This is a science fiction related question. So, if you don’t like sci-fi, don’t bother with it.
I have not seen the Star Trek movies (shame on me!) so I will use a slightly different and simplified, but otherwise identical approach.
You started a science fiction-based thread and you have not seen Star Trek…movies? What about the series?
My brain just blew up, lol.
We know that the version in tray “A” was actually touched by the hand of da Vinci, and the other one is tray “B” was not. So there IS a difference. But there is no way to determine which one is which. If you would blink for a split of a second, and someone would swap the the two objects, there would be no way to determine, which one was the “original” and which one was the “replica”.
We have identical twins. People can mix them up, but they know the difference. The question of whether they are two different people is extremely relevant
to them.
If you made a copy of a person, would the person and their artificial twin know the difference?
How can you say, one way or the other?
My experience with twins tells me that if there were no discernible difference, the two people would soon create one. These science fiction movies in which people have no self-awareness and no thought of being individuals simply because they all have the same DNA and upbringing are absolute nonsense. That is not the way people are, not if they’re not drugged into oblivion. Clones would merely be twins!
Since the transporter device in star trek is not real, and cannot actually be a real device, the use is purely hypothetical.
There is no such thing as a perfect copy.
This was started as a science fiction thread, with the caveat, “…if you don’t like sci-fi, don’t bother with it.”
This is a Catholic forum, so I will ask this: Who would argue that if humankind became capable of producing the twin of a person who is indistinguishable from the original that the twin would be
a) a “Son of Adam” or a “Daughter of Eve” as C.S. Lewis would have put it, made in the image and likeness of God, a person to whom God would give an individual immortal soul, such that the person would be the exact analogy of a biological identical twin, having all the rights and features of any other human being
b) a copy of a human being, but not a human being and therefore would not have the human rights of a human being
c) none of the above (describe)
What if a humanoid were produced who was a genetically-modified hybrid between a human being and some other organism or organisms? What identity should that being be told they have? Where would such a being fit in the message of the Gospel? Would the being have the rights of a human or the place of a non-human creature or of neither, being the creation not of God but of human beings?
We have to admit that this is not necessarily a question that humankind will never have to answer, since humankind is throwing off moral boundaries.