Who here likes video games? Anyone?

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I know this, having spent years on what the British and American armed forces call ‘hearts and minds’ campaigning.

To bond with the people on the ground and show them that they matter. A common element of humanity.

I have lived through more Brutality and war than most can imagine. I’m not asking for pity, it’s to highlight that my experience is of truly awful places.

And in the midst of that; games brought light, where there hadn’t been any for a long, long time! Hard to believe that I played Halo on Xbox in Baghdad only months after Saddam fell!
If only you had more “real life” experience, like Monte. Then you’d know that video games are a silly waste of time.

But really, no sympathy for a British soldier. You guys got to drink, after all. 😁
I don’t know anything about video games, but do things like PS Vita and DS count as video games? My nephew plays these.
I don’t know if anyone here is big on the original Shadow of the Colossus, but the PS4 remake looks amazing. I’m not one who cares about things like framerate, but even I admit the framerate on the PS2 was terrible (because it was pushing the hardware to its absolute limit).

Anyway the makers have so far added two easter eggs to the game:
1. There is a cave which contains one of the glowing barrels from The Last Guardian.
2. There is a collectible that when you get all of them an opening in the main shrine where you get The Sword of Dormin.

I was hoping they would someone add an extra colossus or two, but so far nothing like that has been found.
Video games are the modern equivalent of “reel life”.

Deliberate self-deception.

And even worse … believing that the self-deception is reality.
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I don’t think anyone believes video games are reality. We have found ways to take breaks from “reality” as long as we have been human. There’s nothing inherently worse about video games than other leisure activities, unless one subscribes to the philosophy that every single activity out there has to have some purpose beyond simple enjoyment.

Sometimes reality is really depressing, and it’s nice to have a few hours away from that to recharge.
We’ve all come across parents who would rather “hand their children over” to technology instead of facing the responsibility of disciplining them and showing them the proper way of how things are done.

More and more children are sitting with their heads buried in their smartphones or iPads, playing violent video games, or enrolled in the “virtual” world, rather than socializing with their peers and engaging in real live interactions.

As a result, there is a new generation of spoiled kids who are trapped in their own fantasy and think that the whole world is spinning around them. In the past children were taught to respect and to have discipline our modern system continually fails them in this aspect, and that is why we are faced with such terrifying effects.
Video games are the modern equivalent of “reel life”.

Deliberate self-deception.

And even worse … believing that the self-deception is reality.
You keep alluding to people who are dangerously obsessed with video games and play them for hours and hours on end, and pointing out that it’s a bad thing to live your life in front of a screen.

No one here disagrees. Most of the people here, hopefully, play video games occasionally as a hobby. No one is advocating building your life around video games.

I’m just not sure who or what you’re responding to.
I just finished beating Tom Clancy’s Wildlands. That was a fun game.
Yeah, the upcoming generation has been spoiled rotten as long as there’s been an upcoming generation. The next generation has had no respect for their elders and been undisciplined for millennia.

You’ll also note that most of us posting here who play aren’t kids. It’s not just a “thing kids these days” do anymore, unless you’re talking about “kids” who are old enough to have their own families (and play with their own children too).
Weirdly I never really got into Minecraft. I always loved building toys as a kid and am still rather find of Lego even now, and I at least used to be pretty creative when it comes to that sort of thing, but for some reason the interface in games like Minecraft always felt cumbersome to me, so I could never get anywhere and would just give up. >_> I suppose it just takes some getting used to, what with the incredible creations some players manage.

It is one of those things that’s a lot of fun with friends I’ll grant, although my friends who used to play seem to have moved on. 😦
I tended to avoid games that require some sort of regular subscription myself. Those can add up pretty quickly. Gaming’s like a of things - you can get much more mileage for your dollar if you don’t need the latest and greatest always. There’s a lot of sources out there that will sell you older games quite cheaply. Humble Bundle’s one of my favorites; games are cheap and a portion goes to charity (you can select the charities - several chapters of Catholic Charities and St. Vincent de Paul are options).
I just bought it a few weeks ago. I just do not have the time to play it though.
I did play NHL hockey on the Playstation 4 recently and enjoyed it, although I basically have no idea what I’m doing.
Picked up the new Civ expansion recently. I have been getting lost in that game. Nice way to spend my little staycation.
Been a gamer for a long while. First system was the Sega Genesis and I’ve bounced around since then a bit.

Currently, I have an Xbox One; I play a lot of Fallout 4 and Skyrim, and recently have given Mass Effect: Andromeda a try after loving the original trilogy.

I’m also currently playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and I’d forgotten how much fun it is.
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