I like your thought here. It’s something that’s been going through my mind a lot too. There’s something in this idea that may be the seed to ending the horrid polarization we’ve found ourselves in. It’s probably why Jesus didn’t want us focusing that much on politics. Just the care of each other, and spreading the good news. Like you’ve said. There’s something just developing here. Coffee is still perculating.Can we assume that after His ascension they agreed in political philosophy? No reason to think so. Yet they were united in caring for the Spiritual needs of a foundling Church.
Digression, but just a thought I’m developing.
While I know you’re limited to seven chioces, I find these to be blatently biased. Get a job at Fox News!
Cute, and it has nothing to do with the subject of the OP. What in the world is biased about the choices given? Maybe the OP could not think of more far-out options at the time of the original post. Lighten up.
Amen. And I find that terminology as offensive as our Democratic posters find being called a member of the Democrat party.Please note: Neoconservatism is a world view philosophy, not a domestic philosophy. you can be a liberal or a conservative when it has to do with domestic financial issues and be a neoconservative. You can also be a social liberal or a social conservative an be a neoconservative.
Kumbaya, my friend.I am a non-conformist.
I oppose any political philosophy or system which doesn’t lead to the greater good and prosperity of all indivisuals–material and spiritual.
I oppose any competitive market that will ultimately cuase harm to the dignity and value of human beings.
I oppose the competitive marketing of lifes essentials; things that are neccessary for the presevation of human life.
I oppose the aquisition of land if it means the displacment and homelessness of a human person.
I oppose “absolute indivisualism” of the economic market.
I oppose nationalism; for i believe that human beings are citizens of the “Planet Earth” rather then any particulor country; especailly if you are a Christian.
I oppose the destruction of nature for the sake of profit.
I oppose any economic system that is based on competition rather then united effort; i believe a competitive market ultimately leads to the majority of people living in barley liveable circumstances, leaving a small minority with most of the wealth of Gods creation; while millions starve. A competitive society surley leads to selfishness and the demoralising of human society.
I oppose anything which opposes Christianity and Christian Moral law.