Who founded your denomination?????

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How about his tomb in the Vatican Hill, directly below St Peter’s Basilica, for a starter?
Ah, but don’t you know? That’s just a belief, not a “proof.” For the last 2000 years, Catholics have been snookered. Hey–even Constantine was fooled. Granted, the vast majority of people, Catholic or not, have believed it, scholarship has shown it, tradition has maintained it, but no, a few internet cranks deny it so it must be one big mistake.

How about his tomb in the Vatican Hill, directly below St Peter’s Basilica, for a starter? 😃
Anyone can erect a tomb for anyone, but this does not mean that the body of that person lies within that tomb. The tomb could either be empty or have the remains of someone else lying inside it. How can you be so sure that Peter’s remains are lying within that tomb?
aha! half of what you said is true, they erected the Basilica, believing there was a tomb of St Peter’s down below (a maintained tradition).

But don’t you know that recently (well, not *that * recent – Pope Pius XII or XIII, which one was it?) discovered a new subterranean area under the Vatican and ordered an excavation.

And what did they find? not just a tomb, but a huge Necropolis of the dead, at the center of which is a body identified as St. Peter! Funnily enough, the position on the tomb correspond accurately below the memorial on the basilica above! So, there you have it! 👍
Ah, but don’t you know? That’s just a belief, not a “proof.” For the last 2000 years, Catholics have been snookered. Hey–even Constantine was fooled. Granted, the vast majority of people, Catholic or not, have believed it, scholarship has shown it, tradition has maintained it, but no, a few internet cranks deny it so it must be one big mistake.

It is not unprecedented. At one time, most of the people believed that the world was flat. But the crank known as Christopher Columbus thought differently. And guess what? He was right. At one time, most of the people believed that the sun orbited the Earth, but a crank discovered that the Earth actually orbits the sun. This kind of situation has happened throughout history, so why should I be convinced that Peter’s remains lie in the tomb built for him just because most people believe that it’s true. If this is an indisputable fact, I want to see indisputable evidence. Your reasoning will not prove it to me.
I’m curious, Rod, what would be “proof” to you. Honestly, I don’t think anything can be. After all, you just take your religion’s founders claims on faith, so…

Do you have any proof of the War of 1812?

Do have any proof that Napolean existed?

Do you have any proof that Martin Luther ever existed? After all, ANYONE could have written what’s been attributed to him.

Just try to imagine the situation–Jesus Christ has changed Simon’s name to “Rock,” and a name change is significant in and of itself. “Rock” has a heavier meaning. (please forgive me for that). Peter is shown time and again to be the leader of the Apostles. He was the first to convert large numbers of people.

Later, Clement refers to Peter in Rome. So does Paul, if I’m not mistaken. Suddenly a Christian presence explodes in Rome. When Peter is martyred, his body isn’t going to be chucked into a field somewhere for dogs. The early Christians were fanatical about recovering their martyrs. Certainly Peter’s death and burial are significant, and the place of his burial will be remembered.

Later, Constantine builds a cathedral over the spot.

So, if reason doesn’t move you, what proof could there possibly be?
rod of iron:
It is not unprecedented. At one time, most of the people believed that the world was flat. But the crank known as Christopher Columbus thought differently. And guess what? He was right. At one time, most of the people believed that the sun orbited the Earth, but a crank discovered that the Earth actually orbits the sun. This kind of situation has happened throughout history, so why should I be convinced that Peter’s remains lie in the tomb built for him just because most people believe that it’s true. If this is an indisputable fact, I want to see indisputable evidence. Your reasoning will not prove it to me.
you know, we could turn the same demand over the Mormon’s claims that do not have insiputable evidences whatsoever :rolleyes: – likt “the tablet of gold” or what have you… the claim that Am. Indians were Jewish or what have you
you know, we could turn the same demand over the Mormon’s claims that do not have insiputable evidences whatsoever :rolleyes: – likt “the tablet of gold” or what have you… the claim that Am. Indians were Jewish or what have you
What you are missing is that I have never said that there is indisputable proof to back up my claims or the claims of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. On the other hand, the Catholic Encyclopedia boldly states that Peter being in Rome and being buried in Rome is an indisputable fact. When someone claims that something is an indisputable fact, they put themselves on the spot. They must provide indisputable evidence to support their claim or admit that the alleged fact is not indisputable. You could try to turn the tables on me, but it would be a pointless exercise, because I have not claimed anything I believe about the origins of my church to be an indisputable fact.
aha! half of what you said is true, they erected the Basilica, believing there was a tomb of St Peter’s down below (a maintained tradition).

But don’t you know that recently (well, not *that * recent – Pope Pius XII or XIII, which one was it?) discovered a new subterranean area under the Vatican and ordered an excavation.

And what did they find? not just a tomb, but a huge Necropolis of the dead, at the center of which is a body identified as St. Peter! Funnily enough, the position on the tomb correspond accurately below the memorial on the basilica above! So, there you have it! 👍
Really? What made the body identifiable as Peter? How did these men come to the conclusion that the body they found was indeed Peter?
I’m curious, Rod, what would be “proof” to you. Honestly, I don’t think anything can be. After all, you just take your religion’s founders claims on faith, so…
I don’t think anything could be indisputable proof, unless I would have been present when something happened.
Do you have any proof of the War of 1812?
Not indisputable proof. I was not there at the time.
Do have any proof that Napolean existed?
Not indisputable proof. I was not there at the time.
Do you have any proof that Martin Luther ever existed? After all, ANYONE could have written what’s been attributed to him.
Not indisputable proof. I was not there at the time.
Just try to imagine the situation–Jesus Christ has changed Simon’s name to “Rock,” and a name change is significant in and of itself. “Rock” has a heavier meaning. (please forgive me for that).
Simon’s surname was already Peter, which means rock. How was Simon’s name changed to “rock” if his surname already meant “rock”? Also, in that verse you refer to, Jesus never said, “Peter, you are the rock I am going to build my church upon.” The Catholics misinterpret that verse to say what they want it to say.
Peter is shown time and again to be the leader of the Apostles. He was the first to convert large numbers of people.
It has been shown that Peter spoke frequently. This is not proof that he was the leader of the apostles. Being the first to convert large numbers of people is not proof that he was the leader of the apostles either.
Okay, Rod, gotcha. You’re sticking to the word “indisputable.” Fine. It’s a nice dodge, but creates complications in every area of your life in practice. Obviously, especially in the realm of religion, everything is disputable. But it’s odd that you insist on this radical perfectionism when you yourself don’t hold to it. You insist everyone believe you, yet you yourself are saying you can’t prove anything.


Must be tough to pass tests in school when you can’t verify anything due to the obvious handicap of not being able to omnilocate across time and space…
It has been shown that Peter spoke frequently. This is not proof that he was the leader of the apostles. Being the first to convert large numbers of people is not proof that he was the leader of the apostles either.
Sigh. Nice red herring there, but I wasn’t saying that was the only reason he was head of the Apostles, and I think you know that. If you didn’t, then I understand your difficulty even hearing us. You’re not just having a hard time seeing the forest for the trees, you’re denying the trees and telling us to believe in the forest you can only argue exists from your own imagination.

For a more complete checklist of why he “comes first” among them, check out Catholic Answers website and click the Papacy link. There’s a good rundown there.
Not indisputable proof. I was not there at the time.
Not indisputable proof. I was not there at the time.
Speaking of which, if you can’t believe Napolean existed, why Christ? I think I know your answer–“I can’t prove Christ existed, I take it on faith.”

Okay, then you obviously take your late-millenial founders existence on faith, too. So, that makes me answer the question, AGAIN: Why are you here? If you’re here with the naieve hope that you’ll convert Catholics based on your admittedly baseless suggestions, then, hey, way to go. I certainly don’t have that kind of hope or tenacity. But, I suspect that since you’re arguing for something, or arguing against some things, having already admitted that we can’t “know” anything with any certainty, it has more to do with pride. If your whole case is based on “You must accept what I say but can’t prove,” then why persist?

Like I’ve said before, you might overcome some people with rote repitition, but we here believe we CAN know some things. Some with natural reason, some with a bit of faith, but we still believe in things we haven’t verified with our own eyes. If we can’t even agree on a philosophical foundation with which we can communicate, I ask again, why are you here?
Speaking of which, if you can’t believe Napolean existed, why Christ? I think I know your answer–“I can’t prove Christ existed, I take it on faith.”
I never said that I can’t believe Napoleon existed. I said that I cannot indisputably prove that he existed. There’s a big difference. As for Christ, I cannot indisputably prove that He exists, but I can believe He exists. You are confusing the two terms.
Okay, then you obviously take your late-millenial founders existence on faith, too. So, that makes me answer the question, AGAIN: Why are you here? If you’re here with the naieve hope that you’ll convert Catholics based on your admittedly baseless suggestions, then, hey, way to go. I certainly don’t have that kind of hope or tenacity.
Not at all. Perhaps, I have the belief (call it naive if you will) that Catholics, when they realize that there is no basis for many of their beliefs, will search out and find the truth.
But, I suspect that since you’re arguing for something, or arguing against some things, having already admitted that we can’t “know” anything with any certainty, it has more to do with pride.
I didn’t say that. I said that you cannot know something to be indisputably factual unless you are there to witness it. But I must amend that statement to say that you can also know that something is indisputably factual if it has been revealed to you through the power of God, namely by the Holy Spirit. The pride seems to come forth when the Catholic church boldly and proudly boasts that Peter being in Rome and dying there are indisputable facts. If that fact could not be disputed, why am I able to dispute it?
If your whole case is based on “You must accept what I say but can’t prove,” then why persist?
That seems to be the premise of the Catholic church. It claims that Peter being in Rome and dying there are indisputable facts, yet you cannot provide the indisputable evidence that led the church to that conclusion. You are saying, “You must accept what the church teaches even though the church can’t prove it.” I could likewise ask why you persist.
Like I’ve said before, you might overcome some people with rote repetition, but we here believe we CAN know some things.
I never said that things cannot be known. You are putting words into my mouth. If you witness something for yourself, you will indisputably know it. But you can learn about things and know about them without witnessing them. I know that Australia exists, but I do not indisputably know where it is located because I have never been there. I knew that St. Petersburg, Russia, existed, but I did not know indisputably until I spent a week there on a trip I took a decade ago.
Some with natural reason, some with a bit of faith, but we still believe in things we haven’t verified with our own eyes.
But believing something and knowing something are mutually exclusive ways of thinking. Both cannot be true at the same time.
rod of iron:
Simon’s surname was already Peter, which means rock. How was Simon’s name changed to “rock” if his surname already meant “rock”?

Actually Simon’s surname was Bar-Jonah, or “Son of Jonah”

Many years,

rod of iron:
Not at all. Perhaps, I have the belief (call it naive if you will) that Catholics, when they realize that there is no basis for many of their beliefs, will search out and find the truth.
You are correct in that. There are a lot of Catholics seeking the truth. So far there has been more convincing evidence that the Catholic Church is the True Church and Bride of Christ.

What we will find in History is a clear proof of Revelation’s prophecy of many falling away from the True Faith.

To get to the Truth, please answer concretely the following.
  1. Would you agree that the Bible is a basis for the Truth and that the Bible speaks Truth and can not be False?
If yes, then we can proceed. If not then, we do not have a common ground to answer the question of the thread. No need to read below.
  1. Can it be shown that the Catholic Church is following the teachings of Christ?
Yes is my answer. - Proof: We can trace back the Church doctrines year after year, from today back to Christ’s time. We have the Early Church Fathers’ writings to fall back on.

If you agree, then all other groups are just off-shoots of this Real Church.

If you answer NO: What is the proof that the Catholic Church has diverged from the original teachings of Christ?
  1. If you believe, that the Church has apostasized what happens to what Christ foretold? “The gate of Hell shall not prevail” Doesn’t that make Christ a liar and the Bible untruthful. Which goes back to question number one.
Your brother in search of Truth

There is only one church :tsktsk: that Jesus founded and instituted, there is only one church that Jesus and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to on the day of Pentecost, there is only one church that Jesus said would not fail, even against the forces of Hell, and any other church aside from this one would fall under the title of “apostate” and “false prophet”.

This one church is the Catholic Church, the only genuine, 100% Catholic, Holy, and apostolic. I have seen more than enough evidence just in this threat alone that proves that. 👍 If you want to find the Truth, look for consistency in teaching the doctrine since the times of the apostles. This clearly points to a single source for all Christian teaching: The Catholic Church. :bible1:


There is only one church :tsktsk: that Jesus founded and instituted, there is only one church that Jesus and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to on the day of Pentecost, there is only one church that Jesus said would not fail, even against the forces of Hell, and any other church aside from this one would fall under the title of “apostate” and “false prophet”.

This one church is the Catholic Church, the only genuine, 100% Catholic, Holy, and apostolic. I have seen more than enough evidence just in this threat alone that proves that. 👍 If you want to find the Truth, look for consistency in teaching the doctrine since the times of the apostles. This clearly points to a single source for all Christian teaching: The Catholic Church. :bible1: .

Im a non denominational Christian. Jesus founded my church.
My church is part of the body of Christ, it is part of the Church that Jesus founded.

While your church may be part of the body of Christ, it was not founded by Jesus. Jesus while walking and talking with us on this earth, founded only one church. That church Biblically and Historically is the Catholic Church. No matter how much you want to believe Christ founded your church, He did not. Your church was founded by a man who teaches a small portion of Christ words. The fullness of the truth can only be found in the Church Christ founded, the Catholic Church.

God Bless

While your church may be part of the body of Christ, it was not founded by Jesus. Jesus while walking and talking with us on this earth, founded only one church. That church Biblically and Historically is the Catholic Church. No matter how much you want to believe Christ founded your church, He did not. Your church was founded by a man who teaches a small portion of Christ words. The fullness of the truth can only be found in the Church Christ founded, the Catholic Church.

God Bless
Sure Jesus founded my church. By you saying He did not does not make it so.

Please show me when this event took place (i.e. that Jesus founded the nondenominational church you attend). Could you elaborate on the circumstances, period in History, etc., etc.? 👍

Thank you,

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