Which religion is grabbing the most Catholics?

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Nothing wrong with an “altar call”…It just depends on what you have in mind…
“And I will go to the altar of God: to God who gives joy to my youth.” 😉

Heh, how can they have an altar when there’s no Eucharistic sacrifice? I guess that’s a question they’ll never answer 🙂
You did not put my choice on your list, so I can’t vote.

My answer would be what Einstein called the Church of Atheism.

Or what I call the Church of Nogod.

Cool! That’s another vote for “Church of the Holy Mirror” 🙂
Heh, how can they have an altar when there’s no Eucharistic sacrifice? I guess that’s a question they’ll never answer 🙂
Let me rephrase my statement:

*** “Et introibo ad altare Dei: ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.”***

It depends on the altar to which one is called. 😉

I don’t know if this has been said, but I think among teenagers, it would be to Evengelical Protestanism. Teens are intriguided by the worship and the fellowship, which is why I think we need some more upbeat Steubenville-like techniques used at the parish level more often.
As an ex-mormon I’ve noticed that there is much less expectation of church involvement in the Catholic Church(in my parish at least). You can be a regular church goer and never get to know anyone. You have to actively seek out church involvement.

Not so in Mormonism. You are greeted, invited, called, asked to perform duties, etc. right out of the gate. Consequently, it’s pretty hard to be an active, uninvolved Mormon. I think a lot of people find such fellowship attractive. Church becomes as much a social event as it is a religious experience.

While I would never suggest that the Mass become a social event I do believe we can learn from other faiths regarding parishioner involvement, retention, etc. Unfortunately, people can leave the truth for something that makes them “feel” better.
Mirror worship is where one’s ego goes “bang zoom! to the moon!” and they start thinking that they are divine. So they start worshipping the image in the mirror (which is themselves)
Oh sweet Bobby…lol! I just come on this board and look who I run into Mr Mirror himself 😉

Well I have to say I voted for mainline Protestants churches…but did I miss something, is there an actual answer to this?
Around here, the non-denom’s aren’t making much of an impact, but the Southern Baptists are gaining converts all the time. My impression is that most Catholic converts to S-B go because they want Sunday worship to be a classroom. I’ve literally seen them sitting in the pews with Bible, notebook, and pencil. When you ask them why they left the Church, the universal answer is, "I wasn’t being fed."

Question: Are Southern Baptists Evangelical or Fundamentalist?

People who left the Church on the “I wasn’t being feb” line, could benefit from Jeff Cavins audio CD " I’m Not Being Fed! The #1 Catholic Eating Disorder" jeffcavins.com/Store/ What a great cd to listen to. I bought this cd at one of his Bible Timeline studiesTheBibleTimeline.com earlier this month.

thanks, Lance
They are all going willingly…We should not blame other non-catholic religions for taking Catholics away,we should look to ourselves for the lack of cathechesis that is allowing this to happen…No one is snatched away, they go because we have failed them…
Not always, some people go because its simply easier. Missing Church is no longer a sin, divorce asnd remarriage or birth control is no longer a problem etc.
but would they do that if they really understood what they were leaving behind?

The eucharist, the Mass Heaven on earth>>>>:bowdown2:
I am sitting here, almost in tears, I’m home.
I voted fundamental protestantism, because that is what pulled me away 15 years ago, because of the emptiness I thought was in the Catholic Churches I grew up in. I was ripe for the pickings because of my lack of diligence in knowing the Truth. I live in So Cal.
I’m not sure the Evangelical and Fundament Protestantism are mutually exclusive. At least here in TX, there are mega evangelical Baptist churches (one is opening it’s 3rd campus). They seem to be grabbing everyone: Catholic, other Protestant, non-Christian etc.

I know someone who mixes music for a Wednesday evening Bible study. :confused: They are especially attractive to the young adults and the Hispanic population because they are energetic and very musical.

Many former Catholics that I know are JWs. But it seems that it was their parents that did the converting when they were still little.
why do most ex Catholics end up hating the Church so much?They also seem to pick up a lot of the you worship statues,false gods,use vain reptition stuff. Why would they actually accept all this if they were Catholic at one time?
Doesn’t make sense to me…could someone explain?
It seems to be the church that “speaks to them” or “reaches them.” Boxer, as far as thoses who leave the church becoming anti-Catholic, there almost always is another reason that they left the Church. They have another bone to pick, generally, and they become more anti-Catholic than their brethren. At times it is a real issue (ie, they would not let me divorce and remarry) and at times it is a false one (they did not really beleive in God). How many converts to Catholicism become anti-protestant? I have never met one. When you are part of the fullness of Truth, the gifts from your past are more important.
In talking with people that tell me they use to be Catholic I find they tend to say they are non denominational. They seem to be fundamental or evangelical. I cannot really see a great difference.

I usually find that they now believe in a pre trib rapture and think that the Catholic Church teaches against the bible. They believe that we worship Mary and re sacrifice Jesus even if I tell them that we don’t. :confused:

I voted for new age, but I think that the younger generation doesn’t like the message that the Church teaches. Most of the people I know anymore are agnostic or not sure what to believe. They don’t like that old fashioned book that has the scarry stories in it. :eek: Besides, it is really hard to read and we all know that some of those old storys are too fanciful to be believed. :confused: They want to believe that God is good and he would never create something as beautiful as a human and then send it to hell for not behaving. They don’t want to believe that God could have destroyed the earth. The sex thing/??? If it feels good and it doesn’t hurt anybody, do it! God wouldn’t have given the equipment if he didn’t want you to use it…Right? 👍 That old fashioned Church makes it too hard to get married, making people go through discernment programs and such. :rolleyes: The Baptist church down on the corner does Baptisms to anyone who shows up on the first Sunday of each month. Now that’s service! 👍 Once ya get saved, ya never have to worry about going to that other place, cause God ain’t no indian giver and he ain’t no liar. BTW, I believe that this is why so many poorly catecised Catholics end up in the kingdom hall. They are not understanding of this once saved always saved and we all go to heaven approach, and because they don’t want to believe in hell, they run with the crowd that teaches the paradise on earth theory. I think it is all part of people picking their religion based on what they want to believe and what fits their lifestyle. This all seemed eternally dangerous to me, that is why I chose the RCC. 😃
People do not go willingly and it is the faultof the hierarchial Church, Go and read what the Church Fathers talk about when it comes to heretics etc. There is probably not a protestant sect around that would not have been called heretical by the early Church Fathers and many of them would have no problem in saying that they are damned. The early Church had no problem in telling people how it really was.

Catholics today have no idea any more becasue of the seemingly flip flop type statements made by the Church.

Do we need to spread the Gospel according to catholic teaching to protestants. If we do, then they must generally speaking be damned in their faith.

If we do not have to spread the Gospel as per the Catholic Church teaching to such protestants then it means they are saved in the “Church”

If they are saved in their “Church” then all the teachings of the CAtholic Church that Protestant Churches disregard will not cost oneself salvation.

Look at Birth control, basically all Protestant Churches teach that artificial birth control is not wrong in th eyes of God.

We as catholics are taught that it is a mortal sin, and if we die in a state of mortal sin, then generally speaking we will not be saved.

However according to CAtholic teaching just about all protestants who practice artifical birth control must die in mortal sin and therefor must be damned.

It is these type of issues that confuses CAtholics since Vatican 2.

For eg. either Lutherans are saved in their beliefs and practices or they are not.

Why would anyone convert to Catholicism if it is not almost absolutely essential to salvation. Remeber what Paul said in one of his letters, about various eating practices etc and he said that we are free to do many things, however if that would cause problems for people in the faith of lesser understanding then we should refrain from doing those things so as not to confuse the less knowledgable believer.

Lay people in the catholic Church don’t know what to believe any more about all sorts of things, because contrary to the example Paul gives us, the Pope and his off siders make it very difficult to comprehend what is essential anymore.

Ultimately the Church for quite some time has basically pushed people to other faiths, sects and religeons

Why should I try to convert protestants to the Catholic Faith, it certainly appears to me that the Church does not want me to do so.

In Christ

Tim Hayes
why do most ex Catholics end up hating the Church so much?They also seem to pick up a lot of the you worship statues,false gods,use vain reptition stuff. Why would they actually accept all this if they were Catholic at one time?
Doesn’t make sense to me…could someone explain?
They fall for the bill of goods the anti-catholics sell them, hook line and stinker.

They want to justify leaving the Church and worshipping the mirror, so they grasp at any straw: and they just swallow whole the catholophobic bigots claims without thinking.

This is why anti-catholics are stuck in the rut they are in: same old arguments, over and over and over. Read one anti-catholic website, and you’ve read them all 🙂
As one who has left the RCC church I believe many have left because of the poor example of the leadership in the Rcc. The RCC does a wonderful Job on teaching dogma,traditions,ect, but does a poor job on how to live the christian life.
Most of what I hear preached from the pulpint is about how to deal with the people, social welfare and the likes very little in the way of doctrine, why we baptise infants etc…

As for the poor living of the leaders I conted that there are more people that lead the good life than not, but they do not get the publicity…😦
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