Brother, it starts with teaching. Like Paul says: “Who will hear if nobody preaches?” A person who has not experienced the Pentecost in his own life has a hard time conveying it to others…i agree… i think the problem is that not all Catholics are filled with the HS… They may HAVE the HS in their lives and that’s good… but they are not… infused with the HS… so to speak…
I’m beginning to think this “infusion” of the HS is rare in the Catholic Church…
either that or most peoples’ acceptance of and enthusiasm for the HS… is stifled… or repressed or something…
But we don’t give up. Also, we must remember that the New Pentecost is a move from the Holy Spirit himself, so don’t loose hope. I have met many many really awesome Charismatic Catholics in my life and I live in one of the most anticatholic secular countries. I also found out that people whom I wouldnt have guessed it about, have some amazing testimonies about healings, visions, and speaking in tongues… you just gotta get to know the serious Catholics in your parish and they will open up and tell you all the treasure.
I think the Church should encourage the laity to give testimonies on the Sunday Mass, about the great things God has done in their life. The stucture where all verbal service rests on the priest, is not what Christ intented for His church as far as I can see from the Acts of the Apostles and the letters of Paul to the Corinthians.
Peace to you