Where is the Ark?

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The Ark of the Covenant:

A: Being examined by “top men” at a secret D.C. warehouse.

B: More likely hidden someplace where we will never find it. I know very little about the Ark, but if it’s anything like in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”; do we WANT to find it? I am a firm believer that some things are NOT meant to be disturbed. Even if we knew where it was, we might be better off leaving it be.

Noah’s Ark:

Turkey? Israel? Jordan? Lebanon? I have a hard time believing that if the Ark were still in tact that it would remain undiscovered until today. The Middle East is too densely populated and it is too big to go unnoticed. I could be wrong, but it likely hasn’t survived to this day. Too bad…

Mary: The Ark of the New Covenant:

Assumed up to Heaven.
The Ark of the Covenant:

A: Being examined by “top men” at a secret D.C. warehouse.

B: More likely hidden someplace where we will never find it. I know very little about the Ark, but if it’s anything like in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”; do we WANT to find it? I am a firm believer that some things are NOT meant to be disturbed. Even if we knew where it was, we might be better off leaving it be.

Noah’s Ark:

Turkey? Israel? Jordan? Lebanon? I have a hard time believing that if the Ark were still in tact that it would remain undiscovered until today. The Middle East is too densely populated and it is too big to go unnoticed. I could be wrong, but it likely hasn’t survived to this day. Too bad…

Mary: The Ark of the New Covenant:

Assumed up to Heaven.
The old saying “Curiosity killed the cat” may apply. But curious beings that we are if someone were to find it I don’t believe it WOULD be left alone.🤷
Sitting behind my bar. Makes a nice conversation piece.
Anyone interested in giving me a book advance?
So if you have a laundry app the phone should work if you drop it in water?
Yeah. Its called the Zip Lock Bag App. Might be best to use two apps, just in case! 😉

Not sure if they’ve come out with a Dryer app yet, though… ;-(
The old saying “Curiosity killed the cat” may apply. But curious beings that we are if someone were to find it I don’t believe it WOULD be left alone.🤷
Then again, if Noah brought along two termites, and they were fruitful and multiplied, well…
Hi! 🙂 I’ve read a little bit about Bahai and I like what I’ve learned. I’m under the impression that you guys are rare though, right? I personally have never talked to one at least nor know of anyone who knows one.
I’ve met a few who were “well done”, and a couple of medium rares, as well… 😉
I left my cell phone in my blue jeans, which ended up in the laundry. Dang!
You know when a friend of mine cried? When his wife washed his cap with all the signatures of his team in the :banghead: washing machine.
Seriously, folks, the Ark-- NOT MARY- contains the stone tablets that Moses had to carve out the second time (God caused him to do so because Moses got angry and threw them down and broke the ones God etched out!!!), a cup of manna which did not rot, and the budded staff of Aaron. This is Holy.

There are stories of David allowed a copy to be brought back to Ethiopia but switched it to the real one to confuse the enemies who would have liked it to be destroyed or capture it assuming it had “magic”, not to mention the gold .There are large numbers of Ethiopian jews who have the “cohen” gene necessary to identify to be a levite.(levites can become the high Priest who can enter the holy of holies in the third temple that will be built.

interesting, methinks.

However, there are 'rooms" well below the Temple Mount , one of which is supposed to house the Holy Ark. It has also been said it has been seen but little is spoken about it for fears of the more radical element of islam .

The building of the Third Temple is a very serious project which is under way now in Israel. The details and outright impossibilities that have been overcome could only be attributed by God’s intervention. I am quite confident that God will arrange for that Ark to once again be set down in it’s proper place within the temple.

All this must take place for the wonderful day when Jesus will sit upon the Throne of David in Jerusalem.
Seriously, folks, the Ark-- NOT MARY- contains the stone tablets that Moses had to carve out the second time (God caused him to do so because Moses got angry and threw them down and broke the ones God etched out!!!), a cup of manna which did not rot, and the budded staff of Aaron. This is Holy.

There are stories of David allowed a copy to be brought back to Ethiopia but switched it to the real one to confuse the enemies who would have liked it to be destroyed or capture it assuming it had “magic”, not to mention the gold .There are large numbers of Ethiopian jews who have the “cohen” gene necessary to identify to be a levite.(levites can become the high Priest who can enter the holy of holies in the third temple that will be built.

interesting, methinks.

However, there are 'rooms" well below the Temple Mount , one of which is supposed to house the Holy Ark. It has also been said it has been seen but little is spoken about it for fears of the more radical element of islam .

The building of the Third Temple is a very serious project which is under way now in Israel. The details and outright impossibilities that have been overcome could only be attributed by God’s intervention. I am quite confident that God will arrange for that Ark to once again be set down in it’s proper place within the temple.

All this must take place for the wonderful day when Jesus will sit upon the Throne of David in Jerusalem.
Very interesting. I rented from a wonderful Jewish man named Nahmais whose ancestors helped to rebuild the Temple. Then it was destroyed again.

Some hold that the Temple was rebuild again, that the building of the al Aqsa Mosque fulfills that prophecy, but then you get into all kinds of arguments and emotional reactions.

I looked it up on Wikipedia, just to get the history:

Al-Aqsa Mosque (Arabic:المسجد الاقصى al-Masjid al-Aqṣā, IPA: ʔælˈmæsdʒɪd ælˈʔɑqsˤɑ] ( listen), “the Farthest Mosque”) also known as Al-Aqsa and Bayt al-Muqaddas, is the third holiest site in Islam and is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. The site on which the silver domed mosque sits, along with the Dome of the Rock, also referred to as al-Haram ash-Sharif or “Noble Sanctuary,”[2] is the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, the place where the Temple is generally accepted to have stood. Muslims believe that Muhammad was transported from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to al-Aqsa during the Night Journey. Islamic tradition holds that Muhammad led prayers towards this site until the seventeenth month after the emigration, when God directed him to turn towards the Ka’aba.
The mosque was originally a small prayer house built by the Rashidun caliph Umar, but was rebuilt and expanded by the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik and finished by his son al-Walid in 705 CE. After an earthquake in 746, the mosque was completely destroyed and rebuilt by the Abbasid caliph al-Mansur in 754, and again rebuilt by his successor al-Mahdi in 780. Another earthquake destroyed most of al-Aqsa in 1033, but two years later the Fatimid caliph Ali az-Zahir built another mosque which has stood to the present-day. During the periodic renovations undertaken, the various ruling dynasties of the Islamic Caliphate constructed additions to the mosque and its precincts, such as its dome, facade, its minbar, minarets and the interior structure. When the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099, they used the mosque as a palace and church, but its function as a mosque was restored after its recapture by Saladin in 1187. More renovations, repairs and additions were undertaken in the later centuries by the Ayyubids, Mamluks, Ottomans, the Supreme Muslim Council, and Jordan. Today, the Old City is under Israeli control, but the mosque remains under the administration of the Palestinian-led Islamic waqf.
Concerning that passage, I’ll just say that the context in which this story appears is a private letter (2 Maccabees 1:10-2:18), where it is attributed ambiguously to “the records.” I don’t personally believe the story is ‘factual’; for one the story appears a few centuries after Jeremiah lived, and it (kinda suspiciously) addresses a contemporary issue: whether the new Temple is really legit because there is no Ark in it. The author of the letter answers to this, no you shouldn’t worry about it, the Ark still survives - it is only hidden. God will reveal it when He “gathers his people together again and shows his mercy.” As the OCE article on the Ark said:

According to many commentators, the letter from which the above-cited lines are supposed to have been copied **cannot be regarded as possessing Divine authority; for, as a rule, a citation remains in the Bible what it was outside of the inspired writing; **the impossibility of dating the original document makes it very difficult to pass a judgment on its historical reliability. At any rate the tradition which it embodies, going back at least as far as two centuries before the Christian era, cannot be discarded on mere a priori arguments.
Patrick, are these commentators Catholic? 2 Macc is in the Catholic canon. Can an inspired writing contain any line that is not inspired?
I know that the Ethopian Orthodox Tawahedo Church claims to have it, just curious if there has ever been any actual evidence supporting this claim. Does anyone actually get to see it or have they?

The Incarnate Word of God aka Jesus Christ Himself resided in the Old Testament Ark, the Ark which you seek to see. In the New Testament The Word of God became flesh, in the womb of Virgin Mary who is indeed the New Ark of the New Testament.

Just as the Word of God resided in the Old Testament Ark, The Word of God now made flesh resided in Virgin Mary, the new Ark.

The Old Testament Ark was made by men, by the guidance of God Himself. The New Ark of the New Testament was not made by men, but Only by the Power Of God Himself, Which make this Ark, Virgin Mary much, much holier than the Old Ark.

Yes, The Old Testament Ark, would be a great find to see, But, I prefer to see and pray to the New Ark, not made by the hands of men but by the Hands of God, Virgin Mary. Amen

Just as the the Old Testament Ark had to be spotless of contamination of sin, because it carried the Word Of God, Jesus Christ himself, So to the New Testament Ark had to be spotless of Sin, because She Virgin Mary, carried in Her Womb the Word of God Made Flesh. Amen.

Virgin Mary Filled with the Holy Spirit, regarding Herself said below:

Luke 1: 49Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is his name.

Ufamt Tobie
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