Who Actually Built The Kaaba?

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Muhammad saw a vision that Muslims will enter Mecca as pilgrims with safe. Muslims went to Mecca but pagans did not allow Muslims to get into town. Muslims did return. Some Muslims asked prophet: Are you not prophet? You said we wouıld enter with safe? Then those verses above was revealed. After 3 years Muslims got into Mecca with safe.
So, first he was wrong but then he was right? Did he state that they wouldn’t get in for three years first?
Muhammad saw a vision that Muslims will enter Mecca as pilgrims with safe. Muslims went to Mecca but pagans did not allow Muslims to get into town. Muslims did return. Some Muslims asked prophet: Are you not prophet? You said we wouıld enter with safe? Then those verses above was revealed. After 3 years Muslims got into Mecca with safe.
So, first he was wrong but then he was right? Did he state that they wouldn’t get in for three years first?
No kidding. This is no different from the Seventh-Day Adventists with their “prophecy” after “prophecy” talking about the end times. The end-times never come, but those people keep believing. Too bad Mohammad managed to win the second time around, otherwise the world might have been spared the horrors of Islamic conquest and subjugation.
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Muslims got into Mecca as verses explained.If that would not be happen in that way so Muhammad would be a liar. But Muhammad had never lied. Pagans were powerful!

Verses prophecy about some other issues. And all predications come true.
So, first he was wrong but then he was right? Did he state that they wouldn’t get in for three years first?
He just saw a vision. There was no anything about time. Later God approved the vision by verses.
For instance should I come with some mysteries?

A man believe in mysteries and ask me about truth!
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Verses were revealed on the return way! Muhammad had just seen a vision. Muhammad is so high God approved his vision. God is omniscience.
Muhammad is so high God approved his vision.
So, how do you know this?

Because Mohammad told you so.

Do you really not see the problem with that logic? I mean, are you genuinely not bothered that the only thing that attest’s to God’s support of Mohammad is Mohammad himself?
Do you really not see the problem with that logic? I mean, are you genuinely not bothered that the only thing that attest’s to God’s support of Mohammad is Mohammad himself?
Then Muhammad is so excellent that everything He said came true. He detailed how they would get into Mecca and it happened exactly in that way. This is just one sample.

Attesting comes from God. It is not just something consisting of Muhammad’s claims.
Muhammad SAW has many writers/scholars on his behalf. So, in the case for OP to think “the story was made up” by Muhammad SAW pertains to his interaction with Allah is more or less a valid presumption.
Agreed. There is a fallacy about reproduction theory (ie: incubation days of sperm in womb) in the Quran. Contrary to some otherwise suggestions.
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act of circumnavigating the Kaaba
Interesting about circumnavigating around the Kaaba ( Circumambulation is the act of moving around a sacred object). The direction that everyone walks is in a counter clockwise direction.

Tawaf (Arabic: طواف‎, Ṭawāf ; literally going about ) is one of the Islamic rituals of pilgrimage. During the Hajj and Umrah, Muslims are to go around the Kaaba (the most sacred site in Islam) seven times, in a counterclockwise direction; the first three circuits at a hurried pace on the outer part of the crowd, followed by four times closer to the Kaaba at a leisurely pace.[1] The circling is believed to demonstrate the unity of the believers in the worship of the One God, as they move in harmony together around the Kaaba, while supplicating to God.

And as you quoted correctly:

Muhammad was driven out of Mecca in 620 CE to Yathrib, which is now known as Medina. Upon his return to Mecca in 629/30 CE, the shrine became the focal point for Muslim worship and pilgrimage. The pre-Islamic Kaaba housed the Black Stone and statues of pagan gods. Muhammad reportedly cleansed the Kaaba of idols upon his victorious return to Mecca, returning the shrine to the monotheism of Ibrahim. The Black Stone is believed to have been given to Ibrahim by the angel Gabriel and is revered by Muslims. Muhammad made a final pilgrimage in 632 CE, the year of his death, and thereby established the rites of pilgrimage.
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It’s interesting in every religion:

Hakafot (הקפות plural); Hakafah (הקפה singular)—meaning “[to] circle” or “going around” in Hebrew—are a Jewish minhag (tradition) in which people walk or dance around a specific object, generally in a religious setting.

Circular Hakafot are a symbol of perfection and unity, or sometimes a symbol of communal cooperation, and are cultural practices of different peoples. In the United States, Native Americans prayed for rain or the defeat of enemies while they danced in circles around images of their gods. According to the story told in the Book of Joshua, the People of Israel (Israelites) walked around the city of Jericho once a day for a week and seven times on the seventh day, with the priests leading the way, carrying the Ark of the Covenant each time. On the seventh day, the people blew ram’s horns’ and shouted, causing the walls to fall and allowing them to enter the city. In the Temple period, when they wanted to add area to the Temple Mount, they first encircled the desired area and only after added land to the Temple Mount.
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