I agree. I attend a NO mass in a liberal diocese. Obedience is the answer. The Tridentine mass may have less opportunity for abuse, but the clerics and laity still need to be faithful to the Truth.Let me preface my remarks by saying that I deeply love the depths of our Catholic faith, and I often attend our indult Mass, as well as a local Byzantine Liturgy. That said, I wholeheartedly agree with what is stated above. However, it seems to me that the rebellious will be rebellious no matter what. Even if the Tridentine Mass was still the norm, I don’t think there is anything to suggest that our current crop of rebellious clerics would be any less rebellious. I find it reasonable to assume (unfortunately) that there would be just as many abuses (perhaps different in kind) in the TLM. It is the attitude of these clerics that causes the abuse, not the particular Missal in use.
Anyhow, that’s just my opinion…for whatever its worth.