Which political philosophy do you follow?

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"Steve T wirtes: “I don’t think the government should be in the business of enforcing morality”

Actually that is the primary function of government."

Sorry, but you are wrong. I tend to side with John Locke on this one, and his theory is well summarized in the Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And that it is to secure these rights that governments are instituted among men.”

The primary function of government is to secure the inalienable rights of the citizenry, not to force morality upon the citizenry. The former encompasses prohibitions on murder, theft, etc., but not the prohibition of tobacco, prostitution, drugs, etc…

I recommend John Locke’s “Second Treatise on Government”.

"Steve T wirtes: “I don’t think the government should be in the business of enforcing morality”

Actually that is the primary function of government."

Sorry, but you are wrong. I tend to side with John Locke on this one, and his theory is well summarized in the Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And that it is to secure these rights that governments are instituted among men.”

The primary function of government is to secure the inalienable rights of the citizenry, not to force morality upon the citizenry. The former encompasses prohibitions on murder, theft, etc., but not the prohibition of tobacco, prostitution, drugs, etc…

I recommend John Locke’s “Second Treatise on Government”.
read The Quest for Community, Ideas Have Consequences, Democracy and Leadership , and The Conservative Mind before you read the libertarian stuff.

Libertarian is another way of saying liberal–imo


This is an on-line copy of the papal encyclical. If you want to read a good libertarian book, FA Hayek’s “The Road To Serfdom” is a classic and still the best (IMHO).

I don’t know of any good books outlining libertarianism from a Catholic perspective in particular. Perhaps somebody else can offer a suggestion?
In regard to political philosophy, I am a Catholic, then a conservative, then a Republican (in that order).
welfare liberalism
While I know you’re limited to seven chioces, I find these to be blatently biased. Get a job at Fox News!


Will put those on my “to-read” list. Fascinating to find “Road to Serfdom” came up as a recommended “if you like this…” book on Amazon looking up several of them. Have you read Hayek’s book?

Have you read Maritain, arguably the most influential Catholic political writer of the 20th Century? Have you read John Paul’s Centesimus Annus?
John Higgins:
While I know you’re limited to seven chioces, I find these to be blatently biased. Get a job at Fox News!

riiiiiiight. Thanks for that. And now what suggestions would you offer (for the poll–not my employment opportunites)?

Will put those on my “to-read” list. Fascinating to find “Road to Serfdom” came up as a recommended “if you like this…” book on Amazon looking up several of them. Have you read Hayek’s book?

Have you read Maritain, arguably the most influential Catholic political writer of the 20th Century? Have you read John Paul’s Centesimus Annus?
Yes the four books I suggested are similar in tone and theme to Road to Serfdom (which I did read a few years back) but I liked the others more and have reread them several times. Serfdom was a more economic anaylsis as I remember, while the others focus more on issues of human nature and morality.

I have not read Maritain or Annus–I’ll check him out though. In terms of Catholic authors–I like Ropke and Fleming. Gardner’s (don’t know his religion)The Trouble with Democracy is also an awesome read.

If you like literature…read Alvis’s Shakespeare’s Understanding of Honor–a very persuasive reading of the plays of Shakespeare in a conservative light.

Non-catholic authors whose scientific anthropology/political understandings I like are Matt Ridely (The Origins of Virtue) and Ludwig’s King of the Mountain.

Take the list for what it’s worth, sorry if that stretched on, but I do enjoy reading quite a bit.

Let me know some other authors you’ve benefitted from and I’ll check 'em out.

The Tax Poem

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,
“Taxes drove me to my doom!”
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.

– A. Nonymous
John Higgins:
While I know you’re limited to seven chioces, I find these to be blatently biased. Get a job at Fox News!

still waiting for your suggestions…

are you perhaps “progressive”?

Well, Gustavo Gutierrez is always a challanging read 🙂 I always enjoy reading folks who are way out on the fringes - it keeps you on your toes, intellecutally. “Anarchy, State and Utopia” by Nozick is good. Richard Neuhaus of course, though I expect as a Catholic Conservative you’re familiar with him as well (do you subscribe to “First Things”?). John Locke is always good too, if you’re into the classics. 🙂

Well, Gustavo Gutierrez is always a challanging read 🙂 I always enjoy reading folks who are way out on the fringes - it keeps you on your toes, intellecutally. “Anarchy, State and Utopia” by Nozick is good. Richard Neuhaus of course, though I expect as a Catholic Conservative you’re familiar with him as well (do you subscribe to “First Things”?). John Locke is always good too, if you’re into the classics. 🙂
Oh I LOVE First Things. Between that magazine and Touchstone, it had a lot to do with me getting a better understanding of Catholicism.

Lisa N
I guess out of these choices I fit best with environmentalism because it is an issue I care a lot about and I think government does have a place in ensuring that we are protected from pollution and resources are available for future generations. I do not trust corporate CEO’s to look out for environmental interests if they conflict with their bottom line…therefore as we have police officers looking out for the well being of citizens, environmental laws and enforcement agencies are necessary to look out for the welfare of our air, water, and biodiversity.

Unfortunately, those who seem to support environmental legislation and increased funding for conservation/alternative energy are liberal democrats who are in favor of abortion even partial birth abortion so I cannot align myself with their candidates.
I guess out of these choices I fit best with environmentalism because it is an issue I care a lot about and I think government does have a place in ensuring that we are protected from pollution and resources are available for future generations. I do not trust corporate CEO’s to look out for environmental interests if they conflict with their bottom line…therefore as we have police officers looking out for the well being of citizens, environmental laws and enforcement agencies are necessary to look out for the welfare of our air, water, and biodiversity.

Unfortunately, those who seem to support environmental legislation and increased funding for conservation/alternative energy are liberal democrats who are in favor of abortion even partial birth abortion so I cannot align myself with their candidates.
The only one I trust less with the environment than corpoations is the government.
Good, that would make you a paleo-conservative.

Which by the way, was not one of the choices.

Chronicles is paleo-conservative, which means it pure Catholic in outlook…
No. It would make her, like me, a “Roman Catholic voter”. Paleo-conservativism, as described here:




Or even here:


Is at odds with Catholic teaching on a number of significant issues, most having something to do with the full and proper understanding of the human person, as explained by the First and Second Vatican Councils.
Yes he did leave off bleeding heart liberal…
And “sociopath”… :rolleyes: You avoided addressing the point, but at least brought up another. What does it say that a “bleeding heart”, the long standing symbol for sacrifice, is used with sneer on a Catholic forum?

A Catholic is called to always put duty to God first. Annointing an earthly political system as a surrogate for God or the Mother Church is breaking dogma and first of the commandments.

Does anyone think that the loving God described by Jesus is petty and jealous? We are prohibited from worshiping false Gods because it is a path to self deception and evil.
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