Where was and is G-d during all the unspeakable tragic events that have beset humanity throughout history? We cannot really answer that question. The late Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel stated that G-d was not present in the death camps. On the other hand, some Orthodox Jews today say that focusing on the minutiae of ceremonial life in Judaism is the Jewish people’s way of counteracting the evil that presented itself in the Holocaust. And then again the Holocaust precipitated the founding of the Jewish State of Israel, the fulfilling of G-d’s promise to the Jews and all the nations, despite the problems and bloodshed that have resulted from it. In short, there is no easy answer. Of course one can spout platitudes such as free will and good vs. evil, but to those survivors who experienced first-hand the atrocities of the Holocaust or other such tragedies, or whose family members did, there will always remain the pain and anguish and lingering doubts.