
that the Ark wasn’t removed, but moved once to its spot. Why moved and not removed? Because this happened during peace times, when the Levites were instructed by the king to bring the Ark to its spot. So one location was on the rock, and the second location is deep under ground. Solomon, when he built the Temple back in the day, knew that the time would come when the Ark would have to be protected from the enemies, built two places for the Ark, a visible place and a hidden place deep underneath the Temple. This is where the Ark remains to be, underneath the Temple. When Nehemiah built the second Temple, the Ark wasn’t visible inside the Temple, but it was still there underneath. All things like the tablets, Aarons’ staff, the manna and the oil remianed in the Ark and were not brought back into the visible second Temple. The heart of Temple was never destroyed.

This is what I also believe. What makes me worry is that a friend who’s a photographer told me how he entered a section on the Temple Mount people weren’t supposed to enter, and he saw that Arabiens took out things from underneath the Temple. He said that they have probably removed everything from under gound 😦
An apology from my side, too. When I read about Jeremiahs’ works I thought the topic would shift to him and his actions.

There’re several opinions like, one that the Babylonians captured the Ark, another says that the Ark was not found, another that the Ark is still in the underneath the Temple. There’s the teaching that, based on 2 Chronicles 35,

that the Ark wasn’t removed, but moved once to its spot. Why moved and not removed? Because this happened during peace times, when the Levites were instructed by the king to bring the Ark to its spot. So one location was on the rock, and the second location is deep under ground. Solomon, when he built the Temple back in the day, knew that the time would come when the Ark would have to be protected from the enemies, built two places for the Ark, a visible place and a hidden place deep underneath the Temple. This is where the Ark remains to be, underneath the Temple. When Nehemiah built the second Temple, the Ark wasn’t visible inside the Temple, but it was still there underneath. All things like the tablets, Aarons’ staff, the manna and the oil remained in the Ark and were not brought back into the visible second Temple. The heart of Temple was never destroyed.

This is what I also believe. What makes me worry is that a friend who’s a photographer told me how he entered a section on the Temple Mount people weren’t supposed to enter, and he saw that Arabiens took out things from underneath the Temple. He said that they have probably removed everything from under ground 😦
Thanks 504Karin, that is all very interesting. Can I ask why the ark was not moved from its hidden secondary location back to its rightful position during the rebuilding and rededication of the temple? Was it still uncertain times?

Also if the Arabians were to move the ark would they still be subject to the touch it and die example of Uzzah? I also ask this question to Catholics. If the ark was found today would it still be subject to the death by touching. I am just wondering because the ark as a type has been antityped, one would expect a transfer of status. Sorry I hope I’m not being too vague and you understand what I mean.
Thanks 504Karin, that is all very interesting. Can I ask why the ark was not moved from its hidden secondary location back to its rightful position during the rebuilding and rededication of the temple? Was it still uncertain times?

Also if the Arabians were to move the ark would they still be subject to the touch it and die example of Uzzah? I also ask this question to Catholics. If the ark was found today would it still be subject to the death by touching. I am just wondering because the ark as a type has been antityped, one would expect a transfer of status. Sorry I hope I’m not being too vague and you understand what I mean.
The point is that said chamber underneath isn’t a secondary place, but the right place for the Ark, a Holy of Holies below the ground so to speak. The Ark was once moved to its right place. During the time of the second Temple you didn’t have to bring the Ark into the Temple, as the Ark was’t needed to fullfill all 613 laws. The Temple functioned perfectly without the Ark being revealed. We can ask well why didn’t they bring the Ark above ground just because it’s nice to have it revealed? Probably the place of the Ark was unknown, and there already were prophecies about the destruction of the Temple.

I personally don’t believe that anyone could destroy the Ark, and that it’s still sitting there and that its location will be known when the Messiah comes and then everything will be fine.
I also don’t believe that where the Arabiens built that Mosque is where the Ark is sitting underneath. It’s called the Dome of the rock but it’s not where “The Rock” is located. This is because, David says in his Psalms that the resting place for the Ark would be its resting place for all eternity. It’s forbidden to build a house for G-d where sacrifices are offered at any other place in the world but Zion. Nothing will ever be built there where the Ark is now until the Messiah comes.

I want to add that the only reason I know a little bit about that is that we have “The three weeks” right now and are encouraged to learn about the Temple that was destroyed (two times) on Tisha b’Av and Erev Tisha b’Av this year is on Monday night July 15th C.E. We (healthy adults) can’t (shouldn’t) eat or drink anything from nightfall till the stars are showing around 24 hours later. I’m off from work that day. After synagogue service Tuesday morning I will have classes all day long about this subject.
In my view the Ark is a symbolic reference to the Cause of God…
In my view the Ark is a symbolic reference to the Cause of God…
Hi! 🙂 I’ve read a little bit about Bahai and I like what I’ve learned. I’m under the impression that you guys are rare though, right? I personally have never talked to one at least nor know of anyone who knows one.
I think it would be cool if the Ark of the Covenant, containing the original 10 commandments, a piece of manna, Aaron’s staff (is this right? Are there more contents?) could be found for real. Just for the history and religious significance.

And no, its not in a secret government warehouse in Washington, D.C…found by Henry Jones, Jr, Doctor of Archaeology. :rolleyes:
I think it would be cool if the Ark of the Covenant, containing the original 10 commandments, a piece of manna, Aaron’s staff (is this right? Are there more contents?) could be found for real. Just for the history and religious significance.

And no, its not in a secret government warehouse in Washington, D.C…found by Henry Jones, Jr, Doctor of Archaeology. :rolleyes:
Three years ago I was in the Holy Land, in Haifa, Israel, in the International Archives Building of the Baha’i Faith on Mount Carmel. There are many artifacts there of great import, including original manuscripts, pens used by, clothing, etc of the Bab and Baha’u’llah, which for Baha’is, equates with what you have stated above.
It is more recent, and of course is seen through the eyes of those who either do or do not believe that such things are sacred. For me, having the original Ark and its contents right next to these other things would be equal, the only difference being the age of the manuscripts, etc.
I think it would be cool if the Ark of the Covenant, containing the original 10 commandments, a piece of manna, Aaron’s staff (is this right? Are there more contents?) could be found for real. Just for the history and religious significance.

And no, its not in a secret government warehouse in Washington, D.C…found by Henry Jones, Jr, Doctor of Archaeology. :rolleyes:
the annointing oil that Moses used back in the day.

I would like to know how they removed the blood from the altar as it had to be sprinkled with it. This is a question that I don’t dare to ask the Rabbi as it sounds so silly but I do really wonder how they removed it and kept the altar clean 😊
the annointing oil that Moses used back in the day.

I would like to know how they removed the blood from the altar as it had to be sprinkled with it. This is a question that I don’t dare to ask the Rabbi as it sounds so silly but I do really wonder how they removed it and kept the altar clean 😊
Three years ago I was in the Holy Land, in Haifa, Israel, in the International Archives Building of the Baha’i Faith on Mount Carmel. There are many artifacts there of great import, including original manuscripts, pens used by, clothing, etc of the Bab and Baha’u’llah, which for Baha’is, equates with what you have stated above.
It is more recent, and of course is seen through the eyes of those who either do or do not believe that such things are sacred. For me, having the original Ark and its contents right next to these other things would be equal, the only difference being the age of the manuscripts, etc.
I checked in my back pocket and it’s not there. My wife thinks it is in a nice safe place! If it is, then kiss it good-bye!
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