Which religion is grabbing the most Catholics?

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The Dead Bishop:
I was going to say Islam but it wasn’t one of the choices:o
Yes, you’re right.

“Islam is now the second religion not just in the US but in Europe and Australia. Europe has 15 million Muslims, accounting for one in ten of the population in France, where the government now estimates 50,000 Christians are converting to Islam every year. In Brussels, Mohammed has been the most popular name for boy babies for the last four years. In Britain, attendance at mosques is now higher than it is in the Church of England.”

Sunday, July 25, 2004
An interesting Muslim criticism of tactics used by al Qaeda
[getreligion.typepad.com/getreligion/](Getting back into Gardening!)
Oh, My!!! Time to re-double our prayers …for the Pope, the Church… and the conversion of sinners.:eek:
I’ve know the JW to grab ppl, but there’s a trick, if a tragic event has happened ppl are at their lowest and get sucked into those churches that have the "magic key to salvation, hence once saved always saved.’’ But I have to agree with another post in that it’s people who are lazy in their practising of their faith and in prayer life.

BUt it’s not all doom and gloom, I’m hearing more and more and seeing more and more people coming back to the Faith, no only the non Catholics but those who have slacked off over the years even in older generation like my parents! I think a big factor is the gay priests etc in the Anglican Church! Well who could blame them?

Angel Crooks
…they find Jesus?
How do people find Jesus by ego-tripping? I thought people find Jesus by “denying their very selves, picking up their crosses and following Him”?
My impression is that Evangelical Protestantism seems to be the most diligent in their efforts at attracting Catholics, and they seem to be the most successful, with Fundamentalism and Mormonism coming next. Usually, those Catholics they are able to attract or influence are those who are suffering from some deep personal trauma or emotional distress, who are then persuaded into attending some so and so ‘Christian fellowship’ or Bible study seminar and to accept Jesus as their ‘Personal Lord and Saviour’. Next thing you hear, they have been baptized into such and such ‘Christian’ church and talk as though the term ‘Catholic’ is something to be avoided.

Another type of Catholic which are vulnerable to proselytizing are those who have never taken the time to understand what Catholicism is truly all about, the so-called nominal or Sunday Catholics, those who are such in name only and most often, are cradle Catholics.

Ironically, many of the most fervent and articulate defenders of Catholicism(Dr. Scott Hahn, Dave Armstrong, Steve Ray) are not cradle Catholics but converts from evangelical and mainstream Protestantism.

Well, it depends. yes, I read some where that 200.000 Catholics are leaving the Church in Brazil every day.

But, another statistic says that Protestants are loosing membership in the US. Yes, I think many Catholics are becoming Protestant. There is a megachurch in Philadelphia that they say 1/3 of the members are former Catholics.

one reason I believe is, that most young Catholics know nothing about their faith. Example are these forums, and others. people ask ridiculous questions. “Are eggs meat?”. “Can we eat chicken of Friday’s in Lent?”, What does INRI on a crucifix mean?" These are basic questions you should have known from the age of 6.

someone on this forum replied when asked why Catholics left the Church for some cult is that “we were not fed” Well, do you sit around waiting for someone to feed you? Well, feed yourself!!!
In our circle of acquaintances and friends the number of Mormons we know that were raised Catholic is amazing. I counted 6 at my last count.
Those that are Evangelical Christian I can follow and understand and think that w/ enough prayer and experience they will return but the Mormans I am at a loss to figure out.
Lance O:
People who left the Church on the “I wasn’t being feb” line, could benefit from Jeff Cavins audio CD " I’m Not Being Fed! The #1 Catholic Eating Disorder" jeffcavins.com/Store/ What a great cd to listen to. I bought this cd at one of his Bible Timeline studiesTheBibleTimeline.com earlier this month.

thanks, Lance
I couldn’t find this on the site; any clues to where it might be? Catchy title!

I didn’t vote on this because I think it’s a combination of poor catechesis AND aggressive proseltyzing techniques of numerous sects.

I’m in the Bible Belt as well (another from Central FL), but it’s not just Evangelicals & Fundamentalists who knock on our door. We have our share of JW’s, Mormons, and SDA’s visiting as well. And one has to only go to our local “Catholic” retreat center to get a healthy dose of Wicca and New Age. (Lord, have mercy! Those of you in the Orlando area know of what I speak.)

I can’t speak strongly enough to the influence of poor catechesis within our own parishes, though. As one priest I know put it - “It’s okay to make our kids memorize history dates and multiplication tables, but for some reason, it was decided that it was a bad thing to have them memorize their catechism.” I got so tired of hearing teachers in our “Catholic” schools say the kids were too young to understand, that I now homeschool my children. They understand it just fine. Their faith is always an inspiration to me.

As for myself, I am a “re-vert” - one who was raised Catholic, left the Church, and came back. I was one of those who believed you didn’t even need a church; you could just sit under a tree or on the beach and pray to God. :rolleyes: What brought me back was three-fold:
  1. Prayed for (facetiously, but God still heard me!) a good husband. God sent me a great Church-loving, Catholic man. We’ve been married 17 years now - praise God!
  2. Birth of our first child. Wanted the best for him, including faith. Wasn’t sure if Catholicism was it, so I started searching.
  3. My brother’s leaving the Church to become a Baptist minister, at about the same time as our first child was born. Really made me question our faith. Fortunately, Catholic Answers held a seminar in Orlando that following winter. What a blessing! My brother used to call me at least once a week trying to get me out of the Church. After attending this seminar, I was able to speak intelligently to him about these matters. He stopped calling after a while. 😦 He’s still a Baptist minister, but I have great faith he will eventually come home. He’s going to make an awesome Catholic some day. 😉
[BTW- don’t read too much into the “stopped calling” statement. My brother and I are still on friendly terms; he just doesn’t try to proseltyze me anymore. However, if you feel the nudge to pray for him, please do. And pray for me, too. I am lately feeling the nudge to gently bring up these issues again. However, gentleness is not my strong suit.]
Most people I know that have left the church have become Anglican. And it wasn’t even a choice on the poll.
Most people I know that have left the church have become Anglican. And it wasn’t even a choice on the poll.
A good point.

I know a number of former (mostly nominal) Catholics in the Anglican church. The chief reasons they went there were the tolerant (wildly permissive??) views they found around questions of sexual morals and divorce and remarriage.


Many Buddhists that I meet were at one time Catholics. (including myself)

lovingkindness to all
Unhealthy Catholicism costs the Church the most Catholics. It’s like the organic gardeners will tell you: no pesticide or herbicide or chemical fertilizer can take the place of good soil.

Most don’t turn to themselves or turn to some other place–at least not for long!–if they have looked around and seen themselves surrounded by those who have what they were made to have. Even if you were to leave such a place, it will not leave you. It will mark you for return.

Mother Theresa always charged her sisters to serve with a big smile. Be always open to and grateful for the the gift offered you. Live what you have been given, let it show in the work of your hands, let it show in the words that come out of your mouth, let it show on your face.
I still say the New Church is the religion that is grabbing the most Catholics.When they begin to understand the Divine Trinity the right way. Maybe they do understand, but don’t believe, because the Catholics have been taught from childhood that the Father,Son and Holy Spirit are three persons, when yet they are the soul,body and spirit of one Person,Our Lord Jesus Christ. Every person has a spirit.The Lord’s Spirit is the Holy Spirit.

Justin, Mystics are far and few in the RCC. The problem arrises when you open you mind,which can be very dangerious. Dont give satan an oppertunity to enter in. And yes they are abuses,but it is happening.
The plain meaning of the recorded Gospel interchanges between Jesus and the Pharisees show that a closed mind is an invitation to Satan, not a barrier.

Our minds and souls need to be open to God, and that means open also to the Body of Christ, with an attitude of obedience and humility. No one who closes their ears to what someone in the Church might have to say to them because they’re “liberal” or “conservative”–and particularly if the person talking has a legitimate place of authority–can be said to be a mystic. To be a Catholic mystic means first of all to be Catholic, after all.

The word “obedience” comes from the Latin “ob audiere”, which is to hear, to give audience to. You can’t be obedient to God if you don’t keep your ears open. It does much harm to plant fears of mysticism in the minds of the faithful. To do so is to place barriers in the way of sanctity.
The plain meaning of the recorded Gospel interchanges between Jesus and the Pharisees show that a closed mind is an invitation to Satan, not a barrier.

The word “obedience” comes from the Latin “ob audiere”, which is to hear, to give audience to. You can’t be obedient to God if you don’t keep your ears open. It does much harm to plant fears of mysticism in the minds of the faithful. To do so is to place barriers in the way of sanctity.

I think what Spokenword was referring to was not the process of opening one’s mind to Christ, or the Church, but the process of opening one’ s mind to other, potentially damaging, influences. One example that comes to mind is the form of meditation – commonly practiced by some Hindus, Buddhists, and New Agers – in which one seeks to “empty” one’s mind, or enter into an altered state of consciousness, perhaps while focusing on a mantra. Such attempts to empty one’s mind – to “open” one’s mind – can be spiritually damaging.

And I say this not coming from a purely Catholic or Christian standpoint. Even in Hinduism, there are many Hindus who believe that such a meditation of mind-emptying is in fact dangerous for almost all but a few, and should not be done without the aid of a teacher, if done at all. The Hindu theory is that such meditation might open one’s “third eye” prematurely, making one susceptible to demonic (or “asuric”, to use the Hindu term) influence.
Early in this thread someone asked:

“Question: Are Southern Baptists Evangelical or Fundamentalist?”

Fundamentalists are of the Jimmy Swaggart pursuation.Swaggart is an Assembly of God pastor, Many of the small SB Churches can’t be distinguished from Fundamentalist Churches. All are rabidly Anti-Catholic. Karl Keatin’s book "Catholocism and Fundamentalism treats this topic very well.
In my neighborhood the religion that is grabbing most Catholics is indifference. Most former Catholics I have run across say that they have a spiritual side, but find no need to attend any church. We often joke that many of our neighbors attend Our Lady of the NFL in the fall and winter, and Our Lady of Lawn Care in the spring and summer.
I have to say that in New Mexico in Lower part of the state JW’s are taking a lot of Catholics out of the Church. I wish there was more apostolates that would do Spanish Tracts. So if anyone know of any give me a link Please.
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