Who else is sick and tired of people on this board attacking traditionalists?

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Let me preface my remarks by saying that I deeply love the depths of our Catholic faith, and I often attend our indult Mass, as well as a local Byzantine Liturgy. That said, I wholeheartedly agree with what is stated above. However, it seems to me that the rebellious will be rebellious no matter what. Even if the Tridentine Mass was still the norm, I don’t think there is anything to suggest that our current crop of rebellious clerics would be any less rebellious. I find it reasonable to assume (unfortunately) that there would be just as many abuses (perhaps different in kind) in the TLM. It is the attitude of these clerics that causes the abuse, not the particular Missal in use.

Anyhow, that’s just my opinion…for whatever its worth.
I agree. I attend a NO mass in a liberal diocese. Obedience is the answer. The Tridentine mass may have less opportunity for abuse, but the clerics and laity still need to be faithful to the Truth.
Supporting a female to become an altar boy is very detrimental to the Faith. It flips over the believe of an all male and only male priesthood and follows the Protestant “tradition”.
Oh really now katolik… Actually that is very catholic to allow girls to serve. The girls will not go to the priesthood, rather have that time to serve the Lord. Honestly, where you get your information some times…
Oh really now katolik… Actually that is very catholic to allow girls to serve. The girls will not go to the priesthood, rather have that time to serve the Lord. Honestly, where you get your information some times…
It must be Spring Break …the kids are bored. :eek:
Let me preface my remarks by saying that I deeply love the depths of our Catholic faith, and I often attend our indult Mass, as well as a local Byzantine Liturgy. That said, I wholeheartedly agree with what is stated above. However, it seems to me that the rebellious will be rebellious no matter what. Even if the Tridentine Mass was still the norm, I don’t think there is anything to suggest that our current crop of rebellious clerics would be any less rebellious. I find it reasonable to assume (unfortunately) that there would be just as many abuses (perhaps different in kind) in the TLM. It is the attitude of these clerics that causes the abuse, not the particular Missal in use.

Anyhow, that’s just my opinion…for whatever its worth.
** Correct !**
Revolutionaies are revolutionaries. Corrupters are corrupters. If the TLM were set as the universal rite, these same would manage to attack it also.
That’s why I believe God’s Providence put it out of the reach from these infiltrators and a weak accommodating Vatican.
I would be adamantly opposed to a universal TLM or as THE rite in this enviroment.
One of the first things that was “inadvertantly” (Divine Providence) put aside for safe keeping …15 years was the TLM after the VATII tsunami storm was ready to hit the Church in its clergy from top to bottom…
It returned to the Church as soon as there were enough priests totally devoted to its preservation. The SSPX fed the FSSP priests which fed the Church the TLM once again.
And that’s the truth…infallibly of course.
Oh really now katolik… Actually that is very catholic to allow girls to serve. The girls will not go to the priesthood, rather have that time to serve the Lord. Honestly, where you get your information some times…
Please state a document which says “Altar girls are prefered and supposted to be allowed to serve on the altar in any case”,
Even the modern Vatican won’t say something so stupid. Have you ever seen ceremonies with Pope John Paul II in the last couple of years? I have never seen a girl serving him.

The acoliteship is a step to the priesthood. Every priest is ordained an acolyte before his priestly ordination. If everything in this world was perfect there would be no altar boys like you and me, only men who were ordained by the bishop would serve at Mass. Why only men? Becuase only men can be ordained.

Girls serving at the altar is spiritual crossdressing. In the Church some accept it but would people accept you if you put on lipstick and a skirt?
I’m a traditionalist in the sense that I love the Tridentine Mass. In fact, my parish is an indult Tridentine Mass parish staffed by the FSSP. However, I’m not a radical traditionalist – the kind who publicly criticizes the Holy Father for everything under the sun and refuses to give him the benefit of the doubt, blames the Church’s problems on Vatican II itself rather than what dissenters call the “spirit of Vatican II,” thinks the Novus Ordo Mass is in itself a travesty, and refers to Catholics who are merely orthodox as “neo-Catholics.” And yet I’ve come across some Catholics who attend indult Masses but who fit the description of a radical traditionalist. Such attitudes scandalized me so much that I was actually hesitant to make it a habit of attending this Tridentine parish at first (not to say that I’ve really run across any there … at least not yet). Even now I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing by switching to my current parish. I don’t want to point fingers, but those on here who attack Vatican II, the Novus Ordo Mass, orthodox Catholics, the Holy Father, etc. really need to stop and consider the possibility that they might be causing scandal to others.
I have learned to ignore the posts that attack the traditionalists and I am glad for the heads up on some of the posters that do this. I just steer clear of them. I understand that some of the posters try to hit a nerve to get us aggravated. Like the post about the Pope in hell why do people even dignify some of them?
Hello. I think the problem is many people paint traditionalist with the same broad stroke. I go to a SSPX chapel, primarily for the Latin Mass. One of the critisizm’s that many people have with the SSPX - and it isn’t entirely unwarranted - is that we have some that rail against the NO and anything that comes out of the Holy See. However, I find that they represent a minority. I’m lucky in that, in San Antonio - we have a good parish priest - with good parishiners who go to the SSPX out of love for the Latin Mass.
What a joke, you throw out a picture that has floated around the 'net for years as if it proves that this is going on every where.

Maybe this Mass was celebrated at a Circus for the performers? How about we show a Mass for soldiers in combat with them all in combat dress? Or before a football game with them in their uniforms.

The issue here is not against Traditionalists nor conservatives. Of which I am both, and by the way, conservative is a political term and really doesn’t fit, I use orthodox and heterodox.

The issue is against those radical Traditionalist who support schismatic groups, who question the validity of the Mass (usually in a vague manner so they can claim that they don’t), who attack the Church and paint everyone who disagrees with them as a mondernist, who deny Vatican II.

That is who I am against becuase they are not posting the Truth, just what they want the Truth to be.

To tell the truth, I am sick of it but if we do not refute what they post then it looks like they are in the right. I am also sick of all these threads crying about it.
I’m with this guy. 👍
I’m a traditionalist in the sense that I love the Tridentine Mass. In fact, my parish is an indult Tridentine Mass parish staffed by the FSSP. my current parish.
David, Is that parish the one in (or near) Mableton? If so, I will PM you as have questions about it - nothing important, just factual stuff, e.g., how many people in the parish, etc.

God bless,

Anna Elizabeth:
David, Is that parish the one in (or near) Mableton? If so, I will PM you as have questions about it - nothing important, just factual stuff, e.g., how many people in the parish, etc.

God bless,

Yes, that’s the one. 🙂
Oh really now katolik… Actually that is very catholic to allow girls to serve. The girls will not go to the priesthood, rather have that time to serve the Lord. Honestly, where you get your information some times…

You say “it is very Catholic to allow girls to serve”. Then you ask another poster to provide information for his statement. Where is your backup for waht you said. It’s not there. You are grabbing the air.

Podo2004 you ARE VERY WRONG. Girls may only be used as Alter Boys if the Bishop in that Dioscese has given written permission to a individual Church.
  1. There must be Bishop’s written permission.
  2. Girls are prohibited from replacing a boy.
( I have 3 grand daughters and I do not want them to be Alter Boys. It goes against 1900 years of Church Tradition)
This is the picture I was referring to in the previous post…I have seen it a number of times, but it is on another post somewhere on this board…this is a mockery of the Mass. What do you think is more harmful to the Church??? A traditional Catholic who loves the Latin Mass…or a group of progressives that looks like they are mingling Shakespeare with the Circus while they hold mass?http://home.att.net/~fast996/postvat2..jpg
Hi dumspirospero:


Progressives = Liberals = Communists and ALL are enemies of the Church, though some haven’t yet awakened to the fact.
It seems recently all that has been going on are a bunch of self proclaimed progressive and liberal Catholics bashing the more traditional and conservative Catholics on this boards.
Hyperbole noted with the emphasis above.

Have you noticed the what seems to be an increasingly large number of “traditionalists” crawling out the woodwork recently, proclaiming that John Paul II was some shade of heretic who was blithely leading the Church down the garden path to Hell?

I have.

– Mark L. Chance.
Hyperbole noted with the emphasis above.

Have you noticed the what seems to be an increasingly large number of “traditionalists” crawling out the woodwork recently, proclaiming that John Paul II was some shade of heretic who was blithely leading the Church down the garden path to Hell?

I have.
– Mark L. Chance.
"**leading the Church…**to Hell…"
Now That’s Hyperbole.

As for crawlers:
Put **Pope St Pius X in there too…
** Our Apostolic Mandate
August 15, 1910

**"Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are traditionalists. "
**And Again re: Modernists aka innovators disposing tradtion:
 "For, as We have said, they put into operation their designs for her undoing, not from without **but from within**. Hence, **the danger is present** almost **in the very** veins and **heart of the Church**, whose injury is the more certain from the very fact that their knowledge of her is more intimate. Moreover, they lay the ax not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to the faith and its deepest fibers. And once having struck at this root of immortality, they proceed to diffuse poison through the whole tree, so that there is no part of Catholic truth which they leave untouched, none that they do not strive to corrupt. Further, **none is more skillful, none more astute** than they"
Now, who is it that is “within”?
Who’s knowledge is more “intimate”?

and, the real question:
IF they are within, HOW is it not possible that they would never rise to the very top?
Where IS the very HEART of the Church, anyway?
i’m tired of the trashing and bashing of anyone who disagrees or sees things differently than you do…

not Christ like, or Pope JP II like…
I am tired of traditionalist bashing and of traditionalist bashing.
I didn’t vote. I’m tired of ALL the bashing. I’m sick of threads bashing all TLM-goers as “schismatics”, and I’m equally sick of threads claiming that the Novus Ordo is invalid and those who attend it are not really Catholic.

It’s rude, ridiculous, and starting to sound very Protestant with all the infighting. Perhaps we could have a separate board for those who need to start mean-spirited threads against others?
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