Where was God during the holocaust?

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People often assume that the worst thing that can happen to somebody is dying or being killed.

This is wrong.

The worst thing that can happen to someone is dying in a state of actual mortal sin.
“Where was God during the holocaust?”

One place I believe he was is with Churchill and FDR singing hymns such as “onward Christian soldiers” as they met at sea and prepared for war. The entire ~6min video is worth watching, but the part about the hymns start at @3:08.

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I may be wrong, but it sounds like the Atheist is arguing the “God is all good (omnibenevolent). God is all powerful (omnipotent). There is evil in the world.” dilemma. This is a rather difficult, yet simple one. If God is omnipotent, by extension it is safe to say He is all-knowing (omniscient), and so He knows how things will work out, and is able to allow an evil, that a greater good may come than would if the evil didn’t happen.
God was in the same place during all the holocausts as he was when his son Our Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross. God has allowed us to make our own choices.
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On the anniversary of 9/11 and having known people who died that day, this question was one of my ? I struggled with. Also the question regarding the great, and unfathomable evils of the Holocaust can be lived with in this mystery of ‘why’ and ‘how could God allow this’ etc. by getting this book. It has truly helped me in a grace filled way. Cardinal Sarah has a chapter titled: God’s Silence in the Face of Evil Unleashed… I encourage you to buy it, borrow it or find a used one on line. You will never regret it.
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We don’t always see the good that comes out of tragedy. This time we saw the creation of the country of Israel. The Jews returned home.
Tell him that because the German people abandoned God for their race-idolatry, heinous crimes agianst humanity were committed. God permits evil to teach humanity a lesson in what happens when we don’t listen to Him or follow His Son’s greatest commandments. This world is not perfect. It is not immune to suffering. This next world in Christ’s Kingdom is where there is no suffering.

Tell him atheism is to blame for the Holocaust, not God.
If God is omnipotent, by extension it is safe to say He is all-knowing (omniscient), and so He knows how things will work out, and is able to allow an evil, that a greater good may come than would if the evil didn’t happen.
‘Hey, I know your wife and daughter have been kidnapped but look on the bright side. If your wife gets killed there’s a greater good on it’s way. And if they both get killed it’ll be even better!’
Well there is a chance they are in heaven know. A much better place than this world. Checkmate.

Also you know that God let His only Son be brutally tortured and suffer in agony on the cross, right? Good came out of it. Be less cynical and have some faith, my dude.
Well there is a chance they are in heaven know. A much better place than this world.
As you say, only a chance. Not only has the guy lost his wife and child, he has to live with the fact that they may both be in hell.

But at least some good will come of it. Your dudeness.
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Do you know of that wife and child were in a state of mortal sin? Do you know if they were wearing brown scapulars or not? No you don’t. You can be a cynic and assume they went to hell or you can be optimistic and pray for them that they went to heaven.

It’s all about attitude, friend.
Where was God during the holocaust?
How do you know He wasn’t there the whole time?

There’s the stalemate.

There were ordinary people going about their lives when the made the incredible decision to hide Jewish families in their homes. At the risk of being executed. Their spouse and children shot dead. How is it that very ordinary people did this very extraordinary thing?
This is from Viktor Frankl, a man who survived the holocaust: “Our generation is realistic, for we have come to know man as he really is. After all, man is that being who invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, he is also that being who entered those gas chambers upright, with the Lord’s Prayer or the Shema Yisrael on his lips.
I’ll never forget my high school algebra teacher. He had a tattoo in his arm. He would never talk to anybody about it during class, but would talk to anyone who was interested after school.
Star Wars… Luke the force is with you!!
There is a reason why Obi-Wan Kenobi looked like a Franciscan Friar. They have nothing on Padre Pio.
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Story of good vs evil. They just looked at Christianity and WWII and made a great story for the screen. ‘The Force’ is so much cooler than saying God, when you’re selling a movie.
Not sure why you have this in a post regarding the evil of the Holocaust and WWll ? Totally not able to follow your comment …how do you see this fitting in to this post?
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