Who are the "spiritual" Giants of Catholic radio?

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I have many favorites:
Father Larry Richards: (Confession, Mass Explained ,Faith Explained, and Passion)… “loved” these’s CD’s by him
Scott Hahn (Conversion Stroy) just ordered his CD “The Lambs Supper”.
Jeff Cavins is a great speaker…very funny at times.
Karl Keating
E.J Sheed
and last but not least the priest at my church I attend “Father Mike”
Lino is real good and understands how to effectively work the medium of radio. He’s a pro!

I totally agree about Lino. I’d never heard of him before, but the week he did on relevant radio could take Catholic radio to a new level. I hope they bring him back~! hint hint.
I’d add Al Kresta and Jeff Cavins to the list

Al Kresta’s afternoon show is what keeps me sane on the commute home.

Jeff’s morning show did the same going in, but his morning show is gone now and Teresa Tomeo is doing a great job of picking up there. I just don’t know how much Teresa’s show is heard outside of Detroit.
webdezyn said:
Who are the “spiritual” Giants of Catholic radio besides catholic answers and Mother Angelica ? Scott Hahn, Fr. Corapi, Fr.Groeschel, Reasons for faith live, Life on the Rock, Doc is in, B Fulton Sheen…did i miss anyone ? How did they change your life ?

Bishop Sheen and Fr. Corapi are both amazing preachers.
Honestly, I don’t know the names of half the people I hear on Catholic radio. It’s only a 10-minute drive to work, so usually I come in on the middle of a broadcast and get out of the car before it’s over, so I don’t know who I was listening to… But I enjoy them all. I voted for The Dr. Is In because I am quite impressed with his ability as a layperson to handle apologetics and he has such a deep understanding of the faith. The psychiatric industry is so non-Christian these days, and it’s really nice to hear a psychologist who not only is a practicing Catholic but KNOWS the faith.
Can’t say I listen to catholic radio, so I went with my TV fav, Fulton Sheen, who I had the privilege of meeting when I was a teen. “God love you, Fulton J Sheen” (in his own hand) is above my desk as I write.
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