Which religion is grabbing the most Catholics?

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This is a question about your perception, not about statistics. Someone undertaking a detailed sociological survey might be able to come up with hard numbers.

I’m looking for your gut feeling, which may be based in part on what has happened to people you know or know about.

In your estimation, which religion has been most successful in inducing one-time Catholics to join it?
The answer would depend on the time frame you are thinking about. If you address the present, none of the above in my area. Depending upon the time frame, evangelical would be the one getting the members since the non-denominational groups continue to spring up adding occasional members from all sorts of groups aside from Catholics.
In the sixties, as myself, Jehovah’s Witnesses were getting the most.

However, I hope I say this right… the authoritarian movement that included telling non-denominational members exactly what they were to do, including locking their children in bedrooms, led to my sister and her husband to leave and return to Catholicism. Yet, that is only a small part of it because each of us has to be prepared to do whatever God wants to help bring the child back into the fold. That has happened.

In the northeast, the numbers are not growing in non-denom groups.
Karl Keating:
This is a question about your perception, not about statistics. Someone undertaking a detailed sociological survey might be able to come up with hard numbers.

I’m looking for your gut feeling, which may be based in part on what has happened to people you know or know about.

In your estimation, which religion has been most successful in inducing one-time Catholics to join it?
I wish I could say “Evangelical Christianity” but I remember reading a stat chart awhile back seeing that the JW’s are grabbing most Roman Catholics. I wish I remembered where I read that. Maybe it was Barna?
From my readings in various sources and stories I’ve been told, it seems that it’s the Jehovah’s Witnesses that is grabbing the Catholics.
I would say mirror worship. Unfortunately, Church of the Holy Mirror is not one of the choices.

That mirror cracks the whip on someone, and they ego-trip. Then they get grandiose ideas of their personal authority, or think they’re divine, or…
Fundamentalists rather than evangelicals. Hard to distinguish, but I define fundamentalists as those Protestants who think Catholics need to be “grabbed.” Evangelicals are those fundamentalists who are more ecumenical…so less grabbing :confused:

In this area (Clearwater FL) its Scientology. 😃

Phil P
Evangelicals IMO. I see some Latinos going into one of their churches, I guess that’s why lol
As I recently wrote in a paper, New Age spirituality is dangerous because of their modernist and individualist philosophy.
Around here, the non-denom’s aren’t making much of an impact, but the Southern Baptists are gaining converts all the time. My impression is that most Catholic converts to S-B go because they want Sunday worship to be a classroom. I’ve literally seen them sitting in the pews with Bible, notebook, and pencil. When you ask them why they left the Church, the universal answer is, “I wasn’t being fed.”

Question: Are Southern Baptists Evangelical or Fundamentalist?

I would vote pretty evenly between Fundementalists and psuedo-Christian cults (ie. Mormons, JW’s etc.) in America.

Question: Are Southern Baptists Evangelical or Fundamentalist?

There’s no choice for western decadence.
That’s covered under another choice that didn’t show up: The Church of the Holy Mirror 🙂
That’s covered under another choice that didn’t show up: The Church of the Holy Mirror 🙂
I’d vote for Church of Perpetual Mirrorship
Well, I answered mainline protestantism, b/c that’s my personal experience. Everyone I know who’s left the Church has done so for a form of “catholic-lite”, where morality (especially sexual morality) is relative (this seems to happen most often after a divorce when the person wants to re-marry).

However, my vast amount of “armchair knowledge” tells me that it goes both ways: most former Catholics either opt for the above mentioned “catholic-lite”, or go to the other extreme, to the fundamentalists or evangelicals (I have trouble telling the difference b/t these 2 groups as well). I think that also has to do w/ a bit of spiritual laziness on their part. They seem to hear horrible things about the Church that they’ve never heard b/f, and instead of investigating what the Church really teaches, they just jump ship. Then they have the luxury of saying a “sinner’s prayer”, maybe getting rebaptized, and never having to worry about their salvation again (most are of the osas variety). Yeah, I hate that “I wasn’t fed” line. Yeah, you were, you were literally being fed, the actual Body of Christ .

All of that being said, I think I’ve read somewhere that the majority of Mormon converts are former Catholics, so maybe they get the prize.

Cool topic, Karl. Whoever wins, we need to stop it!

BobCatholic refers to it alot, and I think I’ve finally got the gist of his meaning to be self-first… I get to do what I think is best, not what anyone else tells me is right… where the individual is sacrosanct, and there is no absolute Truth. me me me me me… (Note… not what I myself believe or I wouldn’t be here would I? 😉 nor what he believes, either! 😛 )
What’s that? :confused:
Mirror worship is where one’s ego goes “bang zoom! to the moon!” and they start thinking that they are divine. So they start worshipping the image in the mirror (which is themselves)
Many thanks. I get it now. And I was sitting here saying “Duh” to myself.

This seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. 😦
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