Hi, Robert!The day that Holy Mother Church explicitly declares that everybody is morally obligated to love every moment of their life in this miserable, corrupt, and materialistic world will be the same day that the world enters the New Age where all religion is abolished and a giant statue of Henry Ford made of solid gold is erected and people are made to bow and pray to it.
I’m obviously being facetious here, and I promise that none of these things will ever come to pass, except perhaps in China. Even Job, the Prophet Elijah, and St Paul did not love their life in this world when they were being afflicted, and God always regarded them to be upright! Do you think that Christ loved His life in this world during His Passion?
…you are compounding the issue…
…that statue and that worshipping that you speak of has already been done and is already being worshipped!
The fact that there are billionaires and millionaires in the world while people are starving to death and the fact that powerful and wealthy governments/agents (as the US, China, Japan…) are bent on exploitation of the masses (forcing the culture of death upon those who are in need of financial and military support) while ignoring the plight of the needy is demonstrative of the evil of the brazen images and the worship of them…
Did the Son of man loved the physical torment of His Passion and Death? No! Yet, He embraced it! He did not hate Life because of the pain and discomfort to which He would be subjected; He actually embraced that moment (episode) because it was the cost of our Salvation!
Can you will the death and destruction in the world to cease? Can you die for those who are dying?
Certainly you cannot bring the cessation the evil/injustice in the world, none of us, individually, can.
But we can die to ourselves (“hate”) for those who are less fortunate and going through worse experiences than ourselves… we can sacrifice our comfort for them… we can sacrifice some financial edge for them… we can Pray for them and for ourselves… we can appeal to others on their behalf… we can support the Church’s aide to specific regions/needy people/nation… we can become active in our part of the world to help bring about awareness and change… or we can just fold unto ourselves and simply “hate” Life, hoping that all will just go away (we may need some ruby slippers to get that done, though)… or we can torment ourselves because evil and injustice is part of our temporal existence.
Maran atha!