I have many favorites:
Father Larry Richards: (Confession, Mass Explained ,Faith Explained, and Passion)… “loved” these’s CD’s by him
Scott Hahn (Conversion Stroy) just ordered his CD “The Lambs Supper”.
Jeff Cavins is a great speaker…very funny at times.
Karl Keating
E.J Sheed
and last but not least the priest at my church I attend “Father Mike”
Father Larry Richards: (Confession, Mass Explained ,Faith Explained, and Passion)… “loved” these’s CD’s by him
Scott Hahn (Conversion Stroy) just ordered his CD “The Lambs Supper”.
Jeff Cavins is a great speaker…very funny at times.
Karl Keating
E.J Sheed
and last but not least the priest at my church I attend “Father Mike”