Basically my whole family (mother, siblings). The irony is that I drifted from the church at a relatively young age–I was the only sibling who refused to get confirmed–because I had serious doubts about my faith. Meanwhile, I have come back to the Church and my whole family has left.
What bothers me the most, and here I am probably rather judgemental, is the lame reasons they left the Church. My brother basically has become areligious/agnostic/atheistic–believe it or not, this offends me the least because he has at least rejected theism altogther; this is more or less a consistent philosophical position, though one that I reject.
But the other members of my family–my sister and my mother (who converted to Catholicism and encouraged our faith when we were children, sent us to Catholic school!) now attend an Episcopal church, basically because the priest is “nice” and its convenient. Also my sister is still mad because a priest once would not accommodate her when my niece’s swim class conflicted with first communion classes. Again, convenience. I am horrified that my family would reject their faith (and our heritage, as my father was a staunch Italian Catholic) for convenience as opposed to a well-thought theological or philosophical reason.
Another sister is married to a nominal Catholic whose family has become Baptist because that is what religion of his boss and many of the local business leaders. Great, choosing your religion for business reasons.
Finally, my last sister comes up with all sort of “problems with the church,” like thet fact that there is not day care during mass or that the mass conflicts with soccer camp. Now, first of all, if there are such conflicts these are on the parish level, not matters of the Church as a whole. More importantly, she basically blames the Church for fitting itself around her soccer-mom priorities.
It’s absolutely maddening.