This Jack Chick business is all so sad. Back in my youthful days I used to distribute some of this material, and I had myself convinced that I was really doing God’s work.
After becoming Catholic in 1995 I had an experience that sort of did penance for my earlier misguided efforts to ruin the Catholic Church with Chick literature. I went into a local gift and Bible shop (very evangelical protestant, but open minded enough to stock some rosaries, medals, and Catholic Bibles for their Catholic customers) where I found the infamous Alberto Rivera comics on the shelf. I told the manager that as one of his Catholic customers I felt he had a fine store, but the stocking of literature like this was highly offensive to me and to his other Catholic customers. I gave him a copy of an article which appeared in the March 1983 issue of Christianity Today which exposed Rivera as a fraud.
The manager thanked me and promptly pulled all the grossly anti-Catholic Chick tracts from his shelves, though he did retain the other Chick material. My hope is that someday he’ll go all the way and have done with all this toxic material.
In Christ’s peace,