Who are the "spiritual" Giants of Catholic radio?

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I can’t vote, since I am limited to only one. I think they are all giants (the question is in the plural, you know) 😉 .

**Father Corapi and Scott Hahn are the best one-two punch combo **
ever seen in Christendom !

If I had to vote for one who is living, I would have chosen Father CorapiBut if I had to choose one in my entire lifetime, it has to be Bishop Sheen -
There is not a critical person in the world who is not in need of criticism.
Bishop Sheen
Where is Mother Angelica?
Oh yes, I like her too!

Mother Angelica is with her nuns at their home in N. Alabama. Her latest stroke really slowed her down but I hear she still tries to keep busy.

That’s all I know.
RE Al Kresta: Does it bother anyone that he constantly says, “taking” Communion?

And isn’t it Kresta that routinely has Amy Welborn on? As I understand it, she divorced her husband, remarried an ex-priest and has written in Commonweal that she thinks it’s unfair that he can’t continue as before. :confused:

If I’m incorrect. please advise, as I don’t want to bear false witness.

Fr. Corapi would be # one, butI haven’t seen a vote for Tim Staples. He should at least be mentioned, along with Father Casey.
There are so many good ones, including the Catholic Answers crew and Johb Martignoni (mentioned above) that I’m grateful for their ministries.

God Bless
Anna Elizabeth:
RE Al Kresta: Does it bother anyone that he constantly says, “taking” Communion?

And isn’t it Kresta that routinely has Amy Welborn on? As I understand it, she divorced her husband, remarried an ex-priest and has written in Commonweal that she thinks it’s unfair that he can’t continue as before. :confused:

If I’m incorrect. please advise, as I don’t want to bear false witness.

It doesn’t bother me, but then, I am a recent convert who is accustomed to that phrase. It is a phrase that, regardless of the independent meaning of the word “to take”, means “to receive communion”. I don’t know the origin of the phrase, but that origin is largely irrelevant, at least in terms of everday usage.

As for Amy Welborn, while the list I looked at may not be exhaustive, it mentioned her only once in the past 6 months, and that was for a discussion of the book “The Da Vinci Code”. Kresta in the Afternoon is a show which focuses on a variety of subjects, from news and politics to spirituality and theology. Consequently, he may have people that are not Catholic or even not Christian on his show – if they are qualified to discuss the topic at hand. I don’t know any details about the life and practice of Amy Welborn, so I can’t comment on her.

To illustrate the kind of topics he discusses and the people he has on his show, I quote the following (from avemariaradio.net/add-host/index.php?cmd=View&jcode=15&PHPSESSID=1f5c6e576028886be8e51b91f8722d75

Al has applied his broad theological understanding, his dazzling conversational skills, and his warm, “everyman” personality to explaining the truths of Catholic faith. Whether it be politics, devotion, sports, or theology, Kresta in the Afternoon takes looks at all area of life through the lens of Scripture and the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Over the years, Al has engaged in vigorous discussions or debates with partners as varied as: Mother Angelica, Jesse Jackson, William Bennett, Alan Keyes, Gloria Steinam, Gary Bauer, Scott Hahn, Donna Shalala, Judge Robert Bork, Clarence Page, Jerry Falwell, Steve Allen, Pat Buchanan, Bowie Kuhn, Mrs. Anwar Sadat, Martin Luther King III, Cal Thomas, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, Deal Hudson, John Cardinal O’Connor, Chuck Colson, Archbishop Chaput, Alan Dershowitz, Ken Starr, George McGovern, Richard Gephardt, C. Everett Koop and Ollie North.
i will have to make another Poll : who are likely to become saints ?
Bishop Sheen - Mother Angelica and/or Fr. Groeschel

I couldn’t vote in this one…my choice is Mother Angelica.

I haven’t seen mentioned EWTN Staff Theologian Colin Donovan. You can hear him Friday afternoons at 3pm Eastern on Open Line. He speaks with such authority and loyalty to the Catholic Church. Give him a listen if you haven’t already!
How about Jimmy"James" Akin and Karl the “answerman” Keating,
The first one that came to mind was Mother Angelica & she wasn’t even in your list—a lot of the others became known because of her, she to me (even though she is sick now) is the spiritual giant of catholic radio
Mother Angelica is without a doubt a spiritual giant. i listed her in my original statement. Check the first part of this thread.
Cavins quit Morning Air, so of course he’s no longer eligible.

Will RR in Chicago ever put Kresta on? The afternoon is a dead zone… they rerun Morning Air twice making a bread-heavy Catholic Answers Live sandwich between 3 p.m. until they go off the air circa 8 p.m.

Karl Keating is clearly a highlight, but I am not so sure about the commercial running on RR billing the show as a “funny” show, and using “Laughing” by the Guess Who as a background. :confused: This doesn’t seem like the proper presentation. Example from the commercial:

Caller: Hello, Karl
Karl: Hello, Caller
Both: Ha Ha Ha

Catholic Answers Live is a great show, and sure I’ve chuckled once or twice but Conan O’Brien it is not. A more fitting billing would reflect the intellectual profundity in the content, and anyone who tunes in will realize that it does contain a fair amount of entertainment value.
webdezyn said:
Why did Jeff Cavins quit morning air ?

Stated Reason: To work on his Great Adventure Bible Timeline series, and to lecture and eventually go back to radio with that series.

Theresa Tomeo has been filling in and doing a decent job, although she is interim and a new permanent host is being sought.
Does anyone know where Jesse Romero is these days ?
He used to be with Tim Staples on the radio show “reasons for faith live” .

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