Yes, I think Father could have done with a bit more training. No doubt he played a big role in the culture becoming anti-kid.Xanthippe_Voorhees:
The My Little Pony vestment story is hilarious!That’s how nursery caused a parish to devolve in less than a decade.
Granted, the priest was no help. Many parishioners shared the drive of elders to get them to use the nursery—when before they were welcome. After someone on the parish committee remarked she was getting a number of complaints when her very quiet, clingy 2yo experiencing separation anxiety joined her for Mass, Father finally listened and agreed to address it.
His announcement consisted of a brief platitude about children being welcome in church, then went into how the nursey was good for parents because it allowed them to focus on Mass and good for children so they could form healthy attachments to caregivers other than their parents.
I wouldn’t blame the existence of the nursery. I’ve seen parishes without nurseries that were bad about kids, and parishes with nurseries that were fine.
And yes, the priest was out of line. Kids don’t form “healthy attachments” to somebody they see once or twice, nor should they. That’s weird.
Our old (and very sensible pastor) says that kids are fine and kid noise is fine–but things like toy trucks that go BEEP BEEP are not fine.
Maybe this issue ought to get a bit more attention in seminary?