Who founded your denomination?????

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Sorry it took so long to respond:

FIRST POINT: The Catholic Church teaches that God is the author of scripture. But it’s possible to think of it in the following:
-The Primary Author which is the Holy Spirit (HS)

-The Secondary authors which are the human beings which were the material authors.

The HS “moved” the secondary authors while mysteriously using their own faculties. Here the quote from CCC 106: God inspired the human authors of the sacred books. “To compose the sacred books, God chose certain men who, all the while he employed them in this task, made full use of their own faculties and powers so that, though he acted in them and by them, it was as true authors that they consigned to writing whatever he wanted written, and no more.”

What this means is that whatever is in the bible is not spurious or irrelevant. Every event has its reason. And so if Peter is mentioned, it’s not because the HS needed any human to make an example, he needed Peter for that example. Nothing in the bible is by accident and so we can’t write anyone thing/event as filler or something that just happened to happen. You know what I mean

SECOND POINT: I listed all this Peter Trivia and you keep saying (basically) “So what.” The thing you must keep in mind is that I could (as a fellow american) look those same texts and say “So what.” But doing that would do violence to the text. I must look at those texts as a jew or at a minimum think of them from a jewish point of view.

To an american, getting a set of keys doesn’t mean much. The closest thing we have to that is getting a “key to the city”. (They probably got this concept from the bible). But even then, as an american, if I received a “key to the city” from the mayor, I’d probably get a picture in the local newspaper, feel good for about a day, hang it on my I-love-me wall, and forget about it. Life goes on.

But if a jew gets a set of keys, that’s a whole different story. That’s because it’s framed in jewish culture. That’s HUGE to a jew. To a jew, you are the man! You make all the decisions when the giver-of-keys is out of town (which is why I quoted what Jesus was quoting: Isa 22) You are the steward. You are the prime minister (if a cabinet was involved). You call the shots when the King is incommunicado.

Now if you don’t believe this, you can ask any biblical scholar or look in any biblcial commentary. All this Peter trivia is not just another event or even a mildly significant events. Being listed first matters to a jew. I know you’re going to not like what I’m going to say here but, “It just does!” We are talking about jewish values here. If they value it, they value it.

Rod, what I’m saying here is that you need to switch modes and think like a jew. Saying “so what” to what a jew thinks is important is emptying the scriptures of their context and meaning.

Compared to the Catholic Church, the Church of Christ is a joke. WEve been around for 2000 years, but the Church of Christ is a splinter group from other PRotestant denominations.
I believe that the eternal church, namely the Church of the Firstborn, has not ceased to exist and still survives. But I do not believe that the Catholic church is the continuation of the church that Christ founded. The Catholic church drove the true church into the wilderness, and transplanted it.
Where do we find this Church of the Firstborn? Can you prove this in Scripture and the writings of early Christians if indeed they say the term? Or maybe you or somebody else invented this term. Who coined that term, and where did he get that term?

If I am a hardhead because I want you to show me how these 30 things show prominence, and in turn, primacy, then so be it. But I am hoping that you will stop falling short in your effort to show me what you claim.
Can I interpret this for you as admitting you’re a hardhead? Maybe you need some cooling off, or maybe “melting down”, since you’ve been bombarded by explanations and your head seemed hard that those explanation doesn’t seem to penetrate.

Humility is key to understanding, Rod. You can’t see Christ’s head if your head is higher than his. Go to a place which is quite, and recollect all these verses that was shown to you. If you’re honest enough, God is faithful to show the way to you. He will not disappoint you.

I am American but I also have German heritage. I am a Minnesotan but I once lived in South Dakota. Countries and boundaries are a man made thing and only visible if you look at a map or representation of the world drawn by man. We name things Germany and South Dakota because we as humans would be confused if we did not categorize things. Germany, South Dakota, China, and Mesopotamia are all from the singular body of Earth.

Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican, Catholic,… - we are all from the singular body of the church catholic created by Jesus. Just as Germans, Chinese, Lebanese… are all from the planet Earth created by God.
(Wrong! Christ founded the Catholic Church, not man! And also there are boundries for our protection and the protection of truth…If Christ is Truth, then so must his body be…and Truth cannot contradict itself! (Baptist, don’t have the same beliefs as Lutherans; nor do the Seventh Day Adventists have the same beliefs as Episcopelians; nor the Calvinists with Methodists; they don’t even come close to agreeing on core beliefs, (who say what are beliefs anyway?) such as the regeneration of baptism, the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, sin and salvation, etc etc etc…
If it didn’t matter what we did, so long as we believe in Christ that we going to Heaven, (what does it mean to ‘believe?’) then why did so many martyrs freely go to a horrible gruesome death? (And a million other “why’s” as well.) There is ONLY ONE Truth, just as it has ALWAYS been and just as it ALWAYS will be!
Christ established a Church, (He died for His Church) and he said that there would come people professing ‘false truths’ that would come to pull people from The Truth, but He also said that the powers of Hell would never prevail against it - and that is why Jesus gave Peter the Keys to Heaven - to bind and loose things on the earth AND in Heaven (Matt 16:18), to keep the Church in Truth, (Protestants protest the Catholic Church, which is the One True Church that Christ established - hence the name Protestant - and Protestants, as such, are fulfilling Scripture as well…remember? “Other will come professing to have the truth, but will have false truths…”)…the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and as such, the Church will suffer and be persecuted just as Christ was (we follow in His footsteps), until the Final Passover.
As it was, it shall be…One, Holy, and Apostalic Church!
God bless.
The Mother Church of all the churches in the West today is the Catholic Church. All our protestant Churches follow on the heels of Martin Luther, who was a Catholic priest before he became a protestant. It still startles protestants today to hear that at one time all Frenchmen, Englishmen, Germans, Italians, Dutch, Scandinavians, etc. were at one time Catholic. From this they have to wonder how all their separate religions got started. Did Christ’s Church cease to exist for a thousand years and then resurface under a thousand different flags, all of them united by one mere gesture … thumbing their nose at the Successor of Peter?
Hey! I just read this. What book is this from?
Um . . . what the heck!?:confused:

Where did these last four spurious posts come from? I thought we were talking about the primacy of Peter.

OK folks, show is over, nothing to see here.

I love you, and good night.

God Bless America!

There is only one church :tsktsk: that Jesus founded and instituted, there is only one church that Jesus and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to on the day of Pentecost, there is only one church that Jesus said would not fail, even against the forces of Hell, and any other church aside from this one would fall under the title of “apostate” and “false prophet”.

This one church is the Catholic Church, the only genuine, 100% Catholic, Holy, and apostolic. I have seen more than enough evidence just in this threat alone that proves that. 👍 If you want to find the Truth, look for consistency in teaching the doctrine since the times of the apostles. This clearly points to a single source for all Christian teaching: The Catholic Church. :bible1:

The Church of Christ includes catholics, orthodox and protestants—all those who are the Body of Christ are His Church.
Compared to the Catholic Church, the Church of Christ is a joke. WEve been around for 2000 years, but the Church of Christ is a splinter group from other PRotestant denominations.
Both are Christs Church.
E.E.N.S. said:
(Wrong! Christ founded the Catholic Church, not man! And also there are boundries for our protection and the protection of truth…If Christ is Truth, then so must his body be…and Truth cannot contradict itself! (Baptist, don’t have the same beliefs as Lutherans; nor do the Seventh Day Adventists have the same beliefs as Episcopelians; nor the Calvinists with Methodists; they don’t even come close to agreeing on core beliefs, (who say what are beliefs anyway?) such as the regeneration of baptism, the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, sin and salvation, etc etc etc…
If it didn’t matter what we did, so long as we believe in Christ that we going to Heaven, (what does it mean to ‘believe?’) then why did so many martyrs freely go to a horrible gruesome death? (And a million other “why’s” as well.) There is ONLY ONE Truth, just as it has ALWAYS been and just as it ALWAYS will be!
Christ established a Church, (He died for His Church) and he said that there would come people professing ‘false truths’ that would come to pull people from The Truth, but He also said that the powers of Hell would never prevail against it - and that is why Jesus gave Peter the Keys to Heaven - to bind and loose things on the earth AND in Heaven (Matt 16:18), to keep the Church in Truth, (Protestants protest the Catholic Church, which is the One True Church that Christ established - hence the name Protestant - and Protestants, as such, are fulfilling Scripture as well…remember? “Other will come professing to have the truth, but will have false truths…”)…the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and as such, the Church will suffer and be persecuted just as Christ was (we follow in His footsteps), until the Final Passover.
As it was, it shall be…One, Holy, and Apostalic Church!
God bless.

Christ founded His Church. A holy universal Church. His concern is that we love Him and each other. If your love of the RCC interfers with your love for Protestant brethern who are part of the Body of Christ then you are in conflict with Gods hope for you.
You’ve proven nothing. None of your quotes from the Bible show anyone praying to Mary or anyone teaching that you should pray to Mary. Your quote from Revelation contains the phrase, “prayer of saints”. Every time that the word “saints” is used in the Bible, it is speaking of those Christians yet alive on Earth. Who are these Christians praying to? The Lamb of God. Nowhere in that verse is Mary mentioned or that you should pray to Mary. That verse is not relevant to what you are trying to prove.
I did not read this whole thread, so let me start out by saying that your attitude of wanting a matter of faith to be “proven” to you is somewhat abrasive. In addition, you seem to have already made up your mind what you believe,a nd are not really open to understanding at all why Catholics pray to Mary. However, in the off chance I am wrong, I offer the following:

This verse is also not relevant to what you are trying to prove.
Again there is this notion that matters of faith can be somehow “proven”. It also seems that you are seeking and accept only bible verses for “proof”. This seems to indicate a sola scriptura approach to faith, which is not Catholic. Do you expect a teaching of the Catholic Church to make sense to you when you are not able to make use of Catholic teaching?
As for your third quote from Luke, this verse does not tell you to pray to Mary. In this verse, Mary is still alive. How is this relevant to your argument that praying to Mary is scripturally sound? It is not. You have not shown me one iota of evidence in the Bible to even suggest that you should pray to Mary.
I don’t think there is any evidence that could make a suggestion like that to you, since you reject the Tradition. It is odd, though, that you probably pray the scriptures yourself daily, and cannot say “Hail Mary, full of grace” just like you can probably say “By Grace I am saved through faith”.
I understand where you get your prayer from, but there is no mention that this is a prayer. There is also no mention that anyone should say this alleged prayer to speak to Mary after she died.
The only response I can give you to this is that of Jesus. Matt 22:29-33

29 But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. …have you not read what was said to you by God, 32’I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not God of the dead, but of the living.”

Those in Christ, such as Mary,who have preceeded us into heaven “all live to him.” Luke 20:38

You speak as a person who does not have anyone in your life whose prayer life is admirable, to whom you would go for intercession. That is all we do, when we go to Mary, “pray for us, Holy Mother of God” we say. Just like I might ask my mother still here on earth, though she may not have attained such holiness!
As I have alreadly said, you have proven nothing. If this is your best proof for praying to Mary, then I must conclude that the doctrine of praying to Mary is completely unbiblical.
I think you concluded that in advance, didn’t you? 😉
Sounds like a churchachryter to me. Well, I walked that for 17 years. They are the only “PROTESTANTS!!!” that ever stumped me. I married the daughter of an ELDER (aka Bishop). Her 2 oldest brothers are “Preachers”, and don’t you dare call them clergy. Her other 3 sisters are married to Deacons and some of them will become Elders one day.


  1. Baptism IS NECESSARY for Salvation
  2. Bible Only
  3. Works Matter
  4. Congregationaly Independent
  5. Reject ALL denominations (Catholic is a Denomination in their book)
  6. They are the “ONE TRUE CHURCH” established on 33 AD on the day of Pentacost.
  7. Five steps to salvation - Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, & Be Baptize
  8. Five Acts of Worship - Pray, Sing, Lord’s Supper, Giving, Preaching
  9. A Ca Pella - Absolutely NO INSTRUMENTS!
  10. Having a Kitchen in the church building is not allowed - usually
  11. Let’s not forget the Sacred Selections (Song Book)
  13. A woman is NOT to usurp the authority of a man - EVER!!!
  14. Women are not allowed to do anything in worship.
  15. The Man is the Head of the House.
  16. Falactories are Wide Borders (You’d laugh you head off on this one)
  17. There is NO SALVATION OUTSIDE THE CHURCH! Their church, remember is was established on 33 A.D. by Jesus.
You might as well put the gun to your head and pull the trigger, because you’re not going to get them to read anything about God other than the New Testament. The Old no longer applies to us. But they’ll know Old Testament too in some cases.

Need I say more? You stepped in the Twilight Zone. (Background Music starts).

God Help us all. I wanted to be a PREACHER. But my wife refused to let me. What a story that would have made on Journey Home. Well we still have a story that is really cool. It involves miracles and strange things happening in our lives. I’m happy to be HOME again. I love Pa Pa. I love the Church. I love the Blessed Mother. I love Jesus.

I was so crazy about my wife and facinated with the “new testament Church” concept. It’s an Early Church Restoration Movement. However, I thought they were still looking for ways to improve upon restoring the early Church to its original splendor. Boy was I wrong. I discovered that they had already done so - to long to get into. Many of their beliefs parallel the Catholic Church. Even the name “Church of Christ”.

We started church hopping after 3 years of marriage. But my sweet wife became snapping bitter and much less happy over the years. Then I discovered that she was absolutely sabataging our experience with all the congregations. I accused her of it and she denied it. But I promised her father and mother that I’d keep her faithful to the Church (Stone-Campbell movement). But when I caught her on an ex-churchofchrist website on our 17th year of marriage, I knew keeping her in the Church of Christ was over, but I knew good and well that she’d never believe in all that Catholic rhetoric. Guess what. The most happy of the ex-churchofchrist Christians were Catholic. How in the Hell could a Church of Christer believe in Catholic stuff. I attacked the online Catholics with all their heresy. And they put me in my place so fast that I ended up apologizing. However, I still didn’t see how. Until I started reading the Early Church Father, the didache, and all the stuff I learned growing up came back to me. There was a point of no return. Once day I went in to beat up a priest -verbally of course for all the stuff that happened to me when I was Catholic. He took it graciously. However I didn’t actually go to confession thinking that I was damned to hell for defecting 17 years prior. I was begging on what to do and ended up going to confession anyway out of despiration. He absolved me (i.e. Christ through the priest whom we call our spiritual father like Paul refers to himself and Moses in the Bible). Crack the bible on their heads. They’re blackliners and highlighters. They do not effectively deal with John 6 and many other passages. They are nuts or extreme extremist.

Google ex-church and be introduced to a whole new world of suffering. Families cutting of children for becoming Catholic. They’d rather you not join any Christian Religion so that there is hope for you to be saved.
OK, I posted this question on another forum I belong to, a Protestant Forum, and I got no responses . Not at all what I expected? If there are any Protestants here, why do you think no one is posting on a question like this?


Denominations are not important. Only the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is important. We believe that we belong to that Church just as you do. In the case of Anglicans, our separate existence from Rome is not the key factor in our identity. We are more likely to trace our origins to St. Augustine of Canterbury in the late sixth century.

And please don’t start the Henry VIII business. For one thing, his schism was healed under Mary and only reopened under Elizabeth.

The Papists. Causing the great reformer Martin Luther to bring us back to a , to an orthodox understanding of the word.🙂
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