Here’s the revised story:Peace be with you!
The main problem of this person is in the imagination that created him… This imagination says:
Dear imagination: are you sure this man lived COMPLETELY based on the Gospel? Did he COMPLETELY follow the 10 Commandments?
Can you please name a person, other than Jesus Christ, who followed the 10 Commandments COMPLETELY?
In Love,
Now a man named Bill personally decided to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior when he was 18 and was born again. He lived his for Christ, he gave to charitiy, he got involved in the ministry, and even became a missionary for 20 years. He preached the Gospel for years and many people accepted Christ. Then one day he woke up, he was cranky and decided not to Thank God for the day. He got into an argument with his mother over the phone. He went to the grocery store that day and while he was shopping, he went to the bulk food section and helped himself to the candy there and did not pay for it. On the way home, he saw a cat in the middle of the road and intentionally ran it over, cursing the Lord in the process. He commited adultery that day and then murdered the adultress so she could not tell anyone. Then when he arrived home and died suddenly from a heart attack, he did not even have a chance to call upon the Lord for mercy. Where is this man now?
P.S. you did not answer the question, now you can. My, my, someone has a very Christian tone today.